Chapter 27: School festival

Chapter 27: School festival

(Ryoto's pov)

I woke up from a nightmare once more. That bad feeling that wasn't leaving me continues to exist, but I'm starting to understand why I keep getting these nightmares.

I'm scared that all I'm experiencing is not real, just part of my dream, and that one day I'll wake up in my old bed. It's a scary thought. I don't want to lose everything I have now. It's almost everything I've dreamed about. Still, even when I'm happy in the back of my head, I keep telling myself that soon, something terrible will happen because every time something good happens to you, something bad will overshadow whatever good occurred before.

I don't want to think way, but that's just who I am/was. It's strange in a way, my negative emotions are filtered out, even fear, but I can feel them if they are strong enough, but my fear of losing this life is a little different. I tried to push it as deep as I could, but no matter how deep it is pushed, it still is there, and it showed in the form of nightmares. I would like to talk with a therapist about I don't know how it would go.

'Hey Karen, can you introduce me to some of your therapists.'

Karen: "Sorry but no can do but... wait it could work... how about..." nove(l)bi(n.)com

She started mumbling something for some time

Karen: "Okay, so basically, you have some problems that need fixing, and it's connected to these nightmares you're having. Did I get it right?"

'Yeah, basically that.'

Karen: "You're in luck then, but you'll need to wait until after Christmas."

'Wait, really!?'

Karen: "Yeah, I think I know who can help you. He's great with kids."

'Coming it from you, it doesn't sound like a good thing, but I'll trust you this one time. Thank you.'

Karen: "..."

'Why did you go quiet all of a sudden?'

Karen: "It's the first time someone thanked me."

I wonder why but I honestly didn't expect Karen to help me. Maybe it's the start of a beautiful friendship.

Karen: "Now, if you excuse me, I've got people to blackmail."



The School festival starts today, and all the waitresses girls have already changed their clothes. I took the role of the leader to make sure that this cafe would be a success and everyone have fun.

After some time, Saki, together with Rin and Aya, came to our class in full-body latex costumes. She intended to challenge Lala, but as soon as she saw me, she became a customer instead. She bought a lot of things from the menu, and with a snap of the finger, many people came in and ate whatever she ordered. She contributed significantly to the success of my class cafe.

Rin: "Saki-sama, what about challenging Lala?"

Saki: "What about it~?"

Saki was in her own world looked at me working. She didn't even hear the question and answered it automatically.

Rin: "..."

The silence woke her up.

Saki: "Ah, the plan. It's not important anymore. I got something even better than winning today's challenge."

Rin: "And what is it?"

Saki: "I don't know, but I feel fulfilled."

Saki said with a smile while her eyes kept following me. Seeing this, Rin had a frown on her face. Saying that she wasn't a fan of me was an understatement. After our short confrontation, her guard was always up around me. She observed every move I made so she would be ready to act at any moment. Aya, like usual, watched the unfolding situation.

The principal also came by, but he hit his head against a wall and walked away with a bloodied forehead while mumbling about needing more training. I also got many requests about recreating scenes from shoujo manga, making even more money. Even Ryouko came by to see how the cafe was doing, and she smiled teasingly at me, seeing me in the costume.

The following days were similar but on a larger scale as the word speeded, getting us more customers. Seeing how popular I was on the first day, other boys wanted to work as well, but they, unfortunately, couldn't recreate my success, so I needed to work more.

In the end, the cafe was a big success, and most of the class had a great time. Some boys were salty that they couldn't get girls to look their way, but they still had fun cosplaying.




Reward: 100 SP, water and fire bending (need to practice to master)


After I completed the quest, Rito, Lala, and I returned home. I watered a rare plant that we named Celine, ate dinner with family, took a bath together with Lala and Mikan, and went to sleep while cuddling Lala awaiting for the next day.



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