Chapter 158

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Liu nianxi with crying cavity, excited finish, but the phone that end is a burst of silence.

This makes her uneasy, she quietly clenched the mobile phone, involuntarily urged a: "poetry!"

"I'm sorry!"

A moment later, there was only an apology on the phone.

Liu nianxi's face suddenly turns blue and white. She holds her mobile phone and her voice can't help saying, "excuse me? Yang Shishi, are you saying sorry to me? Why do you say these three words? Won't you help me? "

"Nianxi, is this really just an instrument? The person I know about situ Han is not so small hearted. "

"What do you know about me? Our friendship with classmates for many years, our sisterhood of sharing weal and woe, when you see that I am in trouble, you just move your mouth, and there is no loss for you. Why don't you help me? "

"It's not that I won't, it's that I can't help."

"How can it be!" Liu nianxi broke down and yelled: "it's up to you. With just one word from you, the chairman fired me. As long as you speak good words for me, the chairman will forgive me."

"Nianxi I've never interfered in situ Han's work, and I don't want to interfere in the future. Instead of asking me here, I'd better ask him in person. If he can forgive, he will forgive. If he can't, it's useless for me to go and say it. "

"Yang Shishi, how can you do this to me? I'm really wrong about you. I really Doodle doodle... " Liu nianxi's words haven't finished yet. The voice of disconnection has come from the phone.

She couldn't believe it, staring at the phone in consternation.

It took several minutes for her to react.

She angrily smashed the mobile phone on the wall, the mobile phone fell to the ground, the chassis scattered and broke all over the ground.

Liu nianxi covers her face and squats down. She bites her lips tightly. Her eyes are full of fierce hatred.

Yang Shishi, how dare you treat me like this, good good job! I will never let you go. I will tear you to pieces one by one!

Liu nianxi's whole body trembles, and her teeth rattle. After a while, she picks up her mobile phone, covers her injured wrist and staggers away.

Starbucks cafe!

Yang Shishi hung up his mobile phone and kept silent.

Ji Yang looked at her with concern and said, "what's the matter, Shishi? I heard you say nianxi. What's she asking you for?"

"She was expelled by situ Han!"

"Ah? Are you fired? " Ji Yang was startled, stirred the coffee in the cup and frowned: "I feel that you are right not to help. I have heard so much from you before and analyzed it in detail. I think this woman is too scheming. She took you to see the pharmacist at the beginning and revealed Xuanbao to you. Step by step, she is forcing you to leave. It's really very frightening."

"Yes, if she wasn't too anxious, maybe I really thought she cared about me. First, let me see the research of the medical man. Then I say that my son is a medical man. Then I say that situ Han is looking for him, pressing him step by step. If I'm not strong in my heart, I think I'll abscond with my son. "

Ji Yang nodded with approval: "it's just If you don't help her, she will come and beg you, won't she

"Actually, it's not that I don't want to help her, I'm just afraid!"


"Well!" Yang Shishi took a sip of coffee and said, "do you know Ji Yang? I can forgive Liu nianxi for what she did to me. If she hurts me, I can let bygones be bygones! "

"But this time I met her, she made me feel terrible, and her deep intention made my hair stand on end. I don't dare to approach her. I don't know what else she can do. I can't fight her at all. I'm afraid that if she stays, it will hurt my child one day. So I can't help her, I can only refuse. "

"Poetry Ji Yang took her hand and said, "I support you. Since you know she is a disaster, you can't stay around. You don't have to feel guilty. You are doing the right thing."

"Well!" Yang Shishi nods and smiles.

Ji Yang held his chin, sighed and said with a smile: "poetry, don't mention that situ Han is really a man. He is ruthless and resolute. He doesn't drag water at all. He's really good. I like it."

"Hey, he's my man. Let's put away your fancy."

"Damn it Ji Yang called out: "you're lucky to say that I've been dreaming of prince charming for so many years, but I didn't say anything. You don't even allow me to think about it."

"Of course not allowed, son, I can share with you, but husband absolutely can't, you hurry, change a dream lover!"

"No change!" Ji Yang shook his head and refused.

Yang Shishi glared at her: "no, I have to change it."

"No change, no change!" Ji Yang shook his head and said: "for the lover in my dream, must be affectionate in the end, OK? People like me who insist on their dreams may come true one day. "

Yang Shishi held her face and said, "do you want to dig my corner?""It hurts!" Ji Yang broke away her hand, rubbed her face and said: "I don't want to dig, you After going home, take the initiative and tell situ han to marry one and get one free. Let's play with one husband and two wives. "

"Play with monogamy, see how I play with you now." Yang Shishi directly sits beside Ji Yang and reaches out to scratch her waist.

Ji Yang is the most ticklish. Being scratched by her, she suddenly gets goose bumps. She quickly screams and hides in the corner of the seat. Their hilarity attracts people's curious eyes.

"Don't make trouble, don't make trouble, your waist is not good!" Ji Yang raised his legs and stood in the middle of the two, begging for mercy.

She this block, flurried even Doudou shoes all fell off.

Yang Shishi poked her feet and said, "Ji Yang, I can warn you, don't covet my man. If you have time, you can find your own happiness."

"Yes, what Mrs. situ taught me is that I will listen to you when I am taught. Then, madam Can you let go of my feet? " Say, Ji Yang's big toe, return ceremony appearance sex to Yang Shi point.

"Cut!" Yang Shishi threw away her feet and said with disgust: "it stinks. You think I rare your feet."

"Not rare, not rare. I know Mrs. situ only cares about Mr. situ's feet. She holds his feet like a popsicle, so, so, so..."

"Oh, how disgusting!" There was a chill in Yang's poems.

Ji Yang is trying to go back, when her mobile phone suddenly rings, Ji Yang takes out a look, see the mobile phone number, face suddenly changed.

But it's not going to be ugly.

But, change of twist, her that small face unexpectedly a red, with Yang Shishi has never heard of voice way: "hello?"

Listen to that voice, Yang Shishi heart tip all followed to shake for a while, she hurriedly put ear to come over.

"Go away, you!" Ji Yang kicks her.

The person on the phone didn't know what to say. Ji Yang hastily explained: "ah, no, no, I didn't let you go. People didn't mean that. I mean my sisters."

"Oh..." Yang Shishi was about to be vomited by her pinched voice and gave her a disgusting expression of visual sensation.

Ji Yang glares at her fiercely, opens big eyes and lets her be honest with silent mouth.

Yang Shishi only came and heard a man's voice on the phone.

Ji Yang said: "OK, OK, I'll go and deal with it in time. Goodbye, bye..."

Hung up the phone, Ji Yang was pushed down by Yang Shishi, she grabbed her collar, said with a bad smile: "ha, ha, ha! Well, you Jiyang, you're hiding behind my back. You don't know what to do. "

"Damn, what is a Tibetan man, unmarried man and unmarried woman? What's the matter with me?"

"It seems so!" Yang Shishi released her hand and said, "did you succeed in collusion?"

"No!" Ji Yang shakes his head.

"Hou, why are you so useless?" Yang Shishi poked her forehead and said, "usually you have a little mouth. How many things can you say? When you hook up with a man, can you get rid of your fake voice and use your real self?"

"Poetry Ji Yang hugged her arm and said in a soft voice: "do men like you? "Pitifully long, with a soft and charming voice?"

"Go, it's not lovelorn. Drill into my arms. Everything like me? Haven't you heard a word? one man's meat is another man's poison. Some people will be crazy about the mini. "

Ji Yang immediately bitter face way: "but I this kind of man woman, even if there are men like, should also be a sissy man."

“……” Yang Shishi was very helpless. She raised her chin and said, "Ji Yang, what's your logic?"

"I'm careless and used to..."

"You have your strengths, too, OK?" Yang Shishi interrupted her and said, "you are righteous, frank, simple, kind and beautiful. Good men like you."

"Really? Really? How can I have so many advantages? "

"Of course Yang Shishi nodded and said, "except for your inferiority complex, lack of self-confidence, lack of perseverance, and lack of perseverance, others are advantages."

"Wow, I should still be saved. I want to change. I want to learn how to make up. By the way, I also want to learn how to dance and write poems. Your more than 900000 yuan has been with me all the time. Why don't you lend it to me for plastic surgery..."

"Ji Yang!" Yang Shishi helplessly covered her mouth and said: "listen carefully, I support you to hook up with a man, but you must use the most real self, like you in life."

"Why?" Ji Yang blinked and said, "if I don't show it well, will he pay attention to me?"

"Pig brain, you!" Yang Shishi knocked on her and said, "only when he falls in love with the most real you can he live forever. All his disguises will be torn by time. Even if he falls in love with you now, he will feel wrong love later. Do you understand?"

"Oh Ji Yang rubbed his forehead and said in a low voice: "I knew that it was good to have a few love experiences before, but now I am so nervous.""It's lucky for you to give your first love to the man you love most, and complain, by the way When will you bring this man over to see me? My sisters will give you long eyes. "

Ji Yang's face changed slightly after hearing this, and he was very uncomfortable. , the fastest update of the webnovel!