Chapter 294: Gathering allies

Chapter 294: Gathering allies

(Ryoto's pov)

I survived... kind of. Using my eyes on every Quincy in my close proximity was something that I shouldn't be able to do with the restrictions I have on them, but I trained them just as much as other parts of my body so they got stronger, but even then I almost destroyed my eyes using them for a few seconds like that. Thankfully, I didn't cross the line of no return, and they will heal slowly even if my eyes hurt like hell at the moment, but compared to my body, the pain is... at a similar level, which is bad.

I couldn't escape to Soul Society right away. Garganta doesn't work like that. It must always be connected to Hueco Mundo from one side or another. I couldn't end up in a random place in my condition because I would for sure end up being eaten by some Hollow, and that would be just embarrassing.

I tried to follow a familiar Reiatsu, but it was challenging to pinpoint the exact position so fast while trying to stay conscious. Fortunately, I made some friends in Hueco Mundo, and even if I'm a little off, they'll feel my Reiatsu the moment I flare it up a bit as soon as I get there. I can only hope that they'll get to me fast.

(Apacci's pov)

It was a boring day, as usual. I would even call it peaceful if not for that annoying Mila Rose and that bitch Sung-Sun! Just thinking about them makes me annoyed!

But whatever. Them being annoying isn't anything unusual. As long as they are useful to Harribel-sama, I'll tolerate them.

As I was walking outside Las Noches, Harribel-sama ordered for everyone to have their own 'me time'. I don't understand what she meant by it, and her Fraccion, all three of us, were against leaving her side, but in the end, we couldn't go against her order. She is Harribel-sama, so she must have a good reason for doing that.

My reason for choosing the outside of Las Noches was that I wanted to be sure that I wouldn't run into these two idiots when I had a chance to be away from them.

As I was walking, I saw a Garganta opening that was not so far away from me. It wasn't a strange occurrence, but since it was so close to Las Noches, I suppose I should deal with this Hollow, so I slowly made my way there, but only moments later, I felt a wave of Reiatsu coming from where I saw the Garganta. What shocked me was that this Reiatsu didn't belong fully to a Hollow. It was more similar to Shinigami's.

Knowing this, I rushed. Shinigami are our enemies, and if even one somehow got here, it would mean trouble. The idea of calling either Rose or Sung-Sun didn't even cross my mind. I alone should be enough. The Reiatsu wasn't strong enough to be a danger to me, and if I used Resurrección, I would destroy the threat.

When I arrived at the place, I was once again surprised. What I was expecting was a battle-ready Shinigami, who was ready to invade Hueco Mundo singlehandedly, probably in his arrogance, but what welcomed me was a bloodied body lying on the ground, supported only by one arm with multiple wounds all over his body, missing an arm and a see-through hole of the size of a large fist in his shoulder but the most eye drawing part of his bloodied body were his eyes if I could even call them that. They were inhumane, even if I would ignore all the cracks and steam coming from them.

The strangest thing of all is that I felt threatened. The moment I laid my eyes on this almost-dead man, my fight or flight kicked in and told me to run as fast as possible.

If I could, I would strangle this instinct for even suggesting doing something as disgraceful. I, as a member of Harribel-sama's Fraccion, couldn't live with giving Harribel-sama such a dishonor so I pulled my Zanpakuto to be ready to attack at any moment.

What infuriated me, even more, was his laid-back attitude the moment he noticed me, like he didn't even consider me a threat, and the small smile that formed on his face when he saw me only confirmed this idea.CHeCk for new stories on no/v/el/bin(.)c0m

"Hello... Arrancar. Fancy seeing you... here."

He seemed to have trouble talking. No wonder with all these injuries. It's a miracle he is even conscious.

"Why don't you... put your Zanpakuto down... It's dangerous to point it... at someone..."

"That's the whole fucking point!" I barked back. "What is Shinigami doing here!?"

The Shinigami looked like he was thinking about the answer but thankfully I didn't need to wait for long.

"I went... for a walk..."

I was left confused. Harribel-sama, Sung-Sun, and Mila Rose know this Shinigami from somewhere, but what's even more strange, I never saw both the snake and the brute act so... docile around anyone besides Harribel-sama.

What the hell did I miss!!?

"Can someone explain to me what the hell is happening!!?"

And just like that, I was at the center of attention.

(Ryoto's pov)

My mind was not working at full capacity at the moment. It may be a blood loss or just stress catching up, combined with my adrenaline level going down after I survived. Despite that I recognised that Appaci doesn't know about me so I gave a questioning look to the rest of Tier's Fraccion.

"We found this lost puppy shortly before we made contact with Aizen." Sung-Sun began.

"Oy!" But was interrupted by the tomboy.

"We didn't mention you to her because we were afraid that because she didn't meet you, and doesn't have the same loyalty that we have for you, she wouldn't keep the secret."

I doubt that was all. Appaci should be fiercely loyal to Tier, and if she said to her not to tell anyone, she wouldn't.

"Or she would just blabber it out by accident since she doesn't think before she speaks."

There it is.

"What did you say, you slithery bitch!? I could keep a secret if needed. I never told anyone that Franceska kept sleeping with a bunch of pillows in the shape of a man while whispering something to them with a small smile before going to sleep!"

In her anger, she didn't realize what she did until it was too late. Sung-Sun hid her smug smile behind her long sleeve. On the other end of the spectrum Franceska was ready to kill the deer-like Arrancar but the most entertaining part of her rage was a small blush on her cheeks. But it wasn't time for conflict, and Cyan Sung-Sun knew that as well.

"Quiet, you two. It is not time to quarrel. There are more important matters at hand." She reprimanded both of the hot-headed Arrancars.

We didn't need to wait long for Tier to return together with Starrk and Liliynette. The moment they saw me, their eyes widened. Starrk was more calm, but Liliynette practically was ready to jump at me, and she would if not for her partner catching her by the collar.

"Careful. If you move him too roughly, he'll die." He then turned to me. "What do you need me for... old friend."



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