Chapter 215: Kisuke's new invention

Chapter 215: Kisuke's new invention

(Ryoto's pov)

Everyone except Tessai was in the 'training room'. Tessai was busy with stuff. I don't know what stuff, but we were never that close, to begin with, so I didn't ask.

"So why did you call us here?" I asked Kisuke, who was standing proudly in front of us.

I was curious because Kisuke seldom does something without reason. If he does, then you are not seeing the whole picture.

"Well, Ryoto, my dear friend. The news about your dream traveled across the land, and as the good friend that I am, I wanted to grant you this wish." His show-off side is showing.

"OK, where's the pony?"

"Right here." He moved to the side, revealing a pony made of lollipops.

...I wasn't expecting it, but I'm not going to complain.

"You truly know me well!"

Even if Kisuke summoned us here for something stupid, I wouldn't be mad. I have one week off and plan to spend some time in the living world to see how Isamu and his family are doing. I didn't visit them in some time. I wonder if I should buy some presents.

As I was about to start licking the candy horse, Rin pulled me by the collar.

"Don't eat it. You don't know where it was before. And don't take candies from strangers."

After all these years, she still doesn't like him, but why is my happy time interrupted because of it?

"Jokes aside, I called all of you here because of this!" He broke the candy pony to reveal a human-shaped object.

At first, I felt despair at breaking the lollipop masterpiece, but as soon as I saw the object inside, my mood switched faster than Italy changing sides during a war.

"How did you manage to fit that thing inside?" Rin asked, dumbfounded by the situation. I, on the other hand, ignored it because of the early Christmas present.

"Scien-" Kisuke was about to answer, but Rin interrupted him.

"And if you say science, I'm going to connect your face to a toilet seat."

A powerful threat if I do say so myself.

'You're hiding something, Zangetsu. I knew it for a long, long time. I wasn't forcing you to say what it was becoming behind your tsundere act. I know that you try looking after me and won't do anything too troublesome, but I need to gain strength as fast as possible before I meet Aizen. Otherwise, I will need to play around him and not the other way around.'

"..." There was silence. Zangetsu didn't say anything, but after a short while, the only thing he said was, "Don't regret it."

Menacing. I don't know what he meant, but at least I've got his consent.

I opened my eyes and took out my sword. Nothing needed to be said as my actions were speaking for themselves.

Kisuke understating this, held Tenshintai in place so I could stab it.

As my sword entered the strange doll, it vanished from my hand.

I didn't need to look around to know where Zangetsu was. For some reason, he likes to hide behind buildings, trees, boulders, and anything really. He loves his dramatic entrances.

"You can come out, Zangetsu."

From behind the boulder, Zangetsu came out, but his signature smirk was gone, and he looked extremely serious. It usually isn't a good sign.

"So this is your Zanpakuto spirit," Rin commented.

"I don't know what I expected but this was not it." Yoruichi added, but I was focused on something entirely different.

Behind Zangetsu, I could see another silhouette. Shorter than Zangetsu, she was holding the hem of his cloth. She looked familiar with her medium-length chestnut/brown hair (I was never sure).

As she walked from behind so everyone could see her better, my eyes went wide, and I couldn't say anything.

"...Hey." She greeted me awkwardly, but the only answer she heard from me was.


(E/D: Epic drama incoming.)



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