Chapter 256: Changes

(Rin's pov)

How did that happen?

"Rin, you look great. You don't need to worry about anything." Ryoto complimented me.

"Yeah, mom. It really suits you." My son, Masaru, reassured me as I was checking out the white haori that I was currently wearing.

"It just still feels unreal. I still feel like that young girl in Rukongai who couldn't defend herself from any danger, but here I am, being a captain."

"How time flies, doesn't it? We started with the two of us, and now we have grown into a big family, speaking of which... family hug!" And so, Ryoto used his high speed to grab everyone and brought them near each other and squeezed them tightly, which was impressive as he did it so quickly. Only Yoruichi and Kisuke could rival him in speed in our group.

Shame that she couldn't be here, but she will be surprised when we meet again... Who am I trying to fool? She wouldn't be. She was always telling me that I would soon join the ranks of captains. She was the one who helped with my Bankai training the most.

I didn't want to bother Ryoto too much. I was doing that too much when I was powerless, and I would rather bite my tongue than ask Kisuke for help, so the only option left was Yoruichi, who achieved Bankai by herself. Isane, unfortunately, wasn't at that level yet, but the whole family learned she wasn't one to be underestimated. She was the most experienced one here, and most importantly, she was the one who was most proficient in healing Kaido.

Ryoto once put that in an appropriate way that only he and I could understand.

Nobody fucks with the white mage.

A small inside joke. Video games don't even exist yet.

To be honest, I only understood what he meant because of Aya. She was the one who forced me to play with her from time to time so that I could relax from all my training and duties. Ironically, I was more often frustrated after I played than before.

"Have you had enough? Can you let me go?" Akio asked with an annoyed expression.

He doesn't admire his father as he used to, and since Yoruichi left, he seems even more distant than before. It must have affected him more than we can imagine, but the most hurt besides Ryoto must be Yukima, who, despite looking cheerful and enjoying her father's embrace, was feeling down. We all are trying to be there for her, but there's only so much we can do. Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Masaru was happy, but when wasn't he. I don't know how he is our child with his calm personality. He truly is a miracle.

I could see that some of them were starting to get scared, which was unsurprising since I was leaking my killing intents as well, but it was disappointing, nonetheless.

(E/D: Average Asian parent.)

"Scared?" I asked. "Are you scared that I will kill you? That you will die? Even in your profession? Pathetic! Trying to perverse your life is natural, but all of us in this room don't deserve to be scared of dying!

The only ones who should kill are those who are prepared to be killed.

Don't be mistaken. I don't want you to throw away your life but don't be hypocritical enough to not expect karma to catch up to you.

Here's the thing. All of you are weak! And so am I, but there's no shame in being weak. You should be ashamed of not trying to get stronger. From today onwards, I'm changing a few things around here.

All of you here are allowed to try and assassinate me. I don't care what method you are using. Try to be creative, and if anyone manages to make me bleed, they will get a reward. I'll listen to that person's request and try my best to grant your wish. Be it money, personal training, or even a question or advice that you are looking for, it doesn't matter. Don't worry, I won't try to kill you back, but it doesn't mean that I won't defend myself or even attack back. After I'm done with you, you'll wish that you were dead.

My name is Ryoto Yuuki, and I'm the new Captain of Squad 2. The pleasure is all yours."

(Yukima's pov)

I don't want to think about mom. She left, and that's that. She may have had a good reason, but I don't know, and I don't care. She left not only me and my siblings but also my dad. Masaru mentioned how Dad was feeling, and seeing how he doesn't even show it makes me feel awful because I... we know that he does that for us.

What's worse is that Dad mentioned that Mom would be considered a criminal in Soul Society, and I wouldn't even care for that if not for all the questioning Dad, Isane-kaasan, and Rin-kaasan went through, which was the source of their headaches.

I need to blow off some steam, and what's better than to annoy Bya-chan!



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