Chapter 240: What makes Ryoto angry

Chapter 240: What makes Ryoto angry

(Ryoto's pov)

I was spending my time at the Kuchiki mansion. I was sitting down on the porch, relaxing with some tea and lollipops. Next to me was sitting Sajun, and we were watching over our kids.

Byakuya was trying to train in peace, but Yukima wasn't letting him. She really takes after her mother.

"Come on, Bya-chan! Or are you scared? Oh, I get it. You are just scared of losing to me." She looked saying really smug, trying to provoke him, and it worked.

Byakuya looked very annoyed and accepted her challenge.

"You sound pretty cocky for someone who trained not nearly as long as me."

"Cute and talented I am, aren't I?"

A vein popped on Byakuya's forehead.

"Fine then, get your sword and prepare to lose! And stop calling me Bya-chan!"

"Maybe when you become a man."

"And when will it be?"

Yukima stayed quiet to build up suspense, and Byakuya was getting less and less patient.

"...Who knows~."

Byakuya rushed at Yukima, and the children started sparing.

"Byakuya really needs to work on his temper. I worry for the time he will become head of the House." Sajun sighed as he watched the spar.

"You don't need to worry. He'll grow out of it..." I looked at Byakuya, who was losing his cool more and more. If annoyance had a face, it would be Byakuya's at the moment "...Probably."

"But changing the topic, I really need to thank you."

"Not this again. Apologize one more time, and I swear I will shove a lollipop up your-!" I stopped myself remembering that kids are nearby. "-Throat."

Sajun had an apologetic smile.

"I understand I won't thank you again but remember that if you ever are in need, the Kuchiki family will have your back. What you did for my wife and me is priceless." He was probably talking about helping him and his wife with their sickness. I gave both of them lollipops, and they got better.

Thankfully it wasn't too difficult, unlike a certain Captain.

"That goes both ways..."

(Yukima's pov)

Annoying Bya-chan was fun, but the spar ended without a winner, and I was unsatisfied. As uncle Zangetsu thought me, 'If you didn't win, you lost.' Only if I could use my mask, but I already promised dad not to use it unless I'm in danger.

At least he didn't win, either. I'm not letting him! He wouldn't shut up about it for years if he did. I also can't let him be alone. He is too serious and grumpy without me around. I don't know how he would manage without my cheerful personality. Without me, he wouldn't have any friends.

But now it was time to train with Masaru-nii and Akio-nii. It's fun, but I would rather use my mask, but I can't train it without dad's supervision.


"Masaru-nii, Akio-nii, I've got an idea!!!"

Both of my brothers stooped their spar because of my outburst.

"What is it, Yukima?" Masaru-nii asked with an ever-present gentle smile on his face.

"Have you ever seen dad being angry?"

"Where did that come from?"

"I was sparring with Bya-chan today, and it was very easy to make him angry, and that made me realize that I never saw dad angry. I saw mom, Rin-kaasan, and even Isane-kaasan being angry but never dad."

"I don't like where this is going..." Akio-nii said.

"No, but listen. Aren't you curious about it? Does dad ever get angry? If he does, what are his limits? Don't you want to know!?"


"Yoruichi-sama, I don't think it's appropriate-"

"I see, so you want to listen. Fantastic. Sit next to Akio." Mom didn't let her refuse.

"Y-yes." The girl gave up.

"Before I forget, this is Soi Fon. Be nice to her. She tries to be all serious and stoic, but she is cute and shy inside."

"C-cute!?" Soi Fon got a bit red on her face. I wonder why.

"Now that we are all here, let's talk about what you want to hear.

It happened funny enough the day I met Rin and Ryoto for the first time. As you know, they come from Rukongai District, and it isn't known for the best living conditions. As I was walking around, someone tried to pickpocket me, so I stole some of her money. It was Rin."

"Mom did that?" Masaru asked in surprise and no wonder. Rin-kaasan is very serious and responsible, so it's hard to imagine her stealing from someone.

"Yeah." Mom continued. "As soon as I showed her a sack of money, she tried to run away, but I caught up to her very easily." She smiled, recalling the old days.

"I made her talk about her situation, and it turned out that she was taking care of someone, so I got curious and went with her to their house if you could call it that. There on the bed, bandaged over his whole body. It was your father."

All of us had our eyes wide open. Even Soi Fon was surprised.

"Dad was injured to the point where he needed mom to take care of him?"

"Yeah, but even in this state, even while unconscious, he didn't let go of his sword. Remember, it was before we were at the Academy, so I got curious and tried to see if it was a Zanpakuto or not, but that made him wake up, and the first thing he did was to get between Rin and me and was ready to fight till his death."

"He did what!!?" Soi Fon yelled. "How dare he do it to Yoruichi-sama!"

"Now, now, calm down, Soi Fon. It was also partially my fault." Mom calmed her down very easily, but I could see that she was still angry, but mom continued her story without paying her much attention. She probably gets angry a lot.

"That was the only time I saw Ryoto this vulnerable and at the same time determined. So to answer your question, Ryoto will only get mad if someone close to him is in danger."

...Underwhelming answer. I wanted something better, but that also opened a question of why didn't Rin-kaasan answer us since she probably knew about it as well.

"Mom, if that's the case, why didn't Rin-kaasan tell us about it?"

"She probably thought that if she told you that, you would try and test this on your father, which I hope I don't need to tell you not to do that, right?"

She gave a stern look at which we all instinctively nodded.

Mom returned to her relaxed self.

"Great! Now that I told you the story about your father and me, it's your turn now." She grinned.


I looked at Akio-nii, who was already was already near the exit.

"Sorry, but I've got some things to do today."

I hoped Masaru-nii to help me, but he left me as well.

"Sorry, Yukima, but think of it as a price for forbidden knowledge." He brought his hands together as an apology. That traitor!!!

I looked at Soi Fon, who had also already disappeared.

I quickly tried to get away, but I was grabbed by the neck and picked up.

"Now, let me hear about you and little Byakuya."

"I'm not talking!!! Let me go!!! Unhand me you demon!!!"

"I'm a demon, huh? Then I should act like one too~."

Unfortunately, I couldn't escape.



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