Chapter 84: Akira Takaoka

(Ryoto's pov)

A fat-looking man approached us with sweets. My mum warned me about people like this, but I didn't know that I would meet one of these people. All the sweets were pretty expensive and acted friendly to everyone. Although he looked fat, I could see muscles that were hidden under his clothes.

Rio: "What do you think, Ryoto?"

Ryoto: "About?"

Rio: "The new teacher, obviously."

Ryoto: "I don't like him."

Rio: "Yeah, me neither. Something about him feels off, but I can't pinpoint what."

Kaede: "Yeah, he feels like a liar."

After introducing our new PE teacher, we had a math lesson with Koro-sensei, and nothing unusual happened. Our second PE lesson, which would be our first class with Takaoka, would start after math.

We gathered outside, and Takaoka tried to motivate us for training, but nothing he said would have any effect as when he gave us our new school schedule, everyone couldn't believe it. 90% of all classes would be PE, and school would continue from 08:00 to 21:00. What's worse principal approved of this. Of course, he would. I, of course, was lying under my new favorite tree. I named it Susy.

It's also worth noting that I sent Lala on some errands. Not because I'm worried that she will get hurt because I know Takaoka wouldn't be able to do it, but I don't want her to witness the bad side of humanity just yet. Follow current novels at

Karen: "Are you talking about Takaoka or yourself?"

I didn't answer her because she probably already knew the answer to this question.

As I was observing the situation while looking relaxed, Takaoka was still talking.

Akira: "If we follow this curriculum, your abilities will grow by leaps and bounds. So without any further delays..."

Hiroto: "Just a...! Hold on a second! This schedule is impossible!!!"

Akira: "Huh?"

Hiroto: "And there's no time for us to have fun either!!! THERE'S NO WAY WE CAN DO THIS!!!"

Hiroto didn't say anything more because his stomach was hit by a knee, and it was Takaoka who did this. He did this while smiling.

Akira: "It's 'we will', not 'we can't'. I told you, right? That is our 'family'. I am the 'father'. Is there... a single-family in this world where father's orders aren't absolute?"

Ryoto: "Yes, when a father is not only an asshole but also a jackass and an idiot."

Takaoka took out a real military knife from the bag.

He then dropped a knife in front of Karasuma and slowly showed his true colors. He was taunting Karasuma with every spoken word.

Karasuma hesitated for a moment before he took out a knife that Takaoka dropped on the ground. He walked up to me with a knife.

Tadaomi: "To be honest, I don't know if I'm making the right decision. I know that giving you this knife would make me win this bet and save all of your classmates from him, but you are an unknown to me. Sometimes you are mysterious, and I can't see through you, and other times, you act like an open book. To be honest, I think there's a 50% chance that you are messing with me and 50% that you are trying to accomplish here something other than killing the octopus.

All the things that you 'confessed' to us are not believable, but I'm starting to think there is more to see to your story. After all, your fianc exists, so what else could be true.

Yuuki-kun, make a bet with me. I'm betting that you'll win against Takaoka."

Ryoto: "Karasuma-sensei... It's not betting when your win rate is 100%. It's just investing, but..."

I took the knife from his hand.

Ryoto: "I'll accept this bet."

I had a smile on my face and ambled to Takaoka.

Akira: "Well, well, you chose the laziest out of bunc-"

He stopped talking as he felt an intense pressure directed at him.


With just one step, the pressure increased. My guard was down, and the knife wasn't even directed at Takaoka, but he probably felt that he could die if he made a wrong move. I directed my Haoshoku Haki to Takaoka and only him.

*Step* *Step* *Step*

Right now, I was standing in front, almost unconscious Takaoka. I looked him in the eyes and showed him someone special, and as a payment for getting him a 'date', I started testing some things with my powers.

Illusions are essentially changing the perception of someone else. My eyes work on vision and anything related to it, but what if I take it further. What if I could change my target perception of time, making my illusions seem longer than they actually are? I would need to be stationary and extremely focused to do it, so I wouldn't be able to use it in a fight, but that's why I'm testing it right now.

I was staring at Takaoka for a whole minute, and I was starting to worry my classmates and teachers. However, it was 30 minutes for me as I experienced the same time dilation as Takaoka. My eyes began heating up, so I stopped.

I touched now unconscious Takaoka with a knife, and that's how I won.



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