Chapter 160: Catching up

(A/N I'm back... again!!!

I just want to tell you that

I'm never gonna give you up.

I'm never gonna let you down.

Never gonna run around and desert you.


I'm not sorry.)

(Ryoto's pov)

I caught up with Rio and Kaede after Karma and Nagisa went home. To be honest, I missed them, and I'm genuinely happy to have them here.

Rio: "So you will be our senpai now?"

Ryoto: "Pretty much."

Rio: "It will take some time to get used to it."

Ryoto: "Tell me about it. Just a year ago, or should I say two years ago, I was a normal guy, and now I'm successor to the galactic empire."

Lala: "I'm home!" Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

We heard Lala entering the home, and soon we all saw her walking into the living room. Lala, however, wasn't alone.

Seeing Rio and Kaede, Lala's smile bloomed more than usual.

Lala: "Rio! Kaede!"

She jumped at them and hugged them tightly.

At the same time, I was jumped on by someone else.

Alme: "Ryoto!"

Alme started snuggling with me.

Alme: "Why are we jumping on people?"

She titled her head, and I gave her a headpat without answering her question as I was focused on the happy reunion.

Rio: "Lala, I missed you too."

Kaede: "Did your boobs grow?"

They both returned the hug with a gentle smile, but Kaede was still unhappy, feeling that Lala's boobs had gotten bigger while hers didn't change even a little.

They stayed in the hug for a while, and Alme seeing the situation, didn't say anything. She could understand that the unknown girls were important to Lala. That or she was in bliss because of the headpats.

Knowing her, it could be either.

After Lala broke the hug, she started talking like crazy, trying to catch up with them.

Ryoto: "Technically, you are. Lala started off as a fianc."

Lala: "That's true."

Lala agreed with what I said, recalling how we got engaged.

Lala: "Then both of you are Ryoto's first girlfriend!"

I don't think that it is how it works.

Lala: "Achoo!"

Suddenly, Lala sneezed and shot a laser out of her tail, destroying the wall. We really need to do something with that. It doesn't often happen as of late, but when it does, the destruction of property follows.

Thankfully Lala didn't hit anyone this time.

Mikan, who was in her room, was already accustomed to Lala's laser outbursts, just shouted.

Mikan: "Is everyone okay!!!?"

Ryoto: "Don't worry, everyone is unharmed!!!"

I answered, and receiving my answer was all she needed.

Rio: "...What was that?"

Kaede: "I think I'm seeing things."

Now that I think about it, they never saw Lala using her tail in that way.

Lala: "Sorry about that. This sometimes happens because of my pregnancy."

She laughed it off and scratched the back of her head, but the news was broken in such a casual way that it took a moment to register inside Rio's and Kaede's minds.

Rio: "I see, I see. It's because you're pregnant..."

She nodded her head a few times with her arms crossed until the message finally kicked in.

Rio: "WHAT!!!?"

She rushed up to me and grabbed me by the collar. Alme wasn't disturbed by this as she laid on my lap like a cat.

Rio: "I knew that you two were having sex but don't you know what contraception is!!!? Can't you use protection!!!? Both of you are only in high school!!!"

Kaede didn't say anything, but her cold eyes said enough for me to understand.

It looks like I have some explaining to do.



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(E/D: 1069 words Noice!)

(A/N I destroyed it ( ) )