Chapter 328

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Ji Yang busily covered his mouth and retched several times before he forced the anti Teng.

Xi Xi is scared of direct will fish to throw to the ground, worried of grasped her wrist way: "Yang aunt you how?"

Xibao's voice successfully attracted everyone's attention.

All the busy people in the kitchen turned back to look at her. After washing their hands, Yang Shishi came to her and said, "why is your face so bad? Didn't you sleep well yesterday? "

"I Oh... " Ji Yanggang opened her mouth, and her stomach was full of twists and turns. She turned and rushed out of the kitchen regardless of the worried eyes.

She ran a long way, holding a tree and retching!

Yang Shishi ran after her and patted her on the back.

"How's it going? Is it better? Is it because of eating something? "

Ji Yang raised her head and looked at Yang Shishi with pale face. There was panic and uneasiness in her eyes! She leaned against the tree and sat on the ground slowly.

Looking at her such expression, Yang Shishi's heart was drawn. Suddenly, an idea flashed into her mind, and she was shocked.

She squatted down slowly, looked directly at Ji Yang and said, "Yang Yang, you won't Are you pregnant? "

Ji Yang trembled, her face white to almost transparent, she looked at Yang Shishi with helpless eyes, tears quickly filled her eyes.

She put her head in her hands and said in a panic: "I don't know, but My period has been delayed for nearly a month, I I How scared

Yang Shishi quickly hugged her and said, "well behaved, I'm not afraid. It's a good thing to be pregnant. If you and Yu Lei are married, maybe there will be less obstacles."

"But if the child Is it not Yu Lei's? "

Yang Shishi was shocked and speechless.

Ji Yang white face dejected way: "if really pregnant, calculate the time, should be that night! But that night That night I had a relationship with Yu Lei and Fei Quan. "

"Darling, get up first, the ground is cold!" Yang Shishi holds Ji Yang's arm and tugs her up and says, "last time Zhuo fan bought me a pregnancy test card. Let's go upstairs and have a test first, OK?"


"Don't be afraid! The more this time, the stronger we have to be. We can't solve any problem by escaping. It's pregnancy and a big event. We have to discuss it carefully. "

Ji Yang hesitates, her hands are tense, her lips are about to bite blood.

Yang Shishi did not urge her, but quietly gave her time.

After several minutes, Ji Yang just looked at Yang Shishi and nodded his head gently.

Yang Shishi takes her by the hand. They come to the bedroom upstairs, take the urine cup to Ji Yang, and accompany her to the bathroom.

After the test!

Almost just a dozen seconds, two red lines appeared in front of him. Ji Yang threw the pregnancy test card, shook his body and almost fell to the ground.

Yang Shishi busily took her to bed, poured a cup of boiling water and fed her one by one.

The two lines of tears on Ji Yang's face fell like rain.

While she was crying, she drank water. The warm water went into her throat, which made her cough fiercely.

Yang Shishi put down the cup and patted her on the back.

Ji Yang grabs the corner with both hands, and she can't help crying. She says, "what should I do? What am I going to do? Why do you want to be pregnant? Why do you want to be pregnant at this time? "

Yang's eyes were red and his heart was broken.

I still remember that not long ago, Ji Yang took Yu Lei to bed after the ovulation period. She wanted to give birth to Yu Lei's child. From then on, the mother relied on her son to make Yu Lei fall in love with her.

What a wonderful surprise it would have been without that accident.

Yang Shishi took her shoulder and comforted her in a low voice: "Yang Yang, don't despair so quickly. We haven't figured out whose child is. Maybe it's Yu Lei's?"

Ji Yang!

She slowly raised her tears and said, "can we check the child's Dan now?"

"At this time?" Yang Shishi was stunned and said, "I don't know. I'll give mom Qian a call and ask. You wait!"

Yang Shishi goes to the windowsill with her mobile phone and calls Qian Cong.

After learning the detailed information from Qian Cong, Yang Shishi took over the line.

As soon as she hung up her cell phone, situ Han's call came in.


"I can't call anyone I was talking to?" Situ Han's deep voice rang in his ears.

Yang Shishi took a look at Ji Yang and said in a low voice, "if you have something to ask, ask Mom Qian!"

"Aren't you feeling well?" Situ Han's voice suddenly became tense.

Yang Shishi was stunned for a moment, and then she reflected that she was also a pregnant woman. She said, "it's not me! It's When you come back, where is it now? How's your son? "

"Xuanbao, mummy phone!" Situ Han gave his mobile phone to his son.Xuanbao took it over and said, "Mommy!"

"How are you, son?" Yang Shishi holds the mobile phone nervously. Although she gets all the news of peace, she doesn't see Xuanbao and doesn't hear his voice. She is always upset.

Xuanbao said with a low smile, "Mommy, when did your son let you down?"

"Great son, you are always the pride of Mommy. Mommy is waiting for you at home. Come back quickly. Mommy can't wait to hold you."

"Well, we're going to the city. We'll be home in about an hour. I'll see Mommy later."

"See you later, mommy loves you!" Yang Shishi even kisses several mouthfuls to the microphone, and then he shoves the mobile phone into his pocket.

Walking back to Ji Yang, Yang Shishi holds her hand.

Ji Yang worried: "how is Xuanbao? Are you coming back? "

"Well, with his father, I'm not so worried. Boys should learn to take on some things. You can rest assured." Yang Shishi patted her hand.

Then he continued: "Yang Yang, just now mother Qian said that there are two ways of fetal paternity test. The first one is that when the child is two months old, the villous blood is taken for test, but if this operation is not good, it will easily lead to fetal malformation."

"The second method is to extract amniotic fluid for fetal DNA testing after the child is four months old. The advantage is that it does little harm to the mother and the child, but if If you don't plan to have this baby, you need to do induced labor. "

Ji Yang lowered his eyes and looked blank and sad.

Yang Shishi took her hand and said, "Yang Yang, I hope you can think about it for a few days. No matter what decision you make, I will support you unconditionally."

"I'll do a chorionic blood test!" Ji Yang raised his face and said in a low voice: "there is nothing to consider. If this child is not Yu Lei's, I won't give birth to him!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!