Cao Hongchang usually doesn't speak loudly. Now he yells out, which gives people the feeling of throwing ice cubes. He also feels chilly in hot weather.

Li Lanxin clenched her teeth. She understood what he meant by punishment. It was just that she had never been punished since he said he wanted her to be his concubine.

At most, when she deliberately teased him between the beds, he sometimes said such words when he was cruel.

Then the result was that he picked her up and went to the mountain field to avoid everyone to have a "curtain of heaven and earth" with her.

I have been with him for nearly two years. They have lived and died together and been injured several times.

Perhaps, what ordinary women want is that a man can protect her forever and put her in the safest place, but she prefers to fight side by side with him, even if she eventually loses her life, but this experience is always memorable.

Now, she can only hide this memory in the bottom of her heart.

After all, she betrayed him and her heart. Even now she still shamelessly wants to be with Guo heilue. Even if she still has a trace of clarity in her heart, her body has always been honest and terrible.

Just like the rain and clouds on the big stone with Youming just now, even if the person on her is not Guo heilue, she can't help blooming herself when she thinks that Guo heilue is looking at her and listening to her.

None of the provocative sounds she made was false. Because of this, Youming really fell.

And she seized the opportunity.

Just when Youming spilled her blood and fell down, she had an unprecedented sense of satisfaction. She was convulsed all over and almost didn't faint.

It was just such a completely crazy relief that her brain returned to Qingming and could calmly think about what to do next.

The jade beads taken by the man named Zhou Qi are empty. She gives the note to Cui Jing's people so that Lu Qing will see it and remove the people on the list as soon as possible.

Youming, the most powerful guard under Guo heilue, was killed by her. Guo heilue should not know. In this way, she can continue to approach Guo heilue and repay him with the means taught by Guo heilue.

Hehe, let Shifu taste the apprentice's methods. It's useful to learn.

She has been worried that she can't control herself and will completely disclose the secrets of wanjian City, but now she's not so worried. She can't control her body, but can control her brain. She can mediate with Guo heilue.

But she can't go back.

"Cao junhou, be careful!"

A cry in the woods made Li Lanxin suddenly freeze. Did Guo heilue come here?

"Ah! This concealed weapon is poisonous. I......"

It was Cao Hongchang's voice. As soon as Li Lanxin was nervous, she wanted to come out of the tree hole, but the next moment, she stopped again.

Cao Hongchang would never do this. Even if he was poisoned, he would not shout out, but deal with it silently.

He is trying to cheat her out.

Li Lanxin bit her lips and leaned against the tree hole, allowing her tears to faint with the lake water on her body, getting wetter and wetter.

After a long time, she heard Cao Hongchang's voice again.

It was a heavy sigh and the sound of fists hitting dead trees.

The dead tree creaked and fell down.

"Zhou Wenxiu! Have you forgotten what you promised me?"

"I said I didn't mind your past, and naturally I didn't care what you did today. Do you understand what I mean?"

"This is the last battle. After fighting, we can go back to wanjian city. You said you were willing to die in wanjian city with me..."

"You said I could work in liulifang, so you opened a winery, hired someone to do it when you had a child, and then we took care of the children together..."

"Wenxiu, come out quickly..."


Listening to the cries, Li Lanxin's tears burst the embankment again. Cao Hongchang's voice was always low and rarely spoke loudly. This was the first time she heard him shouting.

Moreover, he always called her as his wife's name.

Her lips were bleeding, but she didn't move.

Until Cao Hongchang stopped shouting and began to search with a group of people, Li Lanxin covered his mouth and choked, but he still didn't dare to cry.

After a long time, I couldn't hear anyone nearby. Li Lanxin carefully came out of the tree hole and walked quietly south along the edge of daze lake.

Lu Qing surrounded Guo Hei for half an hour at the edge of the dead wood forest in the north of Wandu mountain villa with Cui Jing. Lu Qing suddenly asked someone to light several Tianhuo cans and threw them into the mist.

Sure enough, this move is more useful. The mist is burned up by the fire in an instant, and the situation in the fog can be seen.

Guo heilue was sitting on a wooden stake in the middle of the fog, with a strange mask on his mouth and nose, and looked at Lu Qing with a telescope.

"Lord Lu is really smart. Yumingchuan is lucky to have you." his voice is a little stuffy, but he can still hear it clearly.

"That's right. It's a blessing for him, not necessarily for others."

As soon as Lu Qing waved, Murong Han's bow pulled up and was facing Guo heilue.

Their strategy was not to get close to Guo heilue's body, so as not to be hurt by the strange things around him.

Now all they know is the whip and a basket of rosy clouds, but who knows what other concealed weapons he has?

Who can command so many top secret agents is a layman?

Monk dao'an quietly stood behind Lu Qing and began to whisper.

"My senior brother, although his martial arts are not the best, his footwork is first-class. Otherwise, he won't be able to escape here under your encirclement and suppression. At this time, it's not his counterattack, but his sneaking away by feigning attack..."

Lu Qing hooked her mouth. The monk turned his arms and elbows out. She liked it.

"If the poor monk's expectation is not bad, maybe when Murong almsgiver releases the arrow, he will throw another full sky glow and hit the arrow feather, so... The poisonous fog may spread to us. Even if it is too late to remove it with sky fire, he will escape at this moment."

"In your opinion, which direction will your elder martial brother escape?"

"The poor monk thought that he would escape to the Lord Lu and might surprise the Lord Lu. If he could hold the Lord Lu, he would be safe."

"Well... Well, I know."

Lu Qing quickly discussed the countermeasures with several guards around, and then asked Murong han to aim his bow and arrow at Guo heilue again.

"Guo heilue, you will die in my hands today. If you have any last words, you can say it now."

Lu Qing deliberately used an extremely provocative tone and held the wild goose feather knife in his hand, pointing directly at Guo heilue.