Chapter 123

Fu Sinian fastened her seat belt for her and then sat down beside Yu Duo as if there was nothing out of the ordinary happening. He didn’t ask Yu Duo, who should be at home right now, why she had appeared on a plane bound for another city.

In first-class, the seats were spacious and comfortable, and there was plenty of room for the passengers to move around, with each seat separated by nearly a whole aisle worth of distance.

“Mr. Fu, the plane is about to take off, so please fasten your seat belt. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.” A stewardess came forward with a big smile and gave Fu Sinian a gentle reminder.

Fu Sinian nodded along with her words and fastened his seat belt. Although he was dressed in a suit, he somehow looked a bit leisurely, not at all like someone who was going to work, but more like someone taking a vacation.

Soon, the plane taxied down the runway and then took off.

Gradually, the plane smoothed out as it reached cruising altitude, and the stewardesses reappeared, smiling as they bustled around serving every passenger in first-class enthusiastically and meticulously.

“Miss, what would you like to drink?” A stewardess walked to Yu Duo’s side, gave her a polite smile, and asked.

When Yu Duo didn’t respond, the stewardess’ smile didn’t falter, she merely asked again, “Miss?”

On the side, Fu Sinian unfastened his seat belt and said. “She’ll have a glass of juice. Room temperature.”

The stewardess turned to Fu Sinian and said, “Alright, and what would you like to drink, Mr. Fu?”

“A glass of champagne.”


As soon as the stewardess left, Fu Sinian looked over at Yu Duo, who was frozen stiff, and asked with a clipped but otherwise ordinary tone, “Where were you going?”

Yu Duo suddenly regained her senses and turned to face Fu Sinian. She really wanted to pinch her face to check if she was dreaming but, as she raised her hand to grab the flesh of her face, Fu Sinian caught her wrist.

“You’re not dreaming.”

She was very familiar with the temperature and strength of the hand gripping her wrist.

It seemed this was really not a dream.

As she realized this fact, Yu Duo sucked in a cold breath.

Wasn’t Fu Sinian supposed to be on a flight to the United States right now? Why did he suddenly show up on this plane at this particular moment?

After her mind raced through a thousand twists and turns, she was convinced that there was only one possibility.

Fu Sinian could see through her every move like he was looking at the back of his own hand.

Fu Sinian must have long been wary of her, otherwise, he wouldn’t appear here on this plane. After all, even Ah Chi hadn’t known that she had changed her flight.

So, did that mean that the news that Fu Sinian was going to the United States was fake? Released just to draw her out? And Ah Chi as well?

He had suspected her and Ah Chi from the beginning?

And what about the baby in her belly... did he know about that too?

There was a good chance he did.

After all, if he wanted to know the results of her trip to the hospital, it would only be a matter of making a phone call.

Steady! She couldn’t panic!

Yu Duo took a deep breath and faced Fu Sinian.

Fu Sinian’s gloomy eagle-like gaze met her own, and Yu Duo shuddered and shrank back.

...staying steady was impossible.

Dead, dead, dead! She was dead for sure this time!

Was Fu Sinian a man who could tolerate a wife who was giving birth to someone else’s child?

The only people who could tolerate something like that were saints, right?

Rather, according to Fu Sinian’s vengeful character, he was much more likely to chop her up and throw her into the sea.

Right now, her little life was at stake.

Yu Duo was dejected, no matter how she thought about it she couldn’t see any way to break through this situation.

It seemed that no matter what she said, the result would be death. Maybe it would be better to just see if the fish would die or if the net would split at this point. If she shed all pretense now, maybe there would still be a glimmer of hope for life!

Faced with what was in all likelihood her own end, Yu Duo had some serious thoughts of just smashing the jar and letting come what may, so she looked up at Fu Sinian, plucked up her courage, and asked him in an interrogative tone, “Why are you here?”

Fu Sinian raised an eyebrow and was about to respond when the stewardess suddenly returned with the juice and champagne he had ordered.

“Mr. Fu, your champagne. Miss Yu Duo, your juice.”

Yu Duo smiled plastically and thanked her, but at the same time, the small amount of courage she had mustered up withered away.

“It doesn’t matter why I’m here. The important question is, why are you here?”

Yu Duo held her cup of juice, lowered her head, and said nothing.

At this juncture, saying too much would be wrong, saying too little would be wrong, so maybe it was best not to say anything at all.

Silence was golden. Now that Fu Sinian had taken control of the situation and seemed to know everything, no matter what she said, it would be to no avail. And if she said the wrong thing, she was afraid that things might get much worse.

Fu Sinian seemed to notice her intention and prodded, “There’s something you’re hiding from me, isn’t there?”

“There isn’t!” Yu Duo retorted instantly, but it was obvious that her denial had been made reflexively because of the guilt she was feeling, which made her words particularly unconvincing.

She instantly knew that she shouldn’t have reacted so strongly.

Yu Duo was secretly annoyed with herself for stupidly blurting out the wrong thing.

“There isn’t?” Fu Sinian narrowed his eyes, and his gaze became oppressive. “If there isn’t anything, then why are you on this plane right now? Are you traveling? Going on vacation? Is there something you can’t tell me?”

After you disappeared, I gave you a green hat and got pregnant. I didn’t mean to. Can you forgive me?

If she thought he might really forgive her, she might dare to confess.

But the point was, could Fu Sinian possibly forgive her?

Her repeated lapses into silence finally provoked the anger that had been building in Fu Sinian for many days, “I am your man! What are you so afraid of?! Is there anything you can’t talk to me about?”

Fu Sinian’s raised and angry voice seemed to blur and meld with the roar of the jet engines in the background, and Yu Duo found she didn’t feel much fear or dread, just sadness.

Yu Duo gently rested her hand on her lower abdomen and looked at Fu Sinian. Her lips moved soundlessly, as if she wanted to speak.

Fu Sinian watched her with anticipation.

As their eyes met, Yu Duo felt her hand that was on her lower abdomen tighten, and a sudden surge of sour feelings in her nose caught her off guard. In a flash, her eyes darted away.

Back when she first heard the doctor tell her that she was pregnant, she had actually been very excited. She had infinitely hoped that the baby had been in her belly was three months old, and it was Fu Sinian’s, but those feelings had immediately backfired on her. The reality was that the baby was only two months old, and it was Ah Chi’s.

She didn’t hate the child and, if the choice was her to make, she would have liked to give birth to him and raise him well.

If the child was Fu Sinian’s, how great would that be?

Unfortunately, it wasn’t.

So she had to grit her teeth and insist, “There’s nothing.”

As he looked at Yu Duo’s trembling chin, the anger in Fu Sinian’s heart disappeared instantly. All the anger he had been stewing in him before he had boarded the plane was washed away and replaced with a sense of helplessness.

He began to reflect on why, exactly, Yu Duo refused to speak a single true word in front of him.

A moment later, he seemed to deflate. When he spoke, his tone was less cold and sharp, it became much more gentle, “Forget it, you don’t want to talk about it, I won’t force you. Anyway, we’ll be in flight for the next four hours, so get some sleep first. I’ll wake you when we arrive.”

Fu Sinian stood up and lowered the back of her seat for her. For her part, Yu Duo lay down with her back to Fu Sinian, clutched a blanket in her arms, and slowly closed her eyes.

tl note: Hi readers.

Someone DM’d me and asked me to pick up this novel, and it’s written by the same author as a novel I recently finished translating, so here it is. I’m just going to keep adding to the chapter format the previous translators had been using to save myself headache with novelupdates, which is why this is ‘Chapter 123’. More honestly it should be ‘Chapter 32 part 1’. 32 will be split into 3 parts FYI, and most of the subsequent 8 chapters are shorter so they shouldn’t have to be split as much/at all, but I’m sort of doing this in my free time between my other projects so no promises. If it’s any consolation I’ll try to get the story done before the end of October.

At any rate, I look forward to finding out how the story ends alongside all you readers~

oh and both ‘either the fish dies or the net splits’ and ‘smashing the jar’ are idioms with similar meanings. The fish/net one is sort of like ‘putting up a last desperate struggle’ and ‘smashing the jar’ also basically describes putting up a hopeless last ditch struggle