Li Qiu's tragic situation did have some influence on Zhou Shuren. Who made Zhou Shuren's image as a good official who was close to the people and loved the people. Some people thought Zhou Shuren was cruel, and some people thought it should be done.

A person has an idea, not to mention tens of thousands of people, plus the authenticity of the upload is lost, Zhou Shuren's reputation is mixed.

Fortunately, there was no rhythm in ancient times. Of course, a servant who signed a death contract and backed his master was of little use.

In the capital, the emperor was pleasantly surprised when he received the news. He was also afraid that Zhou Shuren wasn't ruthless enough, and wanted to grind it out. It seemed that it was unnecessary and would save a lot of time.

The emperor took out the imperial edict, which was a promotion edict for Zhou Shuren, and threw it to Eunuch Liu, "Burn it."

Eunuch Liu took it, "Yes."

The crown prince did not look sideways, thinking in his heart, Lord Zhou's luck is really good, this is going to be an imperial decree, and Lord Zhou has scratched the heart of the father. From the fourth grade, it seems that it will change again.

The prince has to admit that some people are really lucky, and of course they are good at it.

It really helped him relieve his anger!

The emperor signaled that the prince can go back, the prince raised his eyebrows, the father and the emperor didn't want to tell anyone, waiting to blow up a group of people!

The emperor waited for the prince to go out, and then asked someone to write the imperial edict. Once it was written, he sent someone to declare the edict.

Eunuch Liu lowered his head, although Lord Zhou did not enter the capital, but Lord Zhou and the emperor could cooperate even if they were separated from each other.

The first month of the month in Lizhou City, Zhulan's belly is more than six months old, and Zhao's is bigger than hers.

Zhulan is not particularly tired now. After two months, she wants to follow the car, but Zhou Shuren won't let it go. Zhulan leaned on Zhou Shuren's body, "When will the imperial decree arrive? How do I go?"

Zhou Shuren was also worried. He thought that he should arrive without the decree of the first month, but it turned out that the first month was over, "It should be soon."

"Hopefully faster."

Zhulan hopes that the child in her womb will love her more, and she must be born ten months later.

Because the Zhou family had Mrs. Song and others, even if Zhulan knew it, she would not pack her luggage in advance.

In the past few days, Mrs. Li has come close to her again, because of Li Qiu's incident, Mrs. Li has been frightened, and she is looking for a sense of security beside her.

Mrs. Li didn't spend much time every day, and Mrs. Li came only when Minghui fell asleep.

Zhulan was talking to Mrs. Li when Steward Ding came in excitedly, "Mother, I'm overjoyed, I'm overjoyed."

Zhulan knew what to do, but she asked, "What's the happy event?"

Life depends on acting skills. Ever since Mrs. Song was added to her, Zhulan found that her acting skills improved very quickly, and she looked so excited and pretended.

Butler Ding grinned, "I would like to send the news back, the master has been promoted, he has been promoted to prefect, Jinzhou prefect."

Zhulan is stupid, this time it's really not her acting skills, I'll go, triple jump, from rank 5 to rank 4, she has also become a respected person, no wonder Steward Ding is going crazy with excitement.

Moreover, the prefect of Jinzhou, the state city closest to the capital, is right, Pinggang is under the jurisdiction of Jinzhou, looking at the sky silently, this is the most chaotic place.

Butler Ding patted his head before he remembered what he had forgotten, "Mother, I would like to ask you to prepare to receive the order."

Zhulan understood that this was the imperial decree to seal her, and she came together.

Zhulan has experience in receiving the imperial decree, and she was ready soon. She took her family to receive the imperial decree, and handed the prepared purse to the official. Zhulan held the imperial decree in her hand, not to mention, she was quite excited.

The other thing I'm happy about is that because she's not in the capital, she doesn't have to go to the palace to thank her, which is really good.

Yes, yes, she has to pack her luggage, she needs to hurry up, she is still pregnant with a baby.

The officials and guards who read the imperial decree did not leave, but also escorted the Zhou family to take office.

Li Shi and other officials have left, but they still feel unreal, "Mother, father has become a prefect?"

Zhulan nodded, "Yes."

Mr. Dong was stunned. His father-in-law, Zhili Prefecture, had the same rights as the prefect, but his rank was not. Once he was transferred to Zhili Prefecture, it would be fine, but he would have less rights if he changed the land. The prefect, or the prefect of Jinzhou, should the father go to Beijing next?

Zhu Lan returned to the room and looked at Gongren's clothes, which were a little more ornate than Yiren's, mainly the headgear.

Old Boss Zhou and Old Second Zhou were so excited that Old Zhou said, "Mother, I haven't sent someone to tell Grandpa yet."

Zhulan, "Yes, as soon as I'm happy, I'll forget it, you'll arrange it."

Then he instructed his daughter, "Today, the family will celebrate the big happy event in the mansion. Also, today's servants will give you a month's money."

Mrs Li came back to her senses, "Mother, please reward your servants!"

Zhulan burst out laughing. Mrs. Li, who was still dizzy just now, woke up when she heard the silver coins, "All, everyone in the family has doubled their monthly money this month."

Li Shi grinned, "Mother is so nice."

Afterwards, Zhulan instructed the Ding Guan family, "Check out everything in the house and give it to me."

She wants to see what to take with her.

This time, I need to live in the yamen, and I don't know how big the backyard of the prefect in Jinzhou is. However, I have to take the valuables with me. Lizhou City, the Zhou family will not come back.

Butler Ding is very motivated. He has become the prefect butler. Where did he feel before, "I'll go light it now."

Zhulan said to each room again, "You guys also go back and light your luggage Pack whatever you can pack first."

After Zhulan had made arrangements, Chang Lian heard the letter and came back. After congratulating her mother, she went back to her yard to pack her luggage.

In the big room, Li Shi happily packed his luggage and said, "Head of the house, you have become the uncle of the prefect's family."

Boss Zhou grinned, "You're not bad, Madam."

Li sighed deeply, "Why do I feel like I'm in a dream?"

A few years ago, she felt that the 20 taels of silver in her hand was particularly straight, and now she is wearing silk and satin, carrying dozens of taels of jewelry, and using it as a servant, it really seems like a dream.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts."

Li Shi's eyes were full of tears, her face.

Boss Zhou let go of his hand and smiled, "Pain is not a dream."

The Li family is on fire, is there such a bully? You just pinch it on one side, and you slap it on both sides, what about the pie?

Boss Zhou hurriedly wanted to run away when he saw that it wasn't good. Li's strength was not small. This was entirely due to the Li family's clothes. "I'll pinch your face too, and let you pull me."

Silk flower standing outside the door is neither going in nor retreating. The uncle really likes to bully the eldest wife. Every time she is returned by the eldest lady, the uncle continues to die.

In the second room, Mrs. Zhao and Mr. Zhou didn't pack their luggage. They had very little luggage, and most of the luggage was in Chuanzhou. Mrs. Zhao said, "Head of the family, shall we go back to Chuanzhou or go with our parents?"

Zhou Lao Er pondered for a while. In his heart, he wanted to go with his parents, but he knew that after thinking about it, he had to hone himself, "I'll go tell my mother, we won't go."
