Chapter 176: Typical day

(Teacher's pov)

I was lucky and unlucky at the same time. Teaching the first class is the dream of every teacher at the academy, and it was mine as well. It would be my first time teaching elites, so I was rightfully nervous. I was also going to have a troublemaker in class. His name is Ryoto Yuuki, and he broke the device we are using to measure Reiryoku. Not only that, he challenged Head Captain himself in the Reiatsu battle, and I was sweating the entire time. If he isn't scared of a man known as the strongest Shinigami, then why would he be respectful to me?

What's worse, he is not my only concern. In my class is the princess of the Shihoin clan. Am I going to survive? What if she executes me because she doesn't like me?

At least I only need to survive one year. After that, they change teachers to be more specialized, but right now, I'm going to teach them every subject.

Zanjutsu is the first lesson and Yuuki-kun, the troublemaker, is training with half of his hakama destroyed.

Is he bullied, but who would be brave enough to bully him? Is it the heir to the Shihoin clan? I can't think of anyone else.

I called Yuuki-kun to ask about the hakama, and he demonstrated how his clothes burst open.

Is his Reiatsu so powerful it can destroy clothes!? I need help with this class!

(Ryoto's pov)

I got myself a free uniform, and I'll try to restrain myself from destroying more until I have more money.

Rin was waiting for me outside the dojo.

Rin: "Do you really need to cause trouble everywhere you go?" New novel chapters are published on

Ryoto: "Trust me, I want to have a quiet and simple life, but the moment I got engaged to Lala, it was thrown outside the window, but I don't regret having her by my side even a bit."

My words were full of happiness. Talking about Lala always makes my mood slightly better. Her ever-so-happy way of living is contagious even in another world.

Rin: "Do you still love her?"

Rin asked a bit shyly but to answer this question, I didn't hesitate to answer.

I was already trained in some hand-to-hand combat by Karasuma. Even though most of the time I was relaxing under the tree, there were times when I trained, and now that I'm without spider-sense, I need martial arts more than ever.


The school ended for the day, and now I had a choice to make. Should I go to the library to start learning about Kido as much as I can, go to the dojo and train my swordsmanship even further or go around the shopping area and look for a job?

I decided to look for a job first. What I need is a job that I won't need to go to every day as I want to train as well. I'm not in need of cash right now, but having some extra cash lying around would be nice, just in case.


I got the job. It was easier than I thought.

So that's one thing out of the list. It didn't even take that long, so I still had some time to do something different.

I decided to use that time to train my swordsmanship. The students at the academy are free to use the dojo whenever they please. There were multiple dojos, by the way, so it wasn't crowded as one would think. It was empty right now, in fact.


Today I planned to train with Zangetsu in his released state. I'm training with it mostly in my inner world, but I should get some practice in the real world as well. I won't be able to fire off Getsuga Tenshou, but techniques with the bigger sword are different than an ordinary katana.

Ryoto: "Pierce through the heavens! Zangetsu!"

As I released Zangetsu, I heard a voice behind me.

???: "So you already know your Zanpakuto's name."



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