Chapter 244: Captain meeting

Chapter 244: Captain meeting

(A/N It was about 4 months since I took a break from this fic and man, I missed it. It's good to be back. To be honest I returned faster than I thought. I was planning on 1 year hiatus but I couldn't stop myself from counting this story.

With this note I bring you some news. Some worse than the others.

First, don't expect daily chapters. It could happen but I'll probably stick with 3 chapters a week unless I got stuck more than usual but I don't plan on taking any longer breaks at the moment.

Second, I started a P.a.T.r.E.o.N and not only you can read up to 10 chapters ahead but I will be posting some exclusive illustrations although the first will be only exclusive as long as the current arc is on going because it's the future cover.

So if you want to read ahead or just support me then go to /Kurit. Use o instead of .

Also show me some love and give out some stones as a welcome party.

Have fun reading.)

(Ryoto's pov)

I was feeling pretty angry and annoyed right now. My kids were attacked by a group of rouge Shinigamis. And the worst part is that I have an idea why it happened.

They were probably Aizen's lackeys trying to feed hogyoku to complete it, so it's even possible that they were active members of the Gotei 13, which slightly complicates things.

As a Captain, I have some credibility, and many people around me can confirm how much I hate killing, so I won't be in trouble for killing these guys, but Aizen can use it to his advantage, and the worst part there's a possibility that he saw Yukima's mask.

I swear if he even attempts to touch her in any way, I will break his arms without hesitation.

"Dad, are you angry at us?" Masaru asked timidly as if he and his siblings had done something wrong.

I stopped walking and put Yukima, who I was still carrying on my back, down.

"Why would you say that? Did any of you do something that I should be angry about?"

All of them shook their heads except Masaru.

"You warned us about going alone outside Sereitei, telling us that we shouldn't wander around, and if you didn't send bodyguards, we would have died before you got here."

Masaru was a very intelligent child. He was more mature than children his age usually are and has an incredible awareness of his surroundings, so I'm not surprised that he knows that I sent bodyguards. These guys that I killed could also mention it as he somehow recognized me, but he wasn't right in the head. Maybe he was under the influence of some new experimental drugs. Thought for the future.

"It was something outside your control. I can't expect all of you to just sit inside Sereitei. You need to experience the world, and my role as a parent is to act as a safety net. This opens up a question of what you are planning on doing, seeing how brutal the world can be.

Before I started training all of you, I asked you about your reason for fighting, and to be completely honest, I would train you no matter your reason, and having even basics at your disposal can save your life, as you probably experienced today.

The question is if you still want to continue training, but I want you to know that this time, I'll be giving my all to train you.

Just remember that if you give up during the training, I'm not going to train you again. Having delusions that you can fight can be worse than not having the ability to fight at all.

It won't mean that I'll love you any less. No matter what you all end up being, you all will always be my precious children."

It is a lot to swallow, and I may get some kicks from Rin, Yoruichi, or Isane for making this decision alone, but I feel it's now or never. They experienced an assassination attempt, so they either swim or sink and if they sink, I'm here to help find them something else to be. They shouldn't be pressured to become Shinigami just because the whole family is, but if they are anything like me...

"Dad... I want to get stronger. My dream didn't change and is now stronger than before!" Masaru exclaimed.

"How can I be calm! How can you!?" Rin clearly was upset about the whole ordeal. She may blame herself for letting them go as she was opposed to the idea, but she gave in. It's completely understandable that she cares about our children that much.

"I'm not calm, but I want you to be because if I'm about to do something stupid, I want you to stop me, which considering the asshole on the other side, could be any moment."

How far have I gotten? I am utterly calm on the outside while trying to strangle another Captain on the inside, but he isn't the enemy.

I shifted my vision under my eyelids to look at Aizen.

He is.

"What did you say, you closed-eyes freak? You've got a lot of guts to keep talking like this when you killed my Lieutenant."

It looks like Kiganjo was annoyed by my comment.

"I said exactly what you heard, fatso. And by your own words, he was too weak. Besides, I believe that if someone is ready to kill, he should be ready to die, and the only thing my children were ready for was to defend."

"You...!" Kiganjo was ready to draw his Zanpakuto, and I started releasing my Reiatsu, prepared to fight.


"Quiet! Both of you!" Yamamoto stopped the situation from escalating.

"Aren't you lucky? Your precious teacher saved your sorry ass."

Does he really think so highly of himself? I mean, he technically is a Kenpachi and all, but I'm not a pushover. There's also the fact that I don't showcase my strengths and just laze around, spend time with my family, and I don't like fighting in general.

"Please, I just saved everyone's time by not killing you. We would need to search for a new Kenpachi, but let's be honest here. It wouldn't be so hard to find someone better."

I don't like this Kenpachi, and it was clear to everyone in the room.


After that short distraction, we went back to the discussion of the punishment. Just like I said before, as the Captain, Kiganjo is responsible for his subordinates, and that crazy guy that I is still the suspect was under the influence of some drugs was Kiganjo's Lieutenant.

For that, the captain of the 11th Division was punished, but as I had killed him(the vice-captain), even though, I had the chance of taking him alive, I was also punished. It wasn't as severe as the fatso over there, but I still was forced to pay a little.

In retrospect, I should take him alive for interrogations, and even if I didn't believe he would say anything, we could get some information from his body, but I destroyed his body completely.

Although I was discussing almost exclusively with Kiganjo, my eyes never left Aizen, even when I was not facing him. I did it in a way that was impossible to notice that I was doing it.

For one, I was wary of him, but I was a bit curious if he was already using his ability.

With all of that, the meeting ended. I doubt that Kiganjo will do anything against me. He is too lazy to do it, and in about 60 years, he'll die anyway. The problem, as always, is Aizen and when he'll find my children interesting.

The mind games will soon start.



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