Chapter 783: It's time to nurture

Chapter 783

Patriarch Zhou sat on the chair and looked at the spacious classroom, feeling very proud. The Zhou family is a famous clan of eight towns. Thanks to Shuren, he has successively bought a lot of land for clan over the years. To be able to expand, it all depends on the money earned from the land, just books. "Our Zhou family has a lot of books, and they are all left by your father."

Changzhi has also been aware of the family's investment in ethnic studies in the past two days, regardless of the land, books are the most important, "I have also read the collection of ethnic studies, it is okay, but it is still a little small, these children can't go out to learn more, only If I can get information from books, I will write down a few books they need before I leave, and I will look for the rest when I go back to Beijing."

Patriarch Zhou said, "I don't even know what to say. Uncle remembers the great kindness of your family for these children."

Changzhi smiled, "Don't say that to the patriarch grandpa, our family is also a member of the Zhou family."

Patriarch Zhou looked at Changzhi and sighed in his heart that the influence of the environment on people was too great.

In the pavilion, the Duke's mansion had already let the young ladies disperse, leaving only the two girls from the Zhou family, mainly Xuehan, and Yushuang by the way.

Mrs. Guo Gong said bluntly, "Okay, okay."

She liked this girl's behavior towards Miss Liu just now. They were from the Ning family, so they liked the atmosphere.

Xuehan is really embarrassed, the lady of the country just said yes, she doesn't know how to answer!

Ning Ting looked at Zhou Xuehan, she wasn't a beauty, she was not as good as her niece, but her great grandmother paid attention to Miss Zhou, and she couldn't figure it out more and more.

Yushuang also widened her eyes, thinking that her aunt was already engaged!

Mrs. Guo said after seeing enough: "I heard that you have managed the family for a few years, and you are still managing it well."

Xuehan said humbly, "It's all taught by my mother."

Mrs. Guo Gong said, "Your mother is indeed good at teaching. She is someone who can raise children. However, you are also a smart person. This housekeeper has a lot of twists and turns."

Xuehan joked, "The Zhou family's population is relatively simple."

So there is really no need to go around. She only needs to manage the account books and servants. With her mother in charge, the sisters-in-law don't have so many intrigues, so her housekeeping is easy.

At noon, the Ministry of Household, Zhou Shuren, Master Qiu, and the Crown Prince ate at a table, and Master Qiu was extraordinarily cautious.

Zhou Shuren was much more at ease. Maybe he saw more of the prince. The image of the prince was a little broken in his heart. Instead, he felt that the prince could also be grounded, and he greeted, "The chef of the household came out of the palace. , I know that the prince is in the household and has cooked a lot of dishes that suit your taste."

After finishing speaking, Zhou Shuren was depressed. When the prince came, it was all the prince's preference. The prince was young, and the royal family paid attention to health preservation.

The prince looked at the dishes on a table, and he really liked not many, most of them were fake, the cook knew what he pretended to like, and after taking a few bites, he said, "Master Zhou, how can you just eat and eat. "

Zhou Shuren took a chopstick of green vegetables with only some light soup on it. This kind of food tastes the true nature of the food. He really doesn't like it, he likes it hard.

The Crown Prince knew a lot about Zhou Shuren, "Master Zhou, you are also at the age of health preservation. It's better to eat more light foods. These days, the recipes are solitary, and Master Zhou also takes good care of them."

Zhou Shuren, "..."

No, what does this mean, the prince will stay in the Ministry of Household for a long time?

Zhou Shuren was very depressed. Bah, he didn't want to keep healthy. He felt that his taste was very good. He really didn't want to sell it to the royal family for a lifetime.

Qiu Yan's eyes turned black, and he was afraid that he would also belong to the prince's party.

Zhulan got on the carriage home, Yushuang was in a hurry, she saw her aunt didn't want to speak, her forehead was sweating, and she endured it until she got home, Yushuang couldn't bear it any longer, "Grandma, Mrs. I gave my aunt a pair of bracelets, saying it was the dowry of the lady of the country, the pair of bracelets the lady of the country took off her wrist, grandma, what does the lady of the country mean?"

Zhulan took her daughter's hand, "This is warm jade? This is too precious."

Xuehan was sluggish, but now she has calmed down, "Mother, Mrs. Guogong likes her daughter very much."

"I gave you the priceless warm jade. It's more than just like it. This pair of warm jade has been worn all the time."

It seems that Rong Chuan really looks like the dead eldest son of the Ning family, otherwise, the lady of the country will not empathize with Rong Chuan, and she will not love Wu Jiwu like Xuehan.

Xuehan's heart moved, "Mother, this time the lady of the country sent Nuan Yu, do you want to recognize Rong Chuan?"

Zhulan nodded, "Well, I said hello to your father two days ago."

Xuehan said: "Rong Chuan didn't return overnight, and I had dinner with Lord Hou yesterday, and my daughter guessed it."

Yu Shuang was a little silly, "So, Uncle Rong Chuan is a child of the Duke's Mansion?"

It turned out to be so, so it made sense, no wonder aunt was so calm.

Zhulan said to her eldest granddaughter, "Don't talk about it."

Yushuang nodded, "Granddaughter knows."

Afterwards, she got excited. The little aunt was recognized by the Ningguo government. The marriage of her aunt would not change, and she was happy for her.

Ning Guofu, the old lady returned to the yard, Ning Ting hurriedly went to find her grandmother, she was terrified, and the great grandmother even gave Miss Zhou the warm jade bracelet, that was a pair!

Madam Shizi frowned, "What about your rules?"

Ning Ting saw that only her grandmother's old woman was in the room, and after seeing the ceremony, she said, "Grandma, the great grandma gave the warm jade bracelet that she had been carrying to Miss Zhou's family."

The teacup in Mrs. Shizi's hand was not steady and fell on the table, "Do you say it again?"

Ning Ting said it again, "The granddaughter saw it with her own eyes Mrs. Shizi couldn't turn her head around, she knew that this pair of warm jade bracelets was her mother-in-law's dowry, and she also remembered this pair. , Later Xianggong told her, don't worry, the mother-in-law of this pair of jade bracelets is for the eldest daughter-in-law, even if the eldest brother is gone, the mother-in-law will not give it to her.

But now it is given to an outsider, can she not be upset in her heart?

Mrs. Shizi was angry. She served her parents-in-law without credit or hard work, but her mother-in-law didn't give it to her, so she stood up and said, "I'm going to ask the old lady."

The old woman hurriedly stopped, "Madam, don't worry, there is something strange about this, why don't you go and ask Shizi first."

It was the first time that Ning Ting saw her grandma getting so angry, she was a little scared, and hurriedly said: "Grandma, great grandma attaches great importance to Miss Zhou."

Du Shi calmed down. The father-in-law of this flower banquet seemed to be because of the Zhou family. He thought of the joke from his mother-in-law's sister-in-law. The sister-in-law said that Ning Xu treated Zhang Rongchuan like his son. It sounded like a joke at the time, but now she feels She seemed to have guessed the truth, and she couldn't wait any longer, so she went directly to her husband to confirm.

(End of this chapter)