Chapter 368

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
The first light in the morning shines into the room through mansha. Yang Shishi raises her eyelids and turns over lazily.

On his side, situ was sleeping soundly!

His handsome features are very attractive under the sun, usually cold and sharp eyes closed, long eyelashes like a small fan.

Lips close, there are a few silk bite marks at the lip side!

Yang Shishi's face turned red. She left it last night when she couldn't help it. She was a little shy, and quietly approached him and gave him a kiss at the corner of his mouth.

After kissing, she just wanted to withdraw her body. Unexpectedly, her back waist was tight, and a pair of steel arms directly encircled her in her arms.

Situ Han didn't open his eyes, but asked in a sleepy voice: "little villain, haven't you fed yet?"

"Get up!" Yang Shishi pushed him.

Situ Han half opened his eyes, raised his arm, looked at the time and said: "it's only seven o'clock, then go to sleep Good boy

"You can't sleep late on the first day of the lunar new year, or you will be lazy all year long!"

Situ Han laughed, pressed her back, put her on her chest, and whispered, "if you love her on the first day of the lunar new year, can you have spring all the year round?"

"You You can't be more serious and not afraid of death! "

"Well?" Situ Hanso took care of her and slowly opened his eyes, face to face with her.

Yang Shishi's small face is red, even her ears are a little red. Her eyes are bright, shy and timid. She is confused and charming.

Situ bent his mouth, stretched out his hand and gently scratched the delicate skin on her face, and said in a low voice, "wife, have I ever told you that you are beautiful?"

"No!" Yang Shishi is biting her lips!

"No? I seem to remember saying all the time last night... "

"That's what you said yesterday!" The voice of Yang's poems is full of bitterness.

Situ Han's smile was deeper. He leaned forward to kiss her and gave her a lingering kiss. He said with a slightly heavy breath: "I love to tell the truth. You were not beautiful before. You can only be regarded as the past."

"You It's too much. Do you say that about your wife? Then why do you like me? " Yang Shishi is hard hit. She's not very beautiful, but she's also a little Jasper, isn't she?

Situ Han again put his head forward and bit the tip of her nose, and said in a low voice: "superficial, like a person, of course, like her soul. It has nothing to do with looks. You used to It's too thin. It's too dry to be watery. It's much better now. "

"I've gained 20 jin..." Yang Shishi is very resentful. He feels that his fat speed seems to be blowing up these days.

"It's not enough. When you have a baby, you must keep your weight around 110, not less than 110. Do you hear me?"

"Ah?" Yang Shishi said bitterly, "I'm not at 110 now. Is it too difficult for me to keep it?"

"Do you want to be beautiful?" Situ Han picked his eyebrows.

"Yes Yang Shishi nodded honestly.

Situ Han patted her little face and said, "I'll give you a suggestion with a man's eyes."

"What advice?"

"Ear, come here!" Situ Han gave a bad smile.

Yang Shishi looked at him strangely and slowly got close to him.

Si Tu Han bit her ear and whispered: "dear, after holding you, I really can't stand you. Do you know why your legs are green every time? Well

"You You're dead. I'll leave you alone. " Yang Shishi covers her ears and turns her back.

Situ Han immediately hugged her from behind and said, "don't run. I haven't finished yet."

"I don't listen, I don't listen Don't listen "

" be good! "

"Don't listen!"

"Just one word!" Situ Han was close to her and set a trap.

Yang Shishi stopped struggling and turned to his head and said, "really?"

"Well!" Situ Han nodded seriously.

Yang Shishi looked at him suspiciously, thought for two seconds and said, "OK, then you say."

"One more time!"

"What?" Yang Shishi was stunned for a moment. She immediately realized his meaning when she looked into his smiling eyes. Her little face turned red and she immediately ran away: "no way!"

"One more time!"

"No Ha ha, don't touch, be careful, child Well, I don't want to kneel, eh... "

Yang Shishi's voice changed from resistance to obedience, and the voice in the room also changed from laughing to whispering, followed by humming.

After some love, they took a warm bath.

This leisurely hand down the stairs, the hall of the wall clock, just pointing to 11 o'clock.

In the hall!

Ji Yang and Yu Lei don't know when they came. They are laying blocks there. Xixi also plays with them. He doesn't see Xuanxuan.

"Good morning Yang Shishi said with a red face: "sorry, I got up late."

Ji Yang glanced back at her and looked at her legs with deep meaning. "Shi Shi, I haven't seen you for a few days. How did you become an O-shaped leg?"Yang Shishi's face turned red, and she laughed two times.

Situ Han hugged Yang Shishi and said with a smile: "Ji Yang, are you complaining that your husband didn't hand in the task on time?"

"Hello? Don't you have to protect your wife like this, situ Han? " Ji Yang stares at him.

Situ Han hugs Yang Shishi and sits on the sofa gracefully. He doesn't speak, but his eyes look back at her provocatively.

"Husband, your cousin teases me!" Ji Yang pushes Yu Lei.

Yu Lei hasn't come yet.

Xixi immediately nervous way: "aunt Yang, how can you lie? My father is so far away from you that he is not teasing you. "

"Go, it's none of your business!" Ji Yang knocked Xibao on the forehead.

Xibao put his hands on his forehead and said, "aunt Yang, even if your eyes don't work well, how can your brain not work well?"

"What are you talking about, situ Xi?" Ji Yang holds her little face.

Xixi said: "originally, my mom's legs are straight. You have to say that she is O-shaped. Isn't her eyes bad?"


"What's more, my father is so far away from you that you say he molested you. Isn't that a bad brain? And I also told uncle Yang about it. " What Xi Xi said is serious.

Yang Shishi is about to laugh. Yu Lei also smiles secretly. Situ Han, in particular, not only laughs evil, but also looks proud.

"Hi It's against you, situ Xi. Get out of here and play by yourself Ji Yang stands up, holding Xi Xi's arm and dragging her to the hall door.

"Dad, help me!" Xixi put laituo on the ground.

Ji Yang pointed to an angle in front of the hall door and said: "penalty station, 20 minutes, face the wall and think about it!"


"You bully me!"

"Me?" Xixi pointed to his nose, innocently looked around everyone in the hall, and asked: "do I have one?"

"Xibao, come to Dad!" Situ Han waved to her.

"You dare!" Ji Yang points at her.

Xi Xi took a step in the leg and hurriedly back!

Ji Yang looks back and gives situ Han a proud expression!

Situ Han glanced at her. He stood up and walked over. He took Xi Xi Xi in his arms and said, "Dad, take you to the study. Your aunt Yang wants to be dissatisfied. You have a lot of money in your mother's face. You don't care about her, good!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!