Chapter 155

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
As soon as his finger reached her mouth, it made his body crisp.

Fingertips gently press her tongue, listening to the heavy breathing in the ear, let situ Han uncontrollable excitement.

He turned over and kisses her eyes and eyebrows as if they were sentimentally attached.

The tender kiss, the overbearing possession, and the cycle of performance until late at night.

They tried their best to explore each other's bodies as if they were not tired. But every time, Yang Shishi was defeated. Until she cried for mercy, situ Han let her go.

At the moment, the sky has turned white.

Yang Shishi sleeps with exhaustion, and situ Han's handsome face sticks to her soft hair. Her black eyes close slightly, and soon she falls into a deep sleep.

Pain, acid, numbness All the bones seem to fall apart.

When Yang Shishi woke up, all kinds of discomfort made her frown tightly, especially the hands and legs that straddled her body, which made her gasp.

Situ Han's thigh pressed her leg, his arm pressed her abdomen, and he still held her arm in one hand

"Ah Yang Shishi was startled. With a scream, she immediately jumped out of bed with the quilt. After the quilt was pulled away by her, situ Han naturally showed up in front of her.

"Ah Seeing this, Yang Shishi screamed again.

Situ Han turned over and put her in his arms with a quilt. In his voice, he said, "woman, is it really good for you to be so surprised?"

"Why are you still here?"

Yang Shishi is used to not seeing him when she wakes up every day. Every time she opens her eyes, she is the only one on the bed. This is the first time she lives in the villa. Situ Han has not gone yet.

Hearing her question, situ Han pulled the quilt and made them stick to each other tightly. Then he said: "what? Who do you want here? "

Damn, is this man still so sour? Yesterday, because she asked more about Yu Lei, he didn't stop all night.

Yang Shishi didn't dare to provoke him this time.

Busy way: "no, I just wake up for the first time to see you, it is too shocked."

"Since it's such a surprise, I'll make it up to you again!" Hold her a turn over, two people changed a position, he up, she down.

Her naked body was so close that she blushed and burst into flames.

At the same time, by his pressure, the bones of the body will fall apart.

Yang Shishi begged: "no, no, it will be dead."

Situ Han, with a smile, lowered his head and continued to attack her white neck.

"Well, be light!" Yang Shishi put her hand around his neck, and she became hot and dry again.

But when Yang Shi became interested.

But situ Han stopped.

He leaned over, kissing her on the forehead and smiling, "sexy woman, are you in the mood so soon? Get up, it's late. I'll take you and Xuanbao to the Research Institute. "


Yang Shishi's brain, which was trapped in the desire, could not turn around a bit. She said shyly, "but you were not..."

"That's a man's normal reaction! I don't see women

"You..." Oh, embarrassment, Yang Shishi met his joking eyes, shyly pulled the quilt and covered his face.

Situ Han chuckled, bent over, gently picked her up, and walked to the bathroom.

He was really serious. He took a bath for Yang Shishi and gave her a massage by the way. It was a pure massage.

Yang Shishi blushed and enjoyed the comfort. After pressing the button, the pain relieved a lot, but they both left the bathroom and were tired of taking a hot bath together.

"Kowtow, kowtow!" The door of the bathroom was knocked heavily.

Du Qixuan's cold voice rang out at the door: "have you washed enough? Is it time to come out for dinner? "

In a word, it's like a row of thunder.

Yang Shishi and situ Han looked at each other, stood up from the water, quickly dried their bodies, and came out wrapped in bath towel.

Du Qixuan's expressionless face glanced at them, and finally fixed his eyes on Yang Shishi. When he saw the trace on her shoulder and neck, his beautiful big eyes narrowed slightly.

Then, when he saw that Yang Shishi even had traces on his legs, his little face became colder.

Yang Shishi blushed and was at a loss. He could only turn to situ Han for help.

Situ Han passes Yang Shishi. He clears his throat and is preparing to talk to Du Qixuan about what may happen between adult lovers.

As a result

Du Qixuan turns around coldly and walks out of the room, slamming the door.

Yang Shishi and situ Han are both in a cold sweat. They look at each other innocently!

Yang Shishi suddenly understood why both husband and wife thought about their world, because, you really don't know when the little devil in the family will suddenly come out and stand at the head of the bed when they are intimate. Oh, it's so frightening. Do you feel the rhythm of changing into Yang and withering every minute?However, the good thing is that Yang Wei is only for men!

Because Xuanxuan ran into the traces of love.

So between the three has been filled with a touch of embarrassment.

Embarrassed to eat, embarrassed to go out, embarrassed to sit in the car, embarrassed to say nothing, finally embarrassed to enter the door of the Institute.

Situ Han went to debug the instrument, and told Yang Shishi and Du Qixuan to wait for him in the office, draw blood and test, he decided to operate the whole process.

Suddenly there were only two of them left in the office, and the atmosphere became even more strange.

"Mommy, do you like situ Han?" Xuanxuan looked at her with a kind of penetrating eyes.

"Eh!" Yang Shishi blushed and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, Xuanbao. I don't seem to control my heart."

"Are you dating?"

Yang Shishi lowered her head, like a child who did something wrong, timidly said: "should it be?"

Du Qixuan is silent. To be honest, he doesn't believe in situ Han, but his mother obviously trusts him.

He knows that mommy loves herself very much. If she doesn't have 100% trust, she won't agree to let situ Han take her to draw blood.

Du Qixuan's beautiful face is thoughtful.

After a long time, he said, "although you've been in contact with each other, don't be silly and fall into it. Situ Han's heart is more than you. Just believe half of everything, you know?"

Yang Shishi was stunned. She couldn't believe her eyes and looked at her son's cool face. It took her a long time to react.

"Xuanbao, do you agree with mummy and your father?"

Xuanxuan shrugged and said reluctantly: "what he said is right. You are all born with children as big as me. What's the point of stopping them now?"

"Xuanbao!" Yang Shishi rushed over excitedly and hugged him.

Baji, Baji, repeatedly kisses several mouthfuls on his face. Xuanxuan's face turns red and pushes her away. She says with disgust: "Oh, my family's saliva is so dirty!"

"Son of a bitch!" Yang Shishi slapped him on the back of the head and said, "when I was a child, I used to wipe your shit and pee all day long. Mommy never thought you were dirty!"

Du Qixuan suddenly had a black line. He murmured in silence: "no one can make such a metaphor, but You have a point

"That's about it!" Yang Shishi glanced at him, but still couldn't hide the joy on his face.

"Knock!" When the door of the office was knocked, a doctor in a white coat came in and said respectfully, "Miss Yang, the chairman asked the young master to draw blood!"

"I'll take him!"

"Yes, please follow me!"

Yang Shishi followed the doctor to the seventh floor and came to situ Han's work place through several thick gates.

At this moment, situ Han is totally different from what Yang Shishi saw in peacetime.

He was wearing a light blue sterile suit, his soft short hair was covered by a sterile cap, and his young and handsome face didn't have a smile.

Next to him, several assistants stood there seriously.

Situ Han's body is full of fierce Qi force, which inadvertently shows the strong, let a person be awed by the sight, a little respect.

"Chairman, here comes the young master!"

"Well!" Situ Han answered. He stepped over, leaned slightly, looked straight at Du Qixuan, and said in a low voice, "Dad will draw blood for you in person. You don't have to be afraid. I'll take everything, you know?"

Du Qixuan cold small face, without saying a word, directly will sleeve a roll, revealing white arm, handed to him.

"Brave boy, come on!" Situ Han took Du Qixuan by the hand and led him to a seat.

The assistant immediately stepped forward and said respectfully, "Chairman, let me do it. I will be careful."

"He's my son." Situ cold words, directly took the blood equipment.

The assistant turned red and retreated in silence.

Yang Shishi stood there and didn't speak, but she praised situ Han's act of drawing blood for her son. At least she could feel that she cared.

Such a move can give her son a sense of security and make her feel at ease.

The bright red blood is drawn from Du Qixuan's small arm tube by tube. Du Qixuan is always expressionless and silent.

Yang Shishi was very distressed. She squatted down, gently hugged her son's shoulder, and asked in a soft voice, "does it hurt?"

Du Qixuan shakes his head in silence and looks at situ Han.

After drawing seven tubes, situ Han pulls out the needle. He presses the needle mouth for Xuanxuan himself. Until there is no bleeding, he throws away the cotton ball.

"Young master, please follow me!" The assistant saw that he had finished drawing blood and went forward immediately.

"Isn't it OK to draw blood? Where else? "

"Sterility test." Situ Han answered.

"Sterility test? What's that? "The assistant explained: "Miss Yang, aseptic examination is like B-ultrasound. It's safe and painless. Please rest assured."

"I'll go with you!" Yang Shishi is not at ease. In this place, she can't let her son leave her sight for a minute. , the fastest update of the webnovel!