Chapter 324

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
The instrument starts to run, and the blood test officially starts!

The probe of the live broadcast has been aiming at the observation, the large screens on all sides of the laboratory light up, and every change of blood is clearly seen by experts.

Although not personally tested, but this is almost the same, in addition to not personally received blood, other procedures, did not miss.

Those who had not competed for the qualification were gradually relieved.

Blood test preliminary results, need half an hour! All the people are holding their breath and waiting.

In another dark room of the castle, the super large screen is also live broadcasting this picture. This kind of live broadcasting is a kind of real-time monitoring.

Situhan sat on the soft chair. He looked up at the surveillance screen without blinking or moving.

What others see is his calmness, his silence, his assurance, but no one knows what kind of feeling his heart is.

It's a gamble. It's a gamble for his son to have a peaceful life. Although he has laid a net in the castle, he has made all the preparations in Suzhou.

But what he didn't believe was long Chen! So, he didn't relax his guard for a moment.

At situ Han's side, all the persons in charge of the control were present. Milo was sitting next to him. She looked at his side face from time to time.

Sometimes I can't help comforting: "Han Shao, you don't have to worry too much."

"He's my son!" Situ Han's eyes narrowed and said a cold word. His posture didn't move and his eyes didn't blink.

Mi Rou quietly frowned and said in a low voice: "Han Shao, you are so good! This son is not your own, but you regard him as your own. It's a blessing for this child. "

Situ Han didn't look at Mi rou. He said coldly, "officer MI, I may have to tell you something. Please stay after the test is over."

Mi Rou's face was full of joy. She said excitedly, "good!"

Situ Han is not talking. He is concentrating on the monitoring.

Whether it's a darkroom, or a lab at Norda. All sink in a silence, condense of quiet, static even a feather floating on the ground can hear.

Time, in the loss of a second!

The clock on the wall starts to count down, five, four, three, two, one!

Ding Dong!

A slight sound, accompanied by the sound of opening the instrument, the blood result came out, and the printer was working.

More than ten seconds later, the results were announced on the large screen!

All the experts stood up and stared at me, but The result is naturally let them down, this blood, there is no particularity.

"What's the matter? How could that be? " People look at each other face to face.

In particular, the ten people who won the test qualification were even colder and said, "Mr. long, although you are young, you have a good reputation in the world. You don't have diploid cells at all. You just want to use this hype to improve your reputation?"

Long Chen seems to be very surprised, he stood up and said in a loud voice: "well, sir, what's the benefit to me from such a result?"

In a word, calmed other people's guess!

Yes, long Chen has made great achievements in biology. Now he has made such a big array, but the result is like this. It's just like a waste of time. It's really no good.

Long Chen glanced at the experts and said coldly: "I'm sorry to you. Since the blood is nothing special, I must have been cheated by Jueming Xishi. I'll find them to settle this account. The price just set makes you laugh!"

An expert stood up and immediately responded: "the double somatic cell is just a legend. Since it is a verification, it is possible that it is not. Mr. long doesn't have to mind too much."

"Yes, yes, we have Mr. Long's mind. Although the result is not expected, it is also expected." Everyone you a word, I a word, begin to comfort long Chen.

Long Chen is very sorry.

He said: "I'm really sorry. It seems that I have caused unnecessary trouble this time. I will return the child to situ Han and hope to win his forgiveness. In addition All the expenses of these days are borne by me, long Chen. "

"You're welcome, Mr. long. You're welcome!"

In the dark room, situ Han, who saw the result, also breathed a long sigh of relief.

When he watched all the experts get up to leave the laboratory, situ Han also stood up.

At this time, there is a new situation in the laboratory.

"Wait a minute!" A female expert stood up with a smile on her face and walked over to her and said, "Mr. long, I really can't figure out a few questions. I don't know if I can ask for advice."

Long Chen looked at her up and down and said coldly, "since you want to ask for advice, please go to the office!"

"No, I think it's best to ask here. If Mr. long can't answer, he can also brainstorm, right?"The female expert said with a smile that she was calm and relaxed! But from her eyes, long Chen still saw the feeling of conspiracy.

He looked down, saw the name tag on her chest and whispered, "Joanna? Vice president of the American Center for supernatural studies

"Mr. long has a good memory. We met once at the British Biology Symposium. It was a year ago. Mr. long is still so handsome and young. Are you Oriental people so young?"

Long Chen said coldly, "Ms. Joanna is so good at praising people. It's ridiculous if biological researchers can't even do anti-aging well. Besides, I'll be one year older when we meet."

"Oh, I'm sorry, Mr. long has had excellent skills since he published his paper at the age of nine. I thought Ha ha... "

Joanna to why, but did not say, but deliberately stopped the conversation, pick eyes way: "Mr. long, may I ask?"

"Please Long Chen said politely.

Joanna went to Xuanxuan and looked at his beautiful and sleepy face. She said with a smile, "this child is so beautiful. When Mr. long bought this child, he didn't take blood for test first?"

"No!" Long Chen smiles.

Joanna picked her eyebrows and said, "Oh? Mr. long doesn't seem to be such a rash person. It's a bit too playful for you to hold a test meeting without a test? "

Long Chen lowered his eyes and said with a light smile: "if things are transcendental, isn't it that he has lost the fun of joint research? And I've already said that if you're invited to have a test together, it's natural for you to reveal the answer together. "

With a low smile, Joanna turned gracefully and said, "Mr. long, how can I feel that you are not surprised by the result, like I knew that in advance? " , the fastest update of the webnovel!