Chapter 42

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
They have been playing very well until uncle Ji solemnly said to himself, "don't always play with Yangyang in the future, it will delay her study."

Later, she didn't bother any more, and gradually the relationship relaxed.

She remembers that Ji Yang studied computer industry. She really needed her so much that she had to come to her.

But at the door of Ji Yang's house, Yang Shishi hesitated to walk around the door and didn't dare to knock. After all, they haven't seen each other for two years.

"Poetry?" When Yang Shishi was in a dilemma, a voice of surprise came from behind.

Yang Shishi turns around and sees Ji Yang standing on the opposite corner. She is wearing a sports shirt and a towel around her neck.

Without waiting for her reaction, Ji Yang ran straight to her, rushed to her side, gave her a big hug and said: "Ya, Shishi? It's really you. "

"Ji Yang, so early!" Yang Shishi also embraces her excitedly.

"Come on in!" Ji Yang holds her hand tightly and brings her into the room. Looking back, he sees her looking around.

She said with a smile: "don't look for it. My father has gone back to the north. It's too hot. They went to Changchun for a holiday."

"Eh!" As soon as Yang Shishi heard this, he immediately relaxed. She looked at Ji Yang's room, which was so messy that there was no room for her feet.

Ji Yang is embarrassed to smile.

"You mustn't laugh at my messy room. I'm going to graduate. I can't find a good internship job everywhere. I'm going to work part-time to earn some extra money," he said

"Are you a banner?" Yang Shishi looks at the unfinished handicraft.

"Yes, Jinqi business cards and so on. Anyway, they are related to computers. They can be made at home. Come and have a drink... "

Ji Yang makes a cup of flower tea and hands it over.

Yang Shishi took it and put it aside.

She took the chip out of her pocket and said, "Yang Yang, I'm here for your help this time. I locked the chip by accident. Can you help me unlock it?"

Ji Yang laughs at it.

She held Yang Shishi's nose and said, "unlock the program? Come here, come here, come here and see how the old man works

Ji Yang took the chip, opened her special computer, and began to unlock with confidence.

But soon her brows wrinkled.

"Not easy to understand?" When Yang Shishi saw her like that, she was worried.

Ji Yang kneaded his chin and quickly operated on the keyboard with both hands.

She said: "I said poetry, who encrypted this program for you? What's the password, but added countless shells!"


"Oh, it's like people wear countless layers of skin, all kinds of camouflage can't see the most real one."

"Oh, is it hard to understand?"

"No way!" After tossing about for more than an hour, Ji Yang gave up. She said, "how about this? Shishi, you put the chip here first, I'll try to find a master?"

This is situ Han's stuff, isn't it? How dare she put it here.

Yang Shishi shook his head and said, "no, Yangyang. In fact, there's nothing in it. There's no need to solve it."

"You don't have to worry about troubling me..."

"No, really." Yang Shishi waved her hand again and again and put away the chip carefully.

She looked around at the room full of messy tools, suddenly thought of something, busy way: "Yang Yang, you say part-time money, how much can you earn a month?"

"Well..." Ji Yang slightly pondered: "I'm a small shop on Taobao. I accept orders online and process them at home, but I lose the cost in one month. It's estimated that I can earn three or five thousand yuan, no problem."

"Three or five thousand, so much?" Yang Shishi's face brightened. , the fastest update of the webnovel!