Chapter 113: Talk with Sophia

Chapter 113: Talk with Sophia

(Ryoto's pov)

Finding Sophia was harder to find than I initially thought it would be. The problem was that she wasn't in the faculty office, so she could be anywhere in the school. I asked around, and I learned that she was in class 2-D right now.

Why didn't I check that class from the beginning? I don't know. Why should I think of this class as the first to check out?

I walked inside, and I didn't know that it was the class of the Ojou-sama and her two followers. Or did I know and I forgot? It's not important, so I'll ignore that thought.

In the classroom, I saw Sohpia talking with Saki.

Sophia: "...Don't worry, as long as you are honest with your feeling, you can get any man. Trust Onee-San on this!"

Saki: "I see, but my loved one is currently in a relationship, so I don't think it would work..."

I don't have a whole day as the break will soon end.

Ryoto: "Sophia, I need to have a word with you."

Sophia: "Can you wait a moment? I'm talking to Saki-chan."

She then resumed talking with Saki. While waiting till the next break is an option, I want to get my answers as soon as possible. Otherwise, I'll be a bundle of nerves for the next hour or so.

I decided to use my secret weapon to get Sophia's attention.

Ryoto: "Sophia-nee, I need to talk with you about something."

Hearing the magical 'Sophia-nee', Sophia immediately reacted.

Sophia: "Why didn't you say so!? Let's go!!!"

She then turned to Saki.

Sophia: "Sorry, Saki-chan, I have to go now!"

She then picked me up under her armpit before I even noticed and exited the classroom leaving the whole class dumbfounded.

Seconds later, I found myself in the teacher's office. I looked around, and the room was empty. No people insight.

Sophia: "No one will disturb us here. So tell your Onee-San, what she can help you with?"

She was delighted being called 'Sophia-nee', and it showed.

I, on the other hand, am still nervous about the answers I'll get.

Ryoto: "I have a question regarding some things..."

Sophia: "This Onee-San will answer them to the best of her ability!"

Ryoto: "...OK. You know how Lala and I were aged down in another world, right...?"

She nodded.

Ryoto: "Don't tell me you looked into the future right now..."

She instantly looked away and whistled.

Sophia: "...Not true."

She can't lie, can she."

Ryoto: "Can you at least tell me why you were so hyped about me having children?"

Sophia: "As I said before, I would be a cool older sister to them! We would play together, have fun, and more!!!"

Ryoto: "Wouldn't you be more of an auntie than Onee-San, though? Since you pretended to be my sister."

As these words left my mouth, I felt incredible danger like nothing before. All my hair on both of my arms, legs, and neck. My spider-sense went into overdrive like never before, and all of my instincts screamed at me to run away as far as possible.

I instinctively jumped onto the ceiling as soon as it happened. My reaction time was fast as all that happened in no more than 0.5 seconds.

Karen: "Shouldn't have said that. You should not have said that. Sophia hates when someone calls her aunt or auntie. I once did that, and I didn't want to see glitter for at least the next 20 years."

Ryoto: "Couldn't you warn me before?"

Karen: "I didn't expect you to say it, but I don't think you need to worry this time."

Ryoto: "Why?"

Before I noticed it, I was standing in front of Sophia, who looked... surprisingly calm.

Sophia: "Because right now you are very stressed because of this situation, I'll let that slide, but..."

She got closer so she could whisper in my ear.

Sophia: The next time you call me auntie, Onee-san will teach you why she is Onee-san."

Note to myself, don't piss off Sophia.



(Question for all readers. Why do people dislike when there is someone other than MC that is reincarnated in a fanfic? I think that more characters that know the plot would make it more interesting at times.

Imagine that MC reincarnates in anime/manga that he knows but some things are off. Characters that he doesn't recognize are all around, the plot isn't the same as he remembers all that can be explained by it being an AU and being a real world.

So the story would be about discovering what changed, why, and by who while also trying to become stronger.

Does it sound like a good story or Nah?

I'm just curious because I've seen hate for these kinds of stories. I'm not planning on writing it.)

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