Chapter 129: The Way Ahead

Name:The Way Ahead Author:
Chapter 129: The Way Ahead

Edwin woke up with a splitting headache but an odd lack of pain anywhere else in his body. It was also rather pleasant remembering what happened all the way up until he passed out, for a change. He must have been out for a while, for Sleeping to have swept all of his normal aches of using Overcharge away.

That probably wasnt fantastic, buthe had control over his body again! That definitely was good. It meant his plan must have worked, but just to be sure, he delved into his internal body structure with Anatomy.

There was essentially no physical damage left. Instead, lingering life-enhancing magic lined his veins and gradually swept away the last few remnant scorch marks as he watched.

The potion hed made had worked brilliantly, it seemed. With Overcharge flooding his body, Nialls blood, coursing with mana-absorbing potion lapped up nearly all of it. While that would have been damaging enough- whether the black gunk that came as a result of using the Skill was poisonous or the direct result of burning parts of the body didnt matter, because either would weaken Niall immensely. But that was only the first stage of his potion, because under the extreme magical saturation, his potion became exceptionally flammable, and even the slightest disturbance would light it off. What exactly the disturbance was didnt matter too much, but the backup was Rillah directing a tiny scrap of fire mana into her blood. Regardless, it would then ignite and burn Niall to a crisp in mere seconds.

That by itself was unlikely to take out the rogue blood alchemist, given his tenacity, and if it somehow did, it would result in countless casualties. But that was where Inion and Rillah came in. Both possessed water-based magic, and were excellent counters to being burned alive. But what was even better was the secondary impacts of their mana. Inions fostered life, and Rillahs directly grew it. Combined, they managed to chase away the tenacious rot that Niall used to return by replacing it, growing in the fertile ash left behind in the wake of his incineration. Choking out the weeds with flowers, essentially.

Hed had his doubts, but maybe, just maybe, it was all over.

With a deep breath, Edwin cracked his eyes open. He was in an unfamiliar stone room of some sort, wearing relatively plain clothes, in a bed that felt absolutely phenomenal. There was a window in the wall to his left, and in front of it...Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

Hey Inion.

Edwin! Youre awake, the fey whipped her head around at his voice, floating over to his bedside.

I really wish this would stop happening.

Do you want me to not wait by your side while you sleep?

Edwin blinked, I mean, when you put it like that, yeah? But I mostly meant I wish I wasnt always waking up from grievous injuries, sometimes in strange locations.

Mh. Well, maybe if you didnt keep almost killing yourself as a first resort in a fight.

Hey, its not a first resort! Or any level of resort. Besides, its happened like three times tops.

Panther, she counted on a finger.

Last resort.

That one bandit.


You punched his head off.

Ohh, right. That guy. That was just Overcharge overuse, it doesnt count.

The first time you escaped from Niall.

I hurt myself while escaping, that doesnt count.

Inion reached to count off another finger, but hesitated, Huh. Maybe it hasnt been that often?

It really doesnt matter, Edwin sighed as he sat up, What happened after I went out?

Well, we dropped you and flew off. Dont give me that look. After that, Rillah fell to the ground screaming in pain.

I really wish you wouldnt look so pleased by that fact.

Ha. Anyway, at the same time the bit of blood I had started to boil and burn a little bit, so then I did my part, youre welcome, and put it all out. It only took a minute for Rillah to stop screaming, and she used her little magic to do the thing and grow invigoration instead of Niall and stuff. It turned the blood really crystal-like, something like liquid rubies. Really neat. But then, however it worked, Nialls body came out to try and do something. It was kinda strange, his Skills had this massive hole in them, like you literally burned out the effect from him.

Thats possible?

No. Its not. You cant lose a Skill. I just said it looked like that was what had happened.

Edwin glared at his friend halfheartedly.

Anyway, once that happened, Tara came out and sentenced Niall to death for harm, forbidden Skills. Assault on people, all that fun stuff. Chopped off his head and it actually took. Then she had the body burned.

Oh, just like that?

Inion nodded, Just like that.

Feels weird. Like, Im glad hes gonehe is gone, right? he pointedly asked the fey, who just shrugged, Whatever. Ill see if I cant run some tests, but it just seems strange that he is gone, and that I wasnt there for it or anything. It just feels unsatisfying.

Thats life.

I guess so. So where is Tara now?

She left, heading back to Vinstead after the execution.

Still feels weird. And then were

In the old medical clinic. Its been a bit disused, but now that Niall isnt around to block it from being used, we made sure you were somewhere secure while you slept. Rillah especially made sure you were safe and healthy.

You called her Rillah? Not her or that problem?

She might not be all that bad, Inion admitted, She seems nice enough, after all.

Not three days ago you were telling me how she was the most suspicious person youd ever met.

Okay, first off that was three weeks ago, not three days ago, unless you only want to count all the time since you learned about the Blood Alchemist as one day, and secondly, why wouldn't I trust her? Shes been nothing but nice to you, why would I be hostile towards her? She just wants to help, I figure I should give her a chance.



It really wasnt that easy, was it? It never would be that easy.

Edwins heart began to race, his eyes darting around the room for other signs of unreality in the world around him.Had Nialls Skill evolved again, into something which threw him into an illusionary world that he wouldnt put up resistance in? He couldnt spot anything out of place in his surroundings, but there was bound to be something.

Almanac wasnt returning anything strange, but that didnt mean anything. None of his senses could be trusted. Depending on how insidious the illusion was, his entire mind could be suspect, including his own thoughts. The only saving grace was that Niall hadnt shown anywhere near the sort of power or control needed to create such an insanely detailed illusion on the fly. Maybe he could overload it? But how the heck would he do that?

He kept his breathing steady, but it was all he could do to not start panicking as he tried to figure out what weaknesses there were in the grand illusion he was living in, other than Inions unusual behavior.

Okay, just something that only Inion would know?

Where am I from? he narrowed his eyes at the fey, I need to know youre real.

Where are you from? Edwin, youre from Earth. she lowered her voice for the last word, And of course this is real, we won! Im just glad that youre safe after all of that. Are you feeling alright? How can I help you?

No. No, this wasnt right. Inion was way too calm, she wasnt no, it was all wrong. Edwin flung out his arm, unleashing Unbound Tether to push Inion to the far wall as he sprang up from his bed, flying out of the room and nearly running into Rillah herself.

Woah! Woah there, Edwin! You seem to be doing well!

Rillah! I need your no, how do I know you arent just part of it?

Part of what? Edwin, youre really stressed and freaking out, and you need to calm down. Give me your hand, and youll feel better.

Edwin backed away. Yes, she could be talking about Calming Touch, but what other insane effects might be transmitted through contact? No, he needed to be safe. If he really was trapped in some grand illusion, it was critical he found the limits and.

There. Feel better now?

Edwin mutely nodded as Calming Touch slowed his panicked thoughts to a reasonable speed and allowed him to look at them objectively. No, it was really unlikely that Niall would know Edwin was from Earth and not know that Rillah and Inion shouldnt be getting along. The same thing went for any automated effects based on his own expectations. And if Niall had needed Edwin to touch something, he could have disguised it as a wall instead of having Rillah conspicuously reach out and grab his hand.

Are you alright, Edwin?

Yeah. Yeah, I am. I was just worried that all of this was a lie, that I was still stuck inside of some kind of illusion, that wed lost and Rillah gently squeezed his hand, pulsing Calming Touch once again. And that you were some kind of trick.

How can I persuade you Im not?

Im Im good now, Edwin allowed his brain to succumb to the numbing that Calming Touch brought. He was safe, he was with friends, he didnt know how to handle this, actually. But his mouth just kept running, I just needed to really think through everything and let my mind do something. Part of me still cant really believe that its over, you know? And theres a part of me that wants to forget it ever happened, just go about my normal life without ever acknowledging the amount of faith I had to put into you guys, that my wonderfully sleep-deprived brain resolved to

He trailed off as he finally got his mouth under control, glancing awkwardly at Rillah, then looked around to see that Inion had also joined them at some point. Fortunately, he didnt have much more of an audience than just that, but all of his declarations that he was going to open up and be more friendly with his friends seemed way less certain now. They werent that good of friends, after all; he had only known Rillah for a few months, and Inion a few years. Well they werent close friends! He hadnt told them anything super personal about his inner life. He was still waiting for one of them to take an interest in his wellbeing.

Like almost literally walking through fire? Heck, not walking through fire, letting themselves belit on fire. What about waiting at my bedside for me to wake up? Calming me down?

Uh, I dont know, I just need

I think I know exactly what you need.

Really? Im kind of uncertain between a long day of just-

Edwin was cut off once again, but he couldnt really bring himself to complain about it this time no matter how he spun it.

It was honestly really, really nice.

So did you have wind? Or weather? Storms?

Of course.


I have no clue what those are.

Oh, thats just when rocks fall off a mountain but instead of hitting the ground they just sort of float around for a while.

No. Thats very much magic.

But fire and storms arent? I thought you were saying that magic is about energy, or something like that.

No, its more about free energy? Energy that can be controlled by a creature.

So then how did you move? I can feel the lightning inside of me on a good day, I know its what makes me able to do stuff.

What? Oh, um. I dont actually know that I have a good definition for magic, now that I think about it. Ill get back to you on that. But no, we still had electricity, its just not actually magic. You see, electricity is the flow of electrons that....

Neither of them got any sleep that night, not that they particularly minded. Some things were more important than a bit of rest.

The wagon was almost fully packed. The closest thing to an actual payment he had gotten out of the whole thing was carte blanche to ransack Nialls former laboratory, and while he wasnt complaining about being able to restock on materials he was missing or had run out ofof which there were manyit still felt inadequate for all that hed gone through. But at least according to the new magistrate, it should count as all of their adventurers duty service tax for at least a decade, and theyd also gotten Inion an adventurers license, so she should be able to legally enter towns now.

That didnt matter, though. It wasnt about the stuff, it never had been. It was about the experiences hed made along the way, and even putting aside the bonds of friendship forged in incendiary potion injections, Edwin had no complaints.

Level Up!

Skill Points 1241 1322

(Alchemy: 110; Stamina Manipulation: 38; 19/25 60-point Paths)

Adaptive Defense Level 6163

Alchemical Analysis Level 5360

Alchemical Dismantling Level 5862

Alchemy Level 101110

Anatomy Level 5256

Arcadian Elixir Level 4145

Basic Thermokinesis Level 4548

Fey's Caress Level 4950

Fresh Air Level 4849

Improbable Arsenal Level 4647

Longstrider Level 5657

Mana Infusion Level 9394

Memory Level 6970

Numeracy Level 5758

Outsiders Almanac Level 141143

Overcharge Level 3647

Polyglot Level 7576

Prototyping Level 4849

Refining Level 4753

Ritual Intuition Level 5862

Sapper's Apparatus Level 6970

Skillful Assessment Level 5863

Stamina Manipulation Level 3238

Unbound Tether Level 4143

Watchful Rest Level 4647

Congratulations! For ending a magical contagion through alchemical means, you have unlocked the Plaguebalm Alchemist Path!

Congratulations! For bestowing magic upon another, you have unlocked the Archmage Path!

Congratulations! For igniting your own blood and surviving, you have unlocked the Fireblood Path!

Congratulations! For igniting over a hundred and twenty individuals on fire with an alchemical potion, you have unlocked the Pyroalchemist Path!

Congratulations! For surviving extreme levels of raw mana exposure, you have unlocked the Physical Arcanist Path!

Congratulations! By manipulating your own blood via alchemical means, you have unlocked the Blood Alchemist Path!

Congratulations! For ending a moderate threat to the Lirasian Empire, you have unlocked the Imperial Ally Path!

Rillah had also gotten the Archmage path, and while Inion remained as tight-lipped as ever about her Status, they were fairly certain shed gotten it as well. Not that it really mattered- at 120 skill points, it would be a long time before any of them were likely to take it. But it was still a really neat reminder of what theyd managed to do.

Unfortunately, Yathal was still missing without a trace, and none of the local trackers were high enough level to have any clue where he went. All they could really do was hope that the boy was alright, wherever he was, and that hed be able to take care of himself.

At least hes familiar with the area.

Rillah and Inion were chatting like old friends, which still felt phenomenally weird, but Edwin was happy for the change. He only had two friends on all of Joriah, and that he wouldnt have to choose which he had to spend time with was such a relief.

After all, it wasnt like anyone else was liable to pretend that-

Edwin ground his thoughts to a halt. No. They werent pretending to like him. He trusted them. Most importantly, he trusted them to be honest with him. If they said that he wasnt a tremendous pain to be around, then he wasnt to them at least.

But what about other people?

Other people didnt matter. He had two good friends, who would risk their lives for him. Who had more trust in him than even he did. He had friends. Whatever other people said or thought did not matter. Why would it? It was their problem now, not his.

He had friends.

For real, this time. It wasnt some trick he was telling himself to make him feel better, not some friends for a weekend that would just leave him feeling more alone afterwards than before, not fake friends who would just laugh at him when he tried to be vulnerable, or any combination thereof, but actual friends.

He had friends.

Friends he could travel with, friends who he could depend on, friends who would just be there. Friends were fantastic.

And thats the last of it! Edwin called out to the pair, floating up to join them. Rillah was resting against a perch on the buildings roof, while Inion simply hovered midair.

hear about the- oh hey Edwin. Rillah broke off her point about flowers? It sounded like they had been talking about flowers. Everything all ready?

Assuming you two are packed? Yeah. The shatterstalk was really tricky to do properly, but I managed it by encasing each one in apparatite, then wrapping that in moss and submerging the entire thing in water, which I of course put in an Improbable Arsenal bag. Then there were the cinderdust moths

Edwin, while Im sure that all of those things are absolutely fascinating

Oh, they are. Since Alchemical Analysis hit level sixty, its now showing me basic alchemical facts about new things I find, so long as Ive registered that alchemical nature for something else. It means that

Edwin. Fascinating stuff, tell me when were on the road. Okay? Unless you changed your mind about leaving by noon.

Nope, still the plan. Lets get going.

He dropped down to the driver's seat, and the faintest flick of Bill the ponys reins set them on their course. First up, Rillahs hometown. Shed be able to see her mother, Edwin might be able to get some unicorn horn, and Inion was just happy to be coming along.

After that?

Well, who really cared? There was always more to see, more to learn

And above all, always further testing to be done.