Chapter 209: Rin vs Kisuke 2

Chapter 209: Rin vs Kisuke 2

(Rin's pov)

"Sing, Benihime!"

He launched the attack at me, and a wave of red energy flew at me at high speed. I quickly used Shunpo to dodge it as it would be dangerous to try and block it.

As soon as I touched the ground, which I assumed was safe, started glowing.

Shit, it's a trap!!! When did he-?

I couldn't finish my thoughts as I started my counterattack. It was too late to escape it, and even if I had managed to use Shunpo, I wouldn't be able to escape the explosion. That's why I decided on the next best thing...

Protect myself using my own attack. I remember Ryoto saying one time, 'one bomb plus another bomb equals no bombs' which doesn't make a lot of sense, but I don't have other options.

(E/D: "One nuke plus one nuke equals to a bigger and better nuke" the art of war by Leo.)

(A/N You didn't get threferencece. Insert power stone to try again.)

"Hado #31 Shakkaho!"

I aimed at the ground under my feet, and as I saw the ground crack because of the explosion, I got shot back because of the combined forces of the blast and my own attack, but I was mostly fine. A little sore around my body but nothing I can't deal with.

I looked at my opponent, who had an annoying smile on his face. I walked right into his trap, and I don't even know when he set it up. Was it before the fight even began?

"Yo Girl! Let's wipe this smile from his face!"

I could hear the annoyance in her voice, but I agreed with her wholeheartedly.

"It will be difficult to execute the plan."

She is right. I must do it directly and naturally if I want it to work.

"Also, I want you to slam me into his sword as hard as you can. She thinks she is so high and mighty because she can shoot out lasers. I'll show her who the superior blade is! She isn't even that pretty, to begin with. And what's the deal with her name? Calling herself princess!" The last part she said mockingly.

It seems that she has some sort of grudge, but why would she? Not like they had met before. It is impossible, but for now, I'll use her anger to my advantage.

He muttered it, but I could still hear it clearly. My senses sharpened because of our fight, so I could catch it. I must admit that his words intrigued me. Is that the reason Tsunagari is so against his Zanpakuto? A thought for another day. Right now, I am focused on defeating Urahara.

I somehow got in range for a sword fight, and we exchanged some blows. Urahara, at times, surprised me with a Kido or two as I was focused on his sword, but I was near him the whole time. The ground was full of sword marks from when Urahara either dodged or parried my strikes.

I then backed away from Urahara to a nearby boulder. I slashed the said boulder with Tsunagari.

My next action was to blow up the boulder with Kido.

"Hado #31, Shakkaho!"

As the boulder was destroyed, the ground where one of the slashes was present started cracking until it was destroyed the same way the boulder was.

I lied to Urahara about my limit before so he wouldn't suspect my plan. It, however, still strains me slightly and takes a lot of stamina to connect three pairs. I was looking closely at the dust created by the explosion, so I would be ready to block whatever was coming because I'm sure it wasn't enough to take him down, but as I was on my guard, I felt the coldness of metal against my neck.

"That was dangerous, Kujo-san. It truly was. Who knew that you had it in you to trick me? I always thought of you as a rule follower, but it seems you have your wilder side as well."

He sounded as carefree as ever. I would want to fight, but I know when I lose.

"I give up."

I really wanted to win, but I was outclassed. Urahara was simply stronger than me. I wanted to show Ryoto how much I grew, but I don't think I achieved my goa-

I couldn't finish my lamenting as Ryoto ran up to me, lifted me up, and started spinning. All with a big smile on his face.

After he ended spinning, he still didn't let me go and hugged me firmly while patting my head and saying, "Great fight Rin. You became strong, and I'm proud of you."

That's all he said, but it was enough to make my loss not even matter and just enjoy both the hug and headpats.

(E/D: Good news my parrot is sitting on my head and shoulders. Bad news he is bloodthirsty and almost ate away my ears and eyes.)



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