Chapter 111 - Chapter 111: Chapter 111 Mr. Fan (Second Update)

Chapter 111: Chapter 111 Mr. Fan (Second Update)

Translator: 549690339

Was he planning to overthrow Zhuang Qingning’s tofu hot pot, but did he ever mention that he would do it himself?

Only a fool like Mrs. Song would think of going straight in, doing it herself in broad daylight, letting people catch her red-handed, and allow them to break her spine?

Fool, idiot, just like a pig!

No, that’s too kind, the pig is smarter than her!

Zhuang Ruman couldn’t help but spit on the ground.

Mrs. Song, on the other hand, stood frozen on the spot, her jaw dropping for a long time in shock.

Wasn’t Zhuang Ruman, who had looked so happy just now, pleased because he thought her idea was good?

Why did he suddenly turn against her?

What did she do wrong…

Mrs. Song was full of doubts, but seeing Zhuang Ruman walking away, she quickly followed after him.

The time had arrived, and everything that needed to be arranged was basically done.

Chu Jinnian began his journey to the capital city.

Together with Zhou Xueming.

Chu Jinzhou accompanied the two men to the county town.

This is because Chu Jinnian’s trip to the capital city would take at least two months, the brothers rarely separated for such a long time, Chu Jinzhou wouldn’t let go, he wanted to stay with his elder brother as long as possible, even if it was only for a few more moments of tea time.

The second reason was to accompany Zhou Xueming.

A teacher for a day is a father for life. Zhou Xueming had been teaching Chu Jinzhou for almost a year and had done his best. Chu Jinzhou had great respect for him. This trip to the capital city, he didn’t know when they would see each other again, Chu Jinzhou was reluctant too.

And the third reason was to meet Fan Wenxuan.

The accompanying letter said that Fan Wenxuan would arrive in the county town today and would meet Chu Jinzhou at the gate of the city.

So, after listening to Chu Jinnian and Zhou Xueming’s endless words of caution, and reluctantly said goodbye to the two, Chu Jinzhou had been waiting for Fan Wenxuan to arrive at the agreed place.

Waiting left and right, front and back, north and south…

Until the sun set in the west and the sky slowly turned dark, there was still no sign of Fan Wenxuan.

“Didn’t we get the date wrong, wasn’t it supposed to be today?” Chu Jinzhou asked.

“It shouldn’t be, the letter was clear, it should be today.” Ning Feng replied, frowning: “And when the letter arrived, he was already in Zeng County, which is only half a day’s journey from here, no matter what, he shouldn’t be late.”

“Maybe there was something delaying him on the road…”

“Third Young Master, how about I accompany you back first, leave someone here to wait, if Mr. Fan arrives, there will be someone to greet him and he can be brought to the garden.”

Chu Jinzhou had been waiting here for half a day. This entrance to the city was very noisy and there was nowhere for him to rest. He looked somewhat crestfallen.

Ning Feng felt very distressed and grumbled for a while.

If the eldest young master was here, how would he feel…


Without hesitation, Chu Jinzhou immediately rejected Ning Feng’s proposal: “Mr. Fan is my teacher, as a student, how can I let others do my duty to welcome the teacher?”

“I’ll wait here. If you’re tired, go and rest in the carriage.”

How could they dare to say they were tired when their master didn’t? And how could they rest in the carriage?

Ning Feng dared not, he only wanted to persuade Chu Jinzhou to go back earlier, and let them meet Mr. Fan on his behalf.

But Chu Jinzhou was adamant and seemed completely unconvinced. Helpless, Ning Feng had no option but to let him, his heart was filled with curse words for Fan Wenxuan.

This man who is so quirky yet so serious, how did he get so lucky to have such good knowledge…

“Third Young Master, Ning Feng.”

A page jumped down from the horse and ran to Chu Jinzhou and Ning Feng, wiping the sweat from his forehead, “Mr. Fan has arrived at Qingzhuyuan. He sent me over to inform the Third Young Master and Ning Feng to come immediately.”


Ning Feng’s jaw almost fell off.

This Fan Wenxuan, he had the cheek to make the Third Young Master wait here for so long, he himself had snuck off to Qingzhuyuan. This was really outrageous.

Compared to Ning Feng, Chu Jinzhou was much calmer.

He even let out a long sigh of relief.

“Since Mr. Fan has already arrived at the garden, let’s hurry back.” Chu Jinzhou instructed in a soft voice, even smiling, “Earlier, I was worried that something unexpected might have happened to the Mr. Fan on the road. Now that he has arrived safely, I am at ease.”

His master is such a good person, still worrying about Fan Wenxuan even now.

Just contrast that with Fan Wenxuan who’s so inconsiderate!

Ning Feng felt a chill in his chest.

“Yes.” Ning Feng responded helplessly, instructing the carter and the pages to hurry back to the carriage.

By the time they returned to Qingzhuyuan, night had truly fallen.

“Where is the teacher? Has he been settled in? It’s mealtime now, has his meal been prepared? Has he gone to the study? Docs he need to add anything?” As soon as Chu Jinzhou got off the carriage, he started asking continuously.

The page who came to greet Chu Jinzhou was left dumbfounded, unable to answer a single question.

“Speak!” Ning Feng scolded.

“Third Young Master, Ning Feng.” The page wore a bitter face, “It’s not that I want to withhold anything, it’s just… at this moment, Mr. Fan…”

“Let’s put it this way, Mr. Fan is in the kitchen right now!”

“What’s he doing in the kitchen?” Ning Feng frantically held on to his chin.

“Roasting sweet potatoes!” With difficulty, the page muttered the three words, then collapsed in despair.

After all, when he saw the scholar-like Fan Wenxuan arriving at Qingzhuyuan, looking full of admiration, being treated with the utmost care and speculating about what he might ask him to do.

But when he saw the muddy hands stretched out from the wide sleeves, holding three or four sweet potatoes, asking where the kitchen, where charcoal fire was, he felt as if he had been hit.

Especially when he witnessed such a learned man, proficiently scooping out the wood ash in the kitchen stove, stuffing sweet potatoes inside, even skillfully starting a fire and lecturing everyone in the kitchen on the best way to roast sweet potatoes, he felt like he was being haunted.

Now he’s walking as if he’s floating, his legs don’t feel like his own, even talking feels surreal, everything in front of him seems unreal.


Ning Feng felt that his grip might not have been strong enough..