Chapter 191: The hangover 1

Chapter 191: The hangover 1

(Ryoto's pov)

God damnit. My head is killing me. I drank an inhuman amount of alcohol. After beating Shunsui-senpai in the drinking contest, I don't remember anything.

Kinda impressive that I even got drunk in the first place. My eyes were still not 'open', but I could feel that I was lying on a bed. There was also some weight on my chest, but not enough for it to be human. I also could feel someone next to me, and that person was probably naked, as I could feel the skin and warmth of their body.

Scratch that. I could feel the warmth of two bodies. One from each side.

The strange thing was that I could feel something metallic on my wrists. I also noticed that it wasn't my bed that I was lying in as it wouldn't be big enough for three people to sleep in.

I finally activated my eyes to see what was going on.

I was right. I wasn't in my dorm room. This bed alone would take at least half of my and Kisuke's room. Speaking of which it's time to take a look at the people next to me.

At my right, Rin was clinging to my arm, who was, for some reason, naked. She had a blissful expression on her face, so she must be having a good dream right now.

I paled instantly.

It's not a problem that we slept together. The problem is that I don't remember anything. It's not a good situation to be in, and I don't like not being in control of my actions. If I must fuck up, I should do it by my own choice.

Before I panic, though, I should check who is on my left. Probably Yoruichi, but better be sure.


It wasn't Yoruichi.

Now tell me, why the hell is the lieutenant of Squad 4 in bed next to me, naked to add?

(A/N She is underrated as hell. Fight me.)

(E/D: I am not caught by the disease name Simpus. I after all practice Simpus Deletus.)

How and why did this happen? Not only Rin but also... Isane, yes, Isane Kotetsu is here? I almost forgot her name. It would be awkward if she woke up, and I would need to ask for her name.

She was also hugging my arm just like Rin.

The situation can't get much worse from now on.

Who am I kidding? Of course, it will.

Better check what is with that weight in my chest. The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I looked down to see a black cat sleeping on my chest.

So Yoruichi is also here. I doubt it's just a random black cat that I found on my drunk adventure. I can only hope that I didn't turn into Shane Dawson at night, or else I won't be able to look at myself in the mirror anymore.

As much as I would like to let her sleep more, we have a problem at hand.

Ryoto: "Rin, wake up. I think we have a problem."

I moved my right arm a bit to make her more awake.

Rin: "What is it...?"

Still not fully awake, she asked.

Ryoto: "Do you remember anything from last night?"

Rin: "Of course I do. We were having a party to celebrate being alive. Someone you were calling senpai came to the restaurant and you had a drinking contest and then... and then..."

Rin got up, realizing that she has no memories of yesterday after I won my drinking contest.

She then for the first time looked around the room and looked at my state and the other girl next to me.

Rin: "What the hell happened!!!?"

Her yell woke up the other two.

Isane: "Huh!? What!?"

Yoruichi, on the other hand, just stretched her cat's body.

Yoruichi: "Morning."

Her voice was of a distinguished male, which would make my dick confused if she wasn't a cat at the moment.

She examined her body for a moment.

Yoruichi: "Why am I in my cat form?"

All of them now had their attention on me.

Now, how to get out of this situation with my dick intact?

The only good thing is that Unohana isn't among them. Otherwise, I would be really scared.



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