Chapter 196: The Hangover 6

Chapter 196: The Hangover 6

(Retsu's pov)

*Yesterday night*

Returning home wasn't as problematic as I thought it would be. They all behaved. Maybe because they were in a group.

Inside, Yuuki-kun talked with Isane, who, as usual, was insecure about her charm.

Ryoto: "Listen here, I don't care what you think, but you're both cute and sexy. Do you get me!?"

Isane: "You're lying! You are just saying so to make me feel better!"

Ryoto: "I'm not, and I'm going to prove it to you!"

Isane: "How?"

Yuuki-kun looked between Isane and me. I wonder what he is planning.

Ryoto: "I'm going to defeat Unohana!"

Ara ara, I didn't expect such a bold statement from him. Maybe I should humor him for a while, he'll tire himself out and go to sleep.

(E/D: Stop it, Author. Every time I hear Ara Ara I get flashbacks.)

Isane: "You would do it for me?"

Isane said with some tears in the corners of her eyes.

Ryoto: "Of course! I would do it for anyone I care about! You are underrated, you are cute, and you need love! Besides, I'm going to be the very best like no one ever was, and to do that, I need to beat Unohana. If I'm the strongest, no one will be able to hurt people closest to me."

It seems some hidden thoughts slipped at the end as his expression turned slightly more serious.

I suppose I'll see how strong he is. The amount of Reiryoku in his body is immense for a soul this young. He must have been in a lot of dangerous situations because the best method to increase Reiryoku in one's body is to be in life and death situations.


We went to the dojo, and it looks like we'll have an audience, not that I mind. We both took our swords as it is a custom to do in a dojo.

We are going to fight with our Zanpakutos. While I don't plan on using my Bankai and my Shikai isn't suitable for battle. It doesn't mean that it can't be used, though.

When Yuuki-kun and I first met, I could feel his sword's intent to battle. I doubt that he would be able to fight in this state. From what I heard from Ukitake-san, he outdrank Kyoraku-san, which isn't an easy feat. It's impressive that he is still conscious and somehow functioning.

I was relaxed, waiting for him to make a move, the smile never leaving my face.

Ryoto: "Kido, of course, I forgot about it. Wait, if she can use it, so can I!"

He pointed his index finger at me.

Ryoto: "Hado #1, Sho!"

The most basic of the spells, but he did not need any incantations. I blocked it with my sword. Although he could use it, the power is low even for this Hado.

Ryoto: "Bakudo #4, Hainawa!"

He created a crackling yellow energy rope.

This time I allowed him to bind me. Call it curiosity. I wanted to know what he had planned.

Ryoto: "It worked! Hahahahaha! Using this rope..."

He looked at his hands, realizing something.

Ryoto: "Rope? I mean, if I look at it this way, it looks like a rope..."

(E/D: Ah~ Yes the rope PTSD he got when Lala was corrupted by Vitch-sensei and the others..)

(A/N The rope PTSD isn't even explained yet. It was introduced there.)

He instantly deactivated his Kido and started breathing more heavily. He shows apparent symptoms of fear due to trauma. It looks like he forgot what this spell created to bind his opponent.

Ryoto: "You think that you would do a better job than me!? Then why not prove your point!? Call me when you're done playing! I'm going to look at the fish in the river, and I don't care that there isn't any."

He was again talking to himself. His Zanpakuto must be very close to him.

After he ended up arguing with his Zangetsu, something changed in him. The air around him was completely different. It was almost as if he was a different person... almost.

Retsu: "Are you Ryoto, or..."

He grinned.

It seems that this little spar will go on a little longer.



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