Chapter 36 - Chapter 36: Chapter 036: Despicable

Chapter 36: Chapter 036: Despicable

Translator: 549690339

Zhuang Wencheng understood Zhuang Qingning’s nature. She appeared gentle, yet she was also assertive. If she said no, then it meant no.

After hesitating for a moment, he reluctantly took back the money: “Okay, if Little Sister Ning doesn’t need this temporarily, I’ll keep it for now. But if you encounter any difficulties or need money in the future, don’t hesitate to seek me out.”

“Thank you, Brother Wencheng.” Zhuang Qingning smiled with her eyes curving beautifully.

Having a playmate who grew up with her and frequently thinks of her, even just this sentiment, made her feel warm inside.

Seeing Zhuang Qingning’s smile, Zhuang Wencheng also grinned.

The fourteen-year-old boy had reached the height of an adult with a mature face, but still possessed the youthful energy and vitality of his age. His smile was radiant, just like the sunlight at this moment.

“By the way, you’re heading to your third uncle’s mother-in-law’s place to soak beans right?” Zhuang Wencheng said. “When you go, be careful not to make too much noise. She probably didn’t get any sleep last night and is catching up on it now. When I visited earlier, I think I woke her up and got quite an earful.”

Mrs. Wen relationship with her children been was strained; they would argue whenever they met. It was said she avoided frequent interactions with her children even when it came to offering sacrifices to her deceased husband; she would deliberately avoid their visits.

Her children should have visited the grave in the morning, so Mrs. Wen must have gone around midnight. She probably returned in the early morning after a grievous night, so she would be sleeping in the day.

“Okay, thank you for the reminder, Brother Wencheng.” Zhuang Qingning nodded appreciatively.

With a broader smile on his face, Zhuang Wencheng reminded, “Your third uncle’s mother-in-law has a temper and often speaks sharply, which can be unpleasant. However, she has a kind heart, and most of her actions aren’t intentional. Don’t take it to heart.”

“If she behaves unduly or says something over the line, just tell me. I grew up adapting to her outbursts, and she might consider my words…”

“Brother Wencheng…”

Before Zhuang Wencheng could finish, a clear and loud voice approached from a distance, quickly reaching his side.

Zhuang Qinghe ran over with a beaming smile, rudely pushed Zhuang Qingning aside, and grabbed Zhuang Wencheng’s arm. “Brother Wencheng, when did you come back? Why didn’t you let me know?”

“This…” Zhuang Wencheng’s eyebrows knotted together.

Zhuang Qinghe was two months older than Zhuang Qingning. She was also one of their playmates since childhood.

But Zhuang Qinghe was spoiled by her family and developed a domineering temperament. She relied on being slightly heavier than the average girl and loved to bully other children when she was young.

She especially liked to pick on the good-natured Zhuang Qingning.

For this reason, Zhuang Wencheng wasn’t exactly fond of Zhuang Qinghe, even finding her somewhat annoying.

Zhuang Wencheng withdrew his sleeve from her hand without any reaction, but his tone turned chilly: “I just got back, even my parents don’t know yet.” It implicitly meant, ‘Since my parents weren’t informed, why should you be?’

Anyone with a bit of sense would understand the meaning behind Zhuang Wencheng’s words, but Zhuang Qinghe was as naive as her mother, Mrs. Song. Hearing this, she started laughing: “Does that mean Brother Wencheng hasn’t seen our parents yet?”

“So, I was the first to see Brother Wencheng before our parents?”

As she spoke, her cheeks turned red, appearing shy, a perfect imitation of an innocent young girl.

Zhuang Wencheng was after all, fourteen years of age and having spent many years in the county town, had seen much of the world. He understood her thoughts clearly.

He felt an immediate sense of revulsion.

“I have some matters to attend to at home, so I’ll be leaving first.” Facing this shameless adhesive, Zhuang Wencheng decided it would be wise to get away.

He wanted to remind Zhuang Qingning a few more times not to hesitate to seek his help in case of any trouble. Although he couldn’t guarantee a solution every time, he would undoubtedly offer his assistance.

However, seeing Zhuang Qinghe standing nearby, eyes gleaming as she looked at him, Zhuang Wencheng worried that if he spoke with Zhuang Qingning, Zhuang Qinghe might cause her trouble. Thus, he swallowed his words.

“Little Sister Ning, Little Sister He, I’ll be leaving now.” Zhuang Wencheng decided to leave as quickly as possible.

His gentle calling of ‘little sister’ made Zhuang Qinghe’s heart flutter as if a deer was prancing about in her heart. However, the moment she noticed that Zhuang Qingning’s name was mentioned before hers, her jovial expression fell abruptly.

She was standing closer to him, and Zhuang Qingning was further away. Going by age, she was two months older than Zhuang Qingning. Logic dictated that Zhuang Wencheng should have addressed her first. However, he mentioned Zhuang Qingning’s name before hers, which was infuriating.

As expected, she couldn’t draw Brother Wencheng’s attention when Zhuang Qingning was around!

This girl was always trying to outshine her, flirting with men everywhere with her foxy demeanor. Clearly not good news! Now, she had even successfully manipulated Brother Wencheng to address her first. God knows, she might steal Brother Wencheng’s heart soon!

Zhuang Qinghe’s face was filled with fury as she glared at Zhuang Qingning.

Zhuang Qingning originally disliked Zhuang Qinghe and wished to avoid any interaction with her long-standing rival. However, out of respect for Zhuang Wencheng, she resisted the temptation to walk away.

Seeing Zhuang Qinghe talking to Zhuang Wencheng, Zhuang Qingning lost interest and ignored the conversation as she pondered how many beans she should soak today.

Zhuang Qinghe’s glare went unnoticed by Zhuang Qingning.

However, Zhuang Wencheng saw it and it weighed upon his heart.

After pondering for a moment, Zhuang Wencheng smiled at Zhuang Qinghe: “Oh, Qinghe, I just remembered I need to tell you something… can you come with me?”

Zhuang Qinghe was planning how to get back at Zhuang Qingning when she heard this. Startled initially, she eventually beamed at him and nodded vigorously: “Ok, sure…”

With glowing cheeks, she promptly followed Zhuang Wencheng.

Before leaving, she didn’t forget to glance triumphantly at Zhuang Qingning.

So what if Brother Wencheng looks at you more often in the usual days? It’s me who occupies his heart! It will be of no use if you keep thinking about Brother Wencheng in the future!

Zhuang Qingning guessed Zhuang Qinghe’s thoughts and actions but didn’t react or pretend to notice. Instead, she walked into Mrs. Wen’s courtyard.

After all, dealing with someone as brainless as Zhuang Qinghe, if you straightforwardly argue or fight with her, she wouldn’t take it seriously. Instead, the silence was more likely to frustrate her.
