Chapter 275: Start of the story

Chapter 275: Start of the story

(Akio's pov)

I am close... I can feel it. Dad warned me not to provoke Aizen at all, and it's... challenging. Every time he smiles at me, it makes me want to puke. It's as if he is mocking me. He knows that I'm not on his side anymore, but he humors me.

I'm not strong enough... I'm not strong to begin with because I'm not a fighter. I'm a scientist, and if I don't see a solution to my problem, I create it.

That's what I have been doing since I discovered the truth.

Aizen is powerful. If he wasn't, Dad would dispose of him a long time ago, but being strong doesn't mean that he is invincible. I just need to find a way to trap him somewhere. Not long ago, I learned the phrase 'if you can't beat it, seal it', and I think that it can be applied here as well.

Muken is an option, but I won't be able to access it without notifying Central 46, but I'm not one to give up. What if there is a dimension that Aizen isn't aware of and he wouldn't be able to escape it?

That was my thought process, and I am happy to announce that I'm closer than ever to attaining this goal.

During my countless research about different dimensions and the between, I stumbled across something very interesting. Apparently, there is a mirror dimension in the shadows of the Soul Society.

That's an incredible discovery in itself, but I'm not planning on sharing this information with anyone for now, not even Dad. Unlike my father, I don't know when I'm under Kyoka Suigetsu effect. I'll need to create a way to send someone there and test it to see if there could be any possible way out after closing the way in.

Soon, all will be done...

(Ryoto's pov)

Oh boy, another Captain meeting. How I love meeting my fellow captains, which includes some criminals.

My sarcasm aside, I'm very aware of what this meeting is about, and this time, it isn't because I'm the sole cause of it. I think Yama-jii is still mad at me for leaving my post for a week to go on vacation to the living world. I wasn't even planning on annoying him at that time. I genuinely forgot about informing him after telling Isane and Rin that I'd do that for them. If it wasn't for Unohana, who already knew about it from her lieutenant, I'm half-certain that he would think that we were attacked or something.

But going back to the meeting, it was about a particular member of Division 13.

Rukia Kuchiki was in the world of the living for far longer than her mission was supposed to go on, although it sometimes happens because of high Hollow activity, but Rukia didn't report anything about it. Not to mention, there are suspicions that she transferred her Shinigami powers to a human, which was illegal.

There are many reasons for that rule, but it mostly could be summarised as 'humans can't be trusted', and it's not like we didn't try before. The first Substitute Shinigami was kind of a test if we should change our ways, and while I didn't have much say in it. I spoke with the guy a few times, too, but he didn't have any trust in Soul Society just as much as Soul Society didn't have faith in him after he discovered that he was being spied on via his badge.

He escaped, but he isn't on my high-priority list at the moment, and that's why he is free.


"Attention, everyone! We gathered everyone to discuss the case of Rukia Kuchiki. It is believed that she committed the crime of giving away her Shinigami powers to a human boy. It's still unconfirmed, but after not coming back at the agreed date, it was ordered to capture her and bring her back." Yamamoto opened one of his eyes to show his seriousness. "By force if necessary, but if it isn't possible... eliminate her."

I noticed Byakuya tensed slightly, hearing it, but kept his poker face in the end. Kaien, the lieutenant of Squad 13, though, was much more vocal, although he was stopped by his captain immediately, which helped calm him on the outside but not inside.

"Captain Commander, I believe I am the most suitable for this mission."

Byakuya spoke up, although a bit solemnly, which isn't that much different from his usual tone, and it's a bit funny, if not sad.

Before Yama-jii could agree with Byakuya, I butted in.

"I disagree. While Byakuya is definitely the top pick for this kind of mission, because of his connection to Rukia Kuchiki, it wouldn't be wise. Not that he would allow her to escape just because she is family, but in my opinion, it's better to avoid an awkward meeting. If you want someone to be captured, maybe send someone specialized in this field. You know... in stealthy stuff... I wonder if we have someone like that..."

I put my hand on my chin to show how hard I was focusing. At the same time, Byakuya furrowed his eyebrows at the implication but shortly after closed his eyes calmly, thankful nonetheless.

"Do what you want." Little Byakuya said to me.nove(l)bi(n.)com


"Captain Yuuki of Squad 2." He couldn't just say Captain Yuuki since there was another captain Yuuki here, but he didn't want to use my name. Stubborn old man. "Quit your foolish display, but as much as I hate to admit it, you make a fine point. With that said, I entrust this mission to you and your lieutenant. Don't do anything stupid. Dismissed!"


Soi Fon and I stepped out from the Senkaimon and started looking at our surroundings.

"Are you excited, Soi Fon? We are on the hunt! I didn't hunt in over 200 years. Not since I didn't have any money for food."

"Didn't you have many missions before where you needed to track your target?"

"I did, but it was a mission, so it wasn't a hunt. I don't like calling tracking people 'a hunt'."

"... Aren't we tracking a person right now?"

"... You are no fun, Soi Fon."

"It's not supposed to be fun. It's a job and a pretty important one at that. Maybe you should take it a bit more seriously."

We exchanged words like that as we searched for Rukia until someone matching her description was seen running down the streets by Soi Fon.

"Captain, I believe I found her."

I turned to where Soi Fon was facing, and sure enough, there was a black-haired girl running in a sundress.

"Good work, Soi Fon. Now, let's greet our suspect." At my enthusiasm, my little lieutenant just sighed and followed my lead.

In an instant, we appeared in front of Byakuya's little sister, who looked frightened at our arrival.

"Don't be a drama queen. I just knocked him down. Otherwise, he is perfectly healthy. Sadly, I can't say the same after I'm done with you."

"No Ichigo! RUN!!! You don't have a chance against a Captain."

Rukia's warning fell on deaf ears as Ichigo rushed at me. To me, it looked like he was in slow motion, so I wasn't impressed. I didn't want to drag it any longer than necessary, so I easily dodged the approaching sword and thrust at his chest where Saketsu was. If I pierced it together with Hakusui, then Ichigo would lose his Shinigami powers, or at least the ones that he got from Rukia. It would force him to train and get stronger.


My eyes widened, revealing my ordinary blue eyes since I don't go outside without my contacts on, just in case.

I'm genuinely shocked. I know that in the living world, I'm only at 20% of my full strength, but it doesn't mean that I'm weak enough to not be able to cut someone.

Looking closer, I could see blue veins glowing under his clothes where I stabbed him. If not for my eyes, I would have missed it.

I smiled as I dodged Ichigo's counterattack by backstepping.

"Blut Vene. You must be talented to use it at such a young age." I commented.

"Mom said the same thing. Apparently, I have a talent for it, but how does a Shinigami know about it?" Ichigo pointed his oversized sword at me.

"It's not like this is a secret or anything like that, so anyone could have learned it if they wanted, but let's just say that I have experience with Quincies." I answered calmly as I rubbed my chin, remembering a few Quincies that tried to use it to defend against my blade. It didn't end well for them.

"But enough about me, I have some advice for you."

"And what is that? Are you going to say some lame villain line like 'Give up. A man of your power couldn't even dream of drawing my blood.'. If yes, then you can save your breath. I'm going to beat you and save Rukia!"

He's got an attitude. I like it.

"Idiot! I told you not to search for me and go into hiding!" Rukia yelled from behind me.

"And you are stupid if you thought I would listen to you being stupid!"

They glared at each other, and I could hear Rukia muttering. "Why must he be so similar to Kaien-dono."

"As much as I enjoy seeing the love couple argue..."

""We are not a couple!!!"" Both of them yelled at the same time.

"... I don't enjoy prolonging the battle if not necessary or entertaining, so let's go back to me stabbing you."

"Good luck with that. You couldn't even pierce my skin before. What makes you think it's going to be different this time." Ichigo said and smirked confidently. Rukia, on the other hand, knew how stupid his behavior was or rather would be if any other captain was in my place.

"Stop it, you idiot!" She turned to me with a begging expression. "Captain Ryoto, I accept my sins and punishment and will come back to Soul Society with you willingly, but please spare Ichigo!"

"Silence, criminal! Don't you realize what position you are in!" Soi Fon, for the first time in a while, spoke. To be honest, I'm impressed that she allowed me to do my thing for this long.

I backed off a bit more until I stood beside Soi Fon, and then I put my hand on her head.

"Now, now, you must loosen up a bit. Being so serious all the time makes life very boring. And sorry Rukia, but you know why I can't do it. Although if he survives what's coming next, then I'll leave him alone."


I'll pretend that I didn't hear Soi Fon and do my thing.

I turned to Ichigo, who surprisingly didn't sneak attack me.

"Are you done?" The young boy asked.

"I am, and thank you for your patience, but I can't help but reprimand you for that at the same time. While honorable, letting your enemy talk is only advisable if you are stronger."

To make my point clearer, I stabbed him just like I tried before, but this time, I used much more force to pierce his defenses.

Ichigo didn't even see what happened as I sheathed my Zanpakuto. At that moment, the blood spurted out from his wounds.

The substitute Shinigami's eyes went wide open. He probably couldn't understand how I did what I did. He obviously was more robust, but it seems he leans on his Shinigami's powers too much and neglects his Quincy side. Maybe he just doesn't have a talent for that besides Blut Vene.

Seeing this, I took out a piece of paper and pen and started writing a note to an old friend, but as I was thinking what words I should use, I felt a tug on my clothes.

I looked down, and the orange-haired boy held onto me like his life depended on it.

Impressive willpower, but he can't do anything right now, so I didn't mind. His measly strength wouldn't be able to hold me if I just walked away, but Soi Fon was looking like she was ready to cut off the boy's hand, but before she decided if she should or shouldn't do it, Rukia got next to me and kicked Ichigo's hand away from me to the shock of the teen.

I didn't listen too much... I mean, I did, but it wasn't my main focus. I learned how to catch details while I'm not focused on them. In short, I am multitasking but with my thoughts. I was trying to write that note to Kisuke, but while thinking about it, I didn't need to say much. Kisuke knows what he is doing, so a short massage would be enough.

And just like that, I went back to Soul Society with Rukia Kuchiki.



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