Chapter 109: Wise older brother

Chapter 109: Wise older brother

(Alme's pov)

I wanted to visit my brother and meet the famous Ryoto who helped him so much, and I did that, but I also got myself a fiance. I wasn't expecting that, but I'm not complaining. From my fight with Ryoto, I know that he is a skilled warrior and his fist told me that he was honorable as well but what really caught my attention was his aura.

Yes, I can see the aura of people around me. My eyes allow me to do that. It's not the only thing they can do, but let's focus on that.

Thanks to that, I can somehow accurately know what kind of person is in front of me.

For example, a pink aura can represent love, inner peace, or approachability. White is usually present only in newborn babies as it represents purity or innocence, and so on and so forth. This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

Color is, of course, not the only indicator of a person's characteristics. There is also the shape and movement of the aura.

Ryoto's aura was like nothing I've seen before.

First of all, it had two colors at the same time, which I've never seen before. I've witnessed aura changing its color, but it always ends with just one color.

Second of all, his aura is constantly changing. It's like it's fighting with itself. One-color tries to devour the other and vice versa.

Third of all, his aura is two times bigger than other humans I've seen so far.

Fourth and last of all, he used his aura to defend himself against my attacks.

What I wanted to do was evaluate Ryoto's character as during the fight person shows his true self.

I didn't expect to be proposed to in the end, though, even if he announced it beforehand. What's more, he also challenged me for the alpha spot.

I would not mind marrying him but giving him an alpha spot is another story.

I admit he is stronger than me, but I also have tricks up my sleeves. Ryoto said something about having tricks of his own like a string-thingy.

I can't wait to fight him again. It was so fun! But Ryoto, I will be the one on top in this relationship, and I'll teach you that.

I licked my lips in anticipation.

(Ryoto's pov)

Before I went home, Mikado wanted to observe how my blood behaved inside my body using an x-ray kind of machine, and she was surprised once again to see that everything looked ordinary.

Nothing was out of place, and it looked like regular blood from every angle.

She wanted to test put one more thing. Mikado injected me with something, and I just waited for the result.

Ryoto: "What did you inject me with?"

Ryokou: "Nothing dangerous, just some weak poison."

I turned quickly to Oshizu to see if she knew, but she didn't even look fazed.

Ryoto: "So why did you do it?"

Ryokou: "I suspect that your blood will 'kill' everything not being part of your body, and I was right. The poison disintegrates from your bloodstream seconds after it got into contact with your blood!"

He nodded, and I rubbed my chin to look wiser.

Ryoto: "It's a difficult question. I myself don't believe in fate, but maybe I'm just breaking it without realization."

Karen: "You literally stole Rito's fate to be a harem king! You don't have any right to say something like that!!!"

I ignored Karen's screaming and continued sharing my wisdom.

Ryoto: "Even if there was destiny, I would try to smash it to pieces."

Karen: "You already did!!! Just not yours."

Rito: "I knew you would say something like that, Nii-san. You are strong, confident, and smart, but-"

Karen: "If only he knew..."

'Yeah, I wasn't the most emotionally stable person around.'

Ryoto: "But you don't need these things to succeed in what you want to do, right? You want to confess to Haruna, but every time you try, something goes wrong."

Rito: "...Yes."

Ryoto: "If you want to succeed, then you must try even more. The winners fail more times than losers even tried."

Rito: "But..."

Ryoto: "No buts. You either do it, or someone else will get her."

Rito: "Haruna-chan with someone other... I don't like it."

Ryoto: "Then go get her. Try, try and try until it finally works. Maybe she'll finally notice."

Rito: "Thanks, Nii-san! I feel better now!"

Rito returned to his room in a better mood.

Mikan: "Huh, so you can be smart if you want."

Mikan tried to taunt me.

Ryoto: "I can also give you headpats."

And that's precisely what I did.

Every time I do that, it takes a longer time to shake me off. It looks like my taming goes along well.



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