At this time, Mu Wan leans down in the lounge. After hearing the speeches of Gong Lichuan and Wen Shixian, she gets up with her gorgeous dress.

"Mu Xiaoqing, come on

Qiao Wei gives her a wink, and then puts on the mask that belongs to Tian Hou Qing Chen.

The mask of enchantment covers the face of enchantment.

However, Mu Wanqing's light did not converge at all. Her pink lips rose slightly and said, "you'll come on."

She raised her hand to help the mask, dimple.

Liao Qing opens the door of the rest room for her. Mu Wanqing picks up her skirt and steps out of the door. Qiao Wei accompanies her and they come to the entrance of the court.

The staff who were there were stunned!

The stage was ready, the dark scene lasted only a few seconds, and the audience held their breath and waited for the next competition.

Wen Shixian and Gong Lichuan on the same stage, as well as their introduction to the player, fully aroused their curiosity.

"Let's welcome the mysterious skirting singer tonight. What she will sing for us is opera, which won the Golden Melody of the year when Tian Hou Qing Chen was crowned Tian Hou last year. Let's have a round of applause!"

At this time, although Gong Lichuan did not appear, his deep voice suddenly rang.

As soon as the voice fell, the light suddenly lit up the stage!

Mu Wanqing is already standing on the stage, holding the microphone in her hand, gently lifting her skirt and coming.

The girl is wearing a long black dress. Under the layers of hazy black yarn, the grayish yellow colors with different lightness collide with each other, reflecting her unique charm.

The skirt is crisscross, fluffy and wavy, with horizontal and vertical pleats, colorful transparent yarn, and exquisite embroidery and obsidian crystal flowers.

Yes, this dress

It's the dress that Ivy wore on the grand show!

"No way It's impossible... "

Mu Xuexin almost stood up in shock. She tightly grasped the armrest beside her and looked at the stage in disbelief.

She is too familiar with

I'm looking forward to the evening This can only be mu Wanqing!

The stage lights were shining brilliantly, focusing all the countless lights on Mu Wanqing, as if the light had crowned her with a new crown It's amazing!

"Miss mu Xuexin, nothing is impossible."

Deng Yue looked at mu Xuexin with a smile, and seldom saw a look of contempt in his eyes.

This detail, of course, has also been specially captured.

As a director and director, Tong Feng specially cut the live video to the judges, and shot mu Xuexin's reaction at the moment, which caused a sensation among the online audience.

"Goddess, are you nervous?"

"Why do I feel She's afraid... "

"Lying trough, I'm a little confused! I thought the goddess had changed her clothes and wanted to kick the hall to sing. As a result, I found that the goddess was still sitting on the judging panel

"Please explain how fat it is..."

Mu Xuexin forces herself to calm down. Her eyes flash slightly, and then she looks up at the girl on the stage.

Long nails almost cut holes in the seat.

However, mu Xuexin still quickly adjusted her attitude, managed her expression, showed a gentle and elegant smile, and looked at the stage with an appreciative attitude.

However, Tong Feng does not intend to cut this picture

Looking at the white lotus, he felt sick.

"Good evening, everyone."

At this time, Mu Wan's voice like a silver bell suddenly rang out, her pink lips gently, looking at the fans under the stage. , the fastest update of the webnovel!