Chapter 90a: Local Cultures

Name:The Way Ahead Author:
Chapter 90a: Local Cultures

The Guildmasters declaration didnt overly surprise Edwin- he had been half expecting something like this for a while now. However, he wasnt expecting to be approached on the street by the Master herself. Heck, he didnt even really know that the guildmaster was a she until just now.

He needed to get better at preemptively looking up details about people, didnt he?

Right now? he asked.

Preferably. Unless you have some activity which you find more important that you must attend to, which I find unlikely.

Fair enough. Still, though Anyway, right here? Edwin figured shed probably not want a conversation in the middle of the street, and was vindicated when she turned away from him and motioned that he should follow.

We shall speak in my office, she explained as they approached the primary Guild hall, There are fewer prying eyes and ears there.

Her tone wasnt harsh, though it was firm, and Edwin distinctly detected the edge of a social Skill at play, trying to worm its way inside his head and put him at ease. He squashed it before it could develop, Infusing his Adaptive Defense in an effort to get some Skill backing behind his efforts. While he still hadnt figured out exactly what Infused Defense did- if anything at all- using the combination itself was still reassuring to him as a placebo if nothing else.

They didnt enter through the main entrance of the hall, but took a side door, tucked behind a root and almost invisible from any angle other than straight ahead, instead. Once inside, it was a tight spiral staircase and a short hallway into what must have been inside the trunk of the tree itself. Or just absolutely massive spatial shenanigans, because that was also a possibility.

Not that I question your decision, Edwin asked, But surely you have more important things to do than just track me down and talk to me personally?

Understandable, she agreed, but did not turn to face him, While your concern for my time is commendable, it is misplaced and you need not worry in the manner in which I spend my time. I assure you, this meeting is not taking away from anything which might be deemed important.

Even with the reassurance, Edwin still felt a little awkward about taking the time of someone so influential- or just in general, really. He wasnt that important.

As the two of them entered what seemed to be Kertoas office, an identical woman to the guildmaster next to him- tall, dark hair, slightly dark skin- stepped out past the two of them, making eye contact and nodding with her no, not a twin. While that had been his first thought, it wouldnt explain why they also had a small, matching burn scar running along each of their chins.

Wait, what?

Eternal Master of Manifold Potions and Elixirs

Master Kertoa (PanastalisKertoa)

Guildmaster of Panastalis Alchemist Guild

Yep, definitely the same person. Hed applied that Almanac note not five minutes ago, which meant there was either time travel or cloning going on. Probably the latter, given she was an alchemist, though just to check, he modified her specific Almanac label to denote her as Master Kertoa 1.

When he checked the second now, he saw that her Almanac tag was unchanged, and with a nod, updated her to Master Kertoa 2. Just to further check, he quickly checked them each out with Skillful Assessment. Sure enough, they were both fully suffused by an identical green-red Skill.

Kertoa looked at him with an impatient eyebrow raised, and Edwin realized she was holding the door open for him. He quickly muttered an apology and ducked through.

Confused? she asked, a tilt to her voice Edwin wasnt entirely sure how to parse. Amusement, perhaps?The source of this content nov(el)bi((n))

I mean, it seems like a really useful Skill. Would it be Alchemical Cloning? Alchemical Simulacrum? How many can you have?

She was taken aback, Perfected Simulacrum, as the case may be. She blinked, Were you forewarned by Alchemist Cope? It is generally assumed I have a twin upon first meeting one of my doubles.

Edwin shrugged, not really wanting to go into how Almanac worked too much, Scar on your chin meant twins wouldnt work, not that twins usually look so similar into adulthood. Since you have time to personally seek me out by standing on a street corner, that means you dont have too much pressure on your time, or alternatively have some way to be in two places at once. Combine all that with being a Manifold alchemist, and some sort of Skill-based biological duplicate made sense.

I see, she replied as they took a seat at her desk.

Unlike most of the offices Edwin had seen with his time in Panastalis, the walls were mostly bare, other than a single massive bookshelf that dominated the back of the room. Even with Seeing, Edwin couldnt make out the titles of most of the books present, though the few he could see had impressive-sounding titles. Secrets of the Vast Alchymical Arts, On the Homunculus, On the Nature of the Gozau, and The Vivinomicon were all represented, none of which Edwin had ever seen before.

The rich wood of her desk- made of something Edwin hadnt Almanaced yet- was similarly visible, somehow free of the massive piles of paper Edwin normally associated with administration. Was this just a decorative office, then?

I shall admit to being impressed by your awareness. Although I will not answer your question in its entirety, you are correct in your assessment that thanks to it I need not worry overmuch as to how I spend my time. I am fully capable of speaking with you and performing my numerous other duties simultaneously.

Thats... reassuring, I suppose, though also intimidating. Couldnt you just replace half the alchemists guild with that sort of Skill, though?

It does have limits, she responded, However, I am certain you understand the desire for circumspection in your Skills, do you not?

Well I mean obviously you should perform all due diligence and try to minimize the risk, which can incorporate all sorts of animal testing, or simulating tests I dont even know what all you can use to try and simulate it without an actual person, but at some point you need to just go and try it on a human before you can know for certain if itll help. The body is really, really complex after all. Sometimes, what works for one person may not work for another, and you just need to figure it out from there. What matters is youre always trying to help people to the best of your ability.

Interesting philosophy. I find it reminiscent of the new Adventurer program in some ways, and although that has shown great promise, I still do not agree it ought to be extended to medicine. However, I shall admit that it is not as tasteless as you first made it sound, Alchemist-Errant Maxlin.

Oops? he tried, Im not the best with words. I constantly annoy people with how much I talk about all sorts of random stuff, I know, but I also dont know how to do anything else, so Im just sort of stuck in the middle. Edwin confessed.

I concur.

Edwin frowned. Was that an insult or was that some kind of a

Now, we have spent an inordinate amount of time upon merely the first discussion point of several, and so it is time to move along.

I hear you have interesting views on potions. Am I correct in understanding you are unable to brew most common elixirs, even under supervision?

Yes. He admitted, I dont know what it might be, though I suspect it might be that my Skills arent conducive to it. That, or theres some sort of magical shenanigans going on that are blocking me.

Are you not a mage?

Im not a very good one, Edwin defended, I have three skills that relate to it? Maybe four. A sense, a way to make things magical, a heating Skill, and flight. I dont know the first thing about how to use magic, and alchemy is undeniably magical.

Interesting theory. I do not know of any mages who attempted to become alchemists, so I shall somewhat defer to your judgement there. What has brought you to that conclusion?

Because, well, a lot of the interesting stuff is magic. You use faintly magical ingredients a lot of the time, or theres magic involved in the process somehow I dont know exactly, but Alchemy doesnt work like it should.

You have utilized that phrase multiple times now, the guildmaster continued her interrogation, What do you mean when you say something should work a given way? I was under the impression, given your views upon experimentation, that how something did work was the ultimate authority of all else, regardless of how it ought to function?

I Edwin hesitated, I dont actually have an answer to that, I suppose. How things work without magic in play, I guess? Though theres no real way to isolate that Huh.

So in your view, because alchemy creates things that do not align with what you think would happen in the absence of magic, it is therefore magical in nature?

Yeah, I guess.

Please elaborate on the manner by which you know how potion creation ought to work in the absence of magic. Insofar as I am capable of investigating, it appears more that it is the introduction of magic which interferes with the way potions should be created, given you are the only mage we have, and you are unable to make potions.

I I dont think I can, really, he was edging close to a lie- a risky proposition given he didnt know for sure that Master Kertoa didnt have a truth-telling Skill- but if he phrased things correctly he might be able to skate by on technicalities, Not without getting into some topics which I dont think I can really share, by Taras advisement.


Oh, Enforcer... Lisana. Based out of Vinstead, he explained after a quick check of Almanac, and the guildmaster nodded in understanding.

I see. Interesting that you have imperial secrets. Most alchemists never discover something so important that it requires Enforcer involvement. There was that note-taking impression again, and Edwin had to fight the urge to correct her faulty assumption.

So now we come to perhaps the most pertinent part of this conversation, she nodded, Please, enlighten me on the nature of your relationship with Alchemist Cope?

My relationship with Cope? Why is that important?

Just answer the question, please. My comments and verdict will only be given at the conclusion of this discussion.

Well, that wasnt ominous at all.

So Cope, yeah. I mean, when I first entered the Guild, I was met by Thoril, though I didnt know him at the time, and asked

Thoril? Thoril Viskantal?

Um. Maybe? I dont actually know his last name. Actually, I might have assumed Thoril was his last name? Blue-skinned guy?

That is he, then. Do continue.

So anyway, he told me