Chapter 776

In Zhoujia Village, Chang Li and Chang Zhi sent Mr. Dong away, and Chang Li said, "I'm going to Lijia Village to see my father-in-law and mother-in-law. Will you go with me? Or go somewhere else?"

Changzhi had nothing to turn around, and said, "I will go to Lijia Village with my eldest brother. I will accompany my eldest brother to see Uncle Li and Aunt Li, and then go back to the house in Lijia Village to wait for my eldest brother."


Xuemei sent her eldest brother and Changzhi away. Dong Yiyi came. Dong Yiyi walked in and saw the deserted courtyard, "I heard that my father is here, is he leaving?"

Xuemei thought that Mr. Dong would go to Jiang's house to see, but it seemed that he left directly, "Come in and sit, let's go in and talk."

Dong Yiyi understood, but she didn't feel lost. In the past two years, she would go back to Dong's house for Chinese New Year. At other times, Jiang's family did not communicate with Dong's family. When she heard the news, she came here because of her children's filial piety and entered the house. Said: "This time Jiang Du will go to Beijing with him!"

Xuemei said with a smile, "No, it's better to wait until after the autumn harvest to enter Beijing."

This time, she was reluctant to bear her son. The son will not return home in the next few years after going to the capital. Anyway, it is not less than a month or two, so he will stay at home for a few more days.

Dong Yiyi asked, "Will Jiang Miao come to Beijing?"

Xuemei shook her head, "She won't go to Beijing if she stays at home."

She knew in her heart that wealth and honor could not be resisted by anyone. Her daughter was still young, and she was afraid that her daughter would be fascinated. Even if she relied on the Zhou family to find a marriage, the daughter would not have enough confidence. The only one she could really rely on in the future was Jiang Du.

Moreover, the girl is sensitive. She is afraid that her daughter will be compared with her nieces, so she does not want her daughter to go to Beijing. It will not be good for her future marriage. She will not use her daughter's temperament to bet her daughter's life. She and her husband do not ask how much the daughter will bring. Interests, I only hope that my daughter will be happy all her life.

She and Xianggong are unpromising people, they don't have big ambitions, and life is good now.

Dong Yiyi moved her mind and quickly suppressed it. She really liked Jiang Miao, but she really didn't dare to think about the current situation of the Jiang family.

In the capital, Zhou Shuren was having lunch. When Lord Ning arrived at the Ministry of Housing, he quickly finished his bowl of rice and went out to see Lord Ning. "Why did Lord Hou come to the Ministry of Housing? But is there something wrong with the next official?"

Ning Xu did have something to do, Zhou Shuren had a firm foothold in the Ministry of Household, faster than Ning Mansion thought, his old man wanted to recognize Rong Chuan, so he picked a day to come, "It's really something, Lord Zhou, I will invite you later. You go to a nearby tea house and sit down."

Zhou Shuren had a break at noon, and Ning Xu ordered it. It happened that the household's meal was a little greasy today, "Okay, Lord Hou, please."

There are two teahouses near the Ministry of Household. One is a teahouse frequented by officials of the Ministry of Household, and the other is relatively deserted. Zhou Shuren and the two went to a cold teahouse.

In the private room of the tea house, Zhou Shuren waited for the tea to come and said, "Master Hou has come to find the official, now we can say what's going on."

Ning Xu organized the language in his mind, "What I'm going to talk about is a personal matter, about Rong Chuan."

Zhou Shuren was clear in his heart, and when it was time to fight for his acting skills again, Ning Hou Ye couldn't be fooled, and he was surprised, "What's the matter with Rong Chuan? What did he do wrong? Hou Ye, Rong Chuan is young, what if he really did something wrong? It's all because the subordinate officials didn't teach them well, so if you want to blame it, you can blame the subordinate officials."

What he said was a good impression of Lord Ning, Zhou Shuren was very satisfied with his words.

Ning Xu was a little moved, Zhou Shuren was very kind to Rong Chuan, like his own son, he quickly said: "Don't be nervous, Rong Chuan is very good, what I want to say is that Rong Chuan's appearance, this child looks very much like my eldest brother , I paid attention to it the first time I saw it, so I sent someone to investigate, and now I can confirm Rong Chuan's life experience."

Zhou Shuren's eyes widened, um, the performance was very good, and he opened his mouth in surprise, "So, Rong Chuan is the son of the elder brother Hou Ye?"

After saying that, I wanted to laugh, but I held it back.

Ning Xu felt embarrassed, no, Rong Chuan was the fifth son of the emperor, he coughed and bit his head, "No, Rong Chuan is Ben Hou's son."

Zhou Shuren guessed that the emperor asked Ningfu to recognize Rong Chuan, but when he heard it, he couldn't help but twitch his lips, this wave of manipulations was powerful, but he still wanted to act, his eyes widened, "Master Hou said that Rong Chuan is your son? The lower official remembers that Lord Hou was not married."

He laughed in his heart, he wanted to hear how Lord Ning made up stories.

Ning Xu's eyes were a little embarrassed, he was obviously the most ruthless person, but he was portrayed as the most infatuated person, and he was still a little uncomfortable, "This is a long story, hey, it was too chaotic back then, I hid Rong Chuan's mother, who gave birth to a child. Time is still calculated, these years, hey, let's not talk about it!"

He couldn't act anymore, and in the face of a fox like Zhou Shuren, he'd better speak less.

Zhou Shuren, "..."

Lord Hou's acting skills are not as good as his, and he has some hot eyes, which shows that Lord Ning is not a soulful person, and his expression is a little stiff.

Seeing that Zhou Shuren didn't say a word, Ning Xu felt nervous. He had practiced for a long time before he dared to come to Zhou Shuren. Don't be seen, "Why doesn't Master Zhou speak?"

Zhou Shuren rolled his eyes, "Xiaguan is just a little too surprised, Lord Hou, are you sure that Rong Chuan is your son?"

Ning Xu, "...Yes, it has been found out that Rong Chuan is indeed the father and son of this candidate."

Zhou Shuren, "Really sure? This is a major matter of bloodline."

Ning Xu was questioned twice in a row, and he had a guilty conscience. If it wasn't for Zhou Shuren's sincere eyes, he would have thought that Zhou Shuren did it on purpose, "Yes, he is indeed Ben Hou's parent and child, and Rong Chuan is absolutely wrong. No."

Zhou Shuren's ears were aching from the shock, and Lord Ning roared, shaking his ears, but he didn't want to tease Lord Ning, he was really afraid of being in a hurry, so he pulled his neck and collar, "Master Hou is looking for a lower official, but is he going to recognize Rong Chuan? "

Ning Xu exhaled inwardly, and finally asked the idea, "Yes, you have raised Rong Chuan for many years, I will tell you first, and I will arrange the rest."

Zhou Shuren was simmering with emotions, and his tone was cautious, "Then, do you know that Rong Chuan and his daughter are engaged, their marriage?"

Ning Xu said with a smile, "I don't object to their marriage at this time."

Zhou Shuren said in his heart It is useless for you to object.

Ning Xu paused and said, "It's just that I recognize Rongchuan this time, and Ninghou's mansion lacks a mistress. You see, the two children have been married for many years, and their childhood sweethearts have a very good relationship, and it's not bad for a year or two. of."

Zhou Shuren gritted his teeth, "But Rong Chuan said that he would wait two years. This child has been protecting his little girl since he was a child. Now, let's go back and ask Rong Chuan?"

Hmph, he didn't believe that Rong Chuan dared to say that he was married early.

Ning Xu didn't know Zhou Shuren's inner activities, he just thought that Zhou Shuren was reluctant to give up his daughter, and smiled dryly, "We'll talk about it later."

Zhou Shuren asked, "Do you need to inform Rong Chuan of Rong Chuan's life, when the Lord Hou told Xiaguan?"

Lord Ning hurriedly said: "No, at night, I will personally talk to Rong Chuan."

He was afraid, afraid that Zhou Shuren didn't know what to do with his brain, so he would talk to Rong Chuan, lest he would get a question from Rong Chuan, he didn't know how to answer it.

(End of this chapter)