Chapter 101a: Sights to See

Name:The Way Ahead Author:
Chapter 101a: Sights to See

Flight was absolutely amazing.

Sure, hed experienced glimmers of what it was truly like to fly from time to time, but he was always so limited in what he could do. Most of the time, the Skill was relegated to just enhancing his existing mobility capabilities and slowly drifting through the air like what Inion tended to do.

But this? This was so much better.

Rillah zipped through the air on her leafy wings, pulling Edwin along as she did so. Sure, he could probably gain some control over his trajectory if he let go of her hand, but if he did, all he would really be able to do was to move relative to Rillah, and even that was bound to be limited. Even with a tight grip on her hand, he needed to put most of his mana into Flights tether strength, something he previously didnt even know was an option.

Rillah was really, really good at flying, too. Dipping into Skillful Assessment, he watched the veritable symphony of Skills working in concert he saw the skill-based skeleton of her wings connecting at her shoulders, providing a massive framework for her flight to base itself off of. The rest was filled in presumably by magic, but that magic was interwoven with a wholly separate set of Skills that allowed her every twitch to help her turn, her every flap making her go faster. True to her word, her flight was powerful enough that he was barely an additional strain, and he couldnt help but wonder what sort of Skill was involved and how he could get that sort of thing himself.

If he were to guess, she had gotten her Wings as a skill evolution at some point, and then picked up a new basic Skill built around its functionality. He could ask later. For now, he was going to enjoy this.

They had started off with a dramatic swoop towards the ground, and Edwin had almost flinched at the speed they were hurtling towards the stone building at the base of the tower. He nearly broke off but he was trying to trust, so he held fast.

It was well-rewarded, as she pulled up into a wickedly fast flight forward, darting to and past the wall surrounding the towers property. He had squeezed her hand tightly in concern but she had just laughed and brought them just barely over the wall- closer than .22 meters, that was for certain- and that was already higher resolution than he could normally get from Numeracy. He was getting some serious levels, it would seem.

The part of him responsible for keeping an eye on Numeracy informed him that they were going some fifty meters per second, and the rest of Edwin unanimously declared that he should pay more attention to the experience.

He came back to himself fully to see Rillah not looking where she was flying- but still effortlessly dodging every obstacle, of course- but instead looking at him. She gave his hand a quick squeeze, what was she oh, of course.

Youve got this! she promised, and Edwin hesitated then let go of her hand. He doubled down instead on his tether and let her pull him along like he was at the end of a fairly stretchy rope as they dove into the city streets themselves. The crowds of people below them parted as Rillah dove through them. When one of her wings did occasionally run into something- either an object or a person- they just passed straight through without so much as a hint of a collision. That she didnt have to worry about decapitating people was certainly a relief, but it just as much pushed her to go and take even more risks. At least Edwin was able to navigate into the space in the crowds left by her passage to avoid hitting anything.

Rillah pulled into a tight spiral, circling around one of the rare columns out in public, carrying Edwin into a whirlwind spin as she recovered some height. Another flap of her wings and shed risen further above the city, and then she pulled them back into a dive, swooping down to the streets and rising back up.

She jetted around buildings, spinning around and narrowly dodging people as she swept close to the ground. Edwin decided to play it a bit safe this time and flew so he was above and mostly in-step with her, but she was at the point where her wings were brushing the ground.

I thought you said people got annoyed at you when you did this! he called out.

Yeah, well theyre all a bunch of hypocrites! You think they dont do this? Only if they cant! I think I also said that I just dont care! Take that, Vsarin! You and your stupid furry snakes!

Who and their what?

Dont worry about it!

With a quick flap of her wings, Rillah took off from the ground, leaving the puny humans and the resulting chaos of her flight through their midst behind and jetted into the sky, where flocks of avior were similarly undergoing their normal routine.

The air was thick with Skills, though primarily concentrated within the bodies of their airborne companions; very few had active flight Skills, and so far as Edwin could tell, all external Skills were active.

Rillah swooped through one of the few places where Edwin could see a Skill active in the air, and immediately jetted up, the Updraft skill effect pushing her into the sky and pulling Edwin along for the ride. The Veteran Overseer responsible for the Skill screeched something that was snatched away by the wind as they pushed past him and continued on, further and further into the sky.

The wind this far up almost froze Edwin to the bone at first, but he felt Adaptive Defense kick in and swiftly reduce it to chilly but manageable. From this far above, the sight looked spectacular. This birds-eye view was something that he never thought hed ever see, and was far better than the measly view he had gotten even on airplanes back on Earth. Here, he had a completely unobstructed view of everything in all directions.

Far below him, the gray and brown of the city stood in sharp contrast to the greens and wheat-golden patchwork of land that surrounded it in all directions. The roads were oddly gray straight lines cutting straight through the landscape, clusters of farmhouses making villages tiny brown dots scattered some distance away from the city, and distant forest making a patchy, dark green carpet. Even the river was a brilliant sapphire far below them, winding to and fro as it meandered downstream. Upstream, Edwin thought he could see the waterfall Inion had mentioned as the terrain stepped up as it headed towards the massive mountains that dominated so much of the surroundings.

From up here, though, Edwin could see they were nearly at the tail end of the Highpeak mountain range, and that far off in the distance an ocean glittered. A tiny wisp cloud drifted by beneath them, and the azure sky offered an infinite backdrop behind them.

Wow, Edwin couldnt help but remark, and Rillah grinned.

Quite the sight, isnt it?

Yeah. Its Ive seen some views in the past, but this is something else.

Flying is great, isnt it? she asked, and Edwin nodded mutely, But its nothing compared to seeing everything down there up close. What might be a tiny dot of color from up here could be the most interesting place thats ever existed. A patch of forest might have some rare and beautiful flower, a person you meet on the road may have truly fascinating stories. Seeing things from this far up, you can see everything but also nothing. Its like being in the tower. To see anything worthwhile, you gotta get close, you gotta go and interact with stuff.

Is this why you travel?

She chuckled, No, I loved to travel long before I ever could fly. This is perhaps the single greatest viewpoint to see from, but like anything, it can only be interesting for so long.

You find this boring? Edwin asked incredulously.

No, not boring. The awe goes away eventually, but the sights are always just as amazing. Being up here during the sunset casts it all in truly wonderful colors, or right after a rainstorm you might be able to see a rainbow thats actually a full circle. Sights from up here really make everything seem so small, and it almost makes sense why avior look down on us poor earthbound humans so much.

Edwin nodded, drifting slightly further away from Rillah to better enjoy the view. He could understand why he might eventually get bored, but the novelty still had very much not worn off yet, and he would appreciate that while he could.

You ready? Rillahs question broke him out of his thoughts. Ready for what?

Lets go! She made a sudden turn, jetting off to the side with almost no warning well fine, he had a warning, but it wasnt sufficient.

Overcharge Level 26 27

Skillful Assessment Level 41 42

Thanks, he actually remembered to say, mind still slightly frazzled, I dont know how long I would have been like that otherwise.

Happy to help, she laughed, It was my fault after all.

Its not your fault. Besides, you couldnt have really known how badly Id react, though.

No, she admitted, But I still was insensitive and careless, and for that I am sorry.

It was so nice, finding a person who cared about his feelings. It was novel. Edwin wasnt sure it really helped his social anxiety though, because now he just was extra-worried about not chasing her off.

He knew that was being unreasonable, though. He should just be himself, apparently. Nevermind that unfiltered Edwin was unbearable to even himself, how could anyone like that? He knew that people didnt truly want people to be their natural, annoying selves. That just meant that honestly, he didnt know what. Hopefully hed figure it out.

So you going to say anything about why you reacted so badly?

Oh, right. I suppose I can. Edwin had been sitting in silence for an awkward amount of time again, hadnt he? Gah, social stuff was so hard and he was doing it again.

Im not sure I can really explain it adequately, because it is a fear of mine and those are always irrational. But I suppose if I were to point to some time where it really started up it was probably the last time I fell from the sky.

The last time? How in Xares name did you fall from the sky before? I thought you hadnt free-flown before?

I havent. This was before I got the Flight skill anyway.

She raised a very skeptical eyebrow, green eye practically radiating disbelief, And how exactly did you fall from the sky? Wait- dont tell me. Are you from VisDaric?

Um, no actually. Have you been there?

She shook her head, One day, havent made it to a Docking City in time before.

Oh cool, we can go togetherrrrr if you want to, of course, Edwins brain went into panicked recovery mode, I dont want to assume that youd want to travel with me anywhere, you know? I mean, I kind of hope that youd want to go with me to places, but not in a weird way! I just enjoy actually, Im going to stop talking now.

She laughed, Its alright. If you want to go that way, and think youll make it, absolutely let me know. Visiting the Bronze Sun is a longtime goal of mine.

Bronze Sun?

Uh-uh! No changing the topic. If youve never been there, how did you fall out of the sky? Did you make some avior mad?

Oh, right. VisDaric, he realized, then finished processing her statement, Um, I dont think so. I dont actually know how I got there, if Im being honest. I dont have any memories of the arrival, I just remember

He suppressed a shudder as he recalled his first moments on Joriah, and the strange dreams he had been dealing with before waking up.

A lot of falling. But yeah, that was terrifying. Didnt have any Skills that would help me, tumbling through the air it was pretty terrifying. I think I actually blacked out.

You didnt have any applicable Skills? What the gashith did you do?

I survived.

No, really? Never would have guessed. So you didnt use the Eleven Lives skill?

Wait Edwins mind was racing, Is that a thing?

She let out a snort, Ha. No. Well, it might be. Who even knows?

They sat in silence for a moment.

Lefi would, they said in unison, then broke into laughter.

Once theyd composed themselves, they spent an amicable moment of silence simply recovering and formulating their next thoughts.

Hmm. Edwin noted, Im hungry. You want something? I think I saw a bakery while we were flying around earlier.

She nodded, Sure! Free food is always good.

Great. Ill be right back.