Chapter 76c: A Classy Ascension

Name:The Way Ahead Author:
Chapter 76c: A Classy Ascension

Stamina 8 13

You have completed the Wanderer path!

Your path has taken you far, far from your home, and while you have perhaps settled for the moment, that is but a temporary arrangement. Soon, you will leave even that, your heart and soul not content to settle down, every footfall blurring into the next.

Wandering Alchemist

Paths Unchosen: Master of Obairlann, Master of the Ruined Tower, Recluse

You may evolve your Walking skill into the Longstrider skill!

Accept Evolution? Y/N


One giant leap for man, a small step for mankind

Take longer strides

Distance increases with level.

So he wasnt completely special, it would seem. Lefi had been right about this, if nothing else. Walking did indeed become Longstrider, and it was kind of disorienting to use at first. When it was in use, his every step took him ever so slightly further than he was used to, and for someone who already had issues with spatial awareness at times, he had needed to lean hard on Perception, even wholly disabling Numeracy, to help keep him from repeatedly walking into the cliff or into Obairlanns outer wall.

Hmmm. Should he take a couple of Paths that were likely to increase Perception? It might almost be worthwhile just so he would be able to use all his new Skills more effectively. Adventurer and Explorer were likely to help on that front, hed just have to make sure he took them, which meant hed need to figure out a different Path to skip.

It was also interesting to see himself actually lose Paths. Sure, hed intellectually known it was possible, and Recluse was no great loss. Neither was Master of the Ruined Tower, honestly, but Master of Obairlann might have been nice to take at some point.

Ah well. There was nothing to be done about that now, and only one way to go- forward!

Health 17 20

Stamina 13 16

You have completed the Alchemical Warrior path!

Your path has not been a peaceful one. You have had to fight for your freedom, multiple times. Your future is likely to be as conflict-heavy as your past, and you will need to fight for your freedom, safety, and future ingredients every step of the way.

Alchemical Squire

You may evolve your Harvesting skill into the Alchemical Dismantling skill!

Accept Evolution? Y/N

Alchemical Dismantling

Oh, sorry, were you using that?

Break down alchemical components

Power increases with level.

What the heck did break down components mean? It would presumably aid him in recovering parts from magical creatures- he really wanted to try and get his hands on Pele Wolf blood, see if it really was actually magma or if that was just creative license- but would it help him if he were to, oh, get hydrogen and oxygen via hydrolysis? That could be quite useful, if it genuinely worked that way. Given it came from a combat Path, perhaps that meant it would also help him cut into particularly tough hides?

He didnt have anything particularly worthy of trying to use it on hand, unfortunately. Even his trick of trying to harvest dirt while digging didnt seem to engage it when he tried that- it probably wasnt alchemical enough. He tried boiling water to see if that would have any effect, but couldnt claim to tell if it made an impact. Numeracy wasnt that precise yet, it seemed.

He wanted to try breaking his blackstone pebble to see if that counted, but he couldnt find it. Maybe it fell out of his backpack somewhere? Normally, hed be able to find it with his Basic Mana Sense, but with the general background mana within Obairlann, it was like trying to find a specific blade of hay in a haystack. Ah, hed keep an eye out for it. It might show up eventually.

He might have felt the Skill contribute when he was crushing talsanenris berries- his bushes had finally borne some fruit again, though not many- to see if that would do it, but between the preexisting ease of crushing berries and the skills low level, he wasnt sure if

Ah wait, it leveled. Okay, so it did help with that. Good to know. Further testing was required, but it seemed like he had a partial handle on its function at least.


Mana 10 15

You have completed the Novice Ritualist path!

Stamina 16 20

Health 20 24

Perception 8 10

You have completed the Physical Arcanist path!

Though many seek to strengthen themselves through physical means, others attempt to surpass the limits of the world through use of magic, you tread the narrow path between them. It is a hazardous path for many, and one not taken often, but when threaded appropriately its results are undeniable. Weaving magic into your body directly, without aid of potions or artifacts brings you ever closer to disaster, but binds you to the world all the more.

Metabolic Alchemist

You may evolve your Athletics skill into the Overcharge skill!

Accept Evolution? Y/N


There is always another horizon to surmount

Infuse magic into yourself to push past your normal limits, at great potential cost

Maximum duration increases with level.

Great Cost sounded... ominous.

Inion, Skills wont kill you, will they?

Oh, they absolutely can. I remember one particularly bold fellow from back when who got a Water Breathing Skill. He dove down deep, only to have the Skill give out on him and he drowned.

Okay, but that just sounds like Skill misuse, like if I blew myself up in an explosion, or poisoned myself with a failed potion. What about the act of using a Skill being deadly to the user?

Inion frowned, I dont think that should be possible. Well, she amended, Its possible, but I dont think the System would give out something like that- no, wait. Blood Sacrifice could absolutely kill you if you arent careful.

What about if you are being careful?

Then you should be fine. Why, whatd you get?

Edwin read out his new Skill, to her nodding, Mixing raw mana with your own body outside of the framework of a Skill or magical organ, like you do with your eyes and Seeing, can be harmful without proper training or bodily adaptation. Even at the best of times, it creates this vile black goop that can build up in mundane tissues and in extreme cases has to be cleansed. If youre careful, though, and dont overuse it, you probably wont have any problems.

The alchemist frowned, Cleansing in what way?

She shrugged, Eh, some just sort of push it out like sweat, others manage to excrete it into the stomach and vomit it, but theres also some magical and herbal treatments for it.

And this happens a lot?

Oh, its really miniscule and only really happens with wholly unprocessed magic, she saw the frown growing on Edwins face and clarified, Your potions should be fine unless you seriously, seriously overdo it. Like, drink gallons of concentrated potions in one sitting. Using magical plants already dilutes it because the magic is associated with something physical already and your body is just generally better at dealing with that sort of thing, and what tiny amounts you get from that and normal mana exposure is flushed from your body naturally. Its only when you start shoving raw, unstructured mana inside of yourself that issues arise. Even with this Skill, its probably not something youd need to worry about so long as you restrain yourself.

Edwin was still somewhat wary. It sounded like it was kind of dangerous to overdose on raw magic, but he would need to use the Skill sometime so he could level it, and better that he gave it a try now, right?


He activated the Skill, Infusing mana into his entire body. Immediately, he felt everything about him become sharper, clearer, and he felt stronger and more grounded, as though he had just gotten a nex influx of Attributes on top of the ones hed gotten for completing the Path. He abounded with energy, and his muscles flexed with newfound strength. This was amazing!

...Then the moment passed, and the feeling suddenly reversed. His muscles cramped, the world grew dim, and exhaustion clamped its jaws over his entire body while a dull ache permeated throughout him, and he slumped to the ground in pain.

Inion stood over him, looking down where he lay, You okay there?

I think so. Ugh. Feels like I got hit by a truck.

A what?

Never mind, he groaned, pulling himself to his feet. I think thats enough for today. Im... going to sleep now, I think.

Inion gave him a hand, leading him to his bed and gently laying him in it. He nodded in appreciation and let his very, very sore body give way to the peaceful oblivion of sleep.

It had been a very long day, and besides, the sun was beginning to set.

His Paths werent going anywhere, after all.