Chapter 370

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Situ Han sneered: "no one can change my decision. I won't allow anyone to hurt my son. Mr. Ye, today I will detoxify early autumn and go to America tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow?" Ye Xuelin was stunned.

Situ Han looked at him and said, "what? Is Mr. Ye still hesitating? "

"That's not true!" Ye Xue Lin immediately shook his head and said, "I'm just worried about early autumn. She's poisoned by the supernatural center. Can it be solved in one day?"

Situ Han said with a low smile: "don't worry, I will give you a healthy child tomorrow night!"

Ye Xuelin's eyes were wide open. He stood up and grabbed situ Han's hand. "Are you serious?"

"Do I seem to be saying something false?" Situ Han's eyebrows were full of domineering power.

Ye Xuelin breathed a sigh of relief and said, "well, as long as it gets better in early autumn tomorrow night, I will go back to the United States the day after tomorrow."

Situ HANWAN nodded from the corner of his mouth, pressed the opening device and said in a low voice, "Zhuo fan, take Mr. Ye to the guest room to have a rest."

As soon as the words fell, the door of the study was pushed open.

Zhuo fan came in and said politely, "Mr. Ye, please follow me."

"Well, good!" Ye Xuelin stood up, said goodbye to situ Han with a smile, and then walked out of the study with Zhuo fan.

See two people left the study, situ Han immediately turned on the computer, connected to the video.

As soon as the screen flashed, a man's good-looking face appeared in front of him. The man said, "Hey, senior, how can you contact me today?"

"Green, I need you to do something for me. It's urgent!"

Hearing situ Han's tone so serious, the man on the screen was stunned, straightened up his body and said in a low voice: "please speak, senior!"

"I need your help to monitor all the calls of the executive director of the supernatural center. If necessary, interfere and intercept!"

Green frowned and said in a low voice, "senior, do you have to do this?"

"It has to be like this. Now, except for you No one can do it. "

Green looked down, thought for a few seconds and said, "OK, I'll take advantage of my official business to solve this problem. You open the port and I'll connect directly to you."

"Thanks, brother!"

Green smiles, shakes his head and says, "Friends of life and death, empty words are unnecessary. If you need any help, just open your mouth."

"I will. Goodbye!" Situ Han reached out and pressed the video!

Then he pressed on his watch and said in a cold voice, "shadow ink, let's go down and act the day after tomorrow!"


In the villa hall!

After ye Xuelin and situ Han went upstairs, Xixi took Chuqiu and sat on the sofa together, holding her small face with concern and saying, "Oh, sister qiuya, you are thin again."

"Never mind!" Early autumn uncomfortable smile, drooping face.

Yang Shishi also looked at her with heartache and said: "you girl, you are not comfortable and don't tell your aunt. I found that you are missing. Then I knew that you were taken to the research institute by Xi dad. How about that? Are you better? "

Early autumn respectful Wen said: "aunt Yang, please rest assured, Mr. situ has found a way to detoxify me, you don't have to worry."

"Detoxification?" Yang Shishi was stunned and said: "you are not sick, are you poisoned?"

"Yes Early autumn bowed her head and whispered: "I'm sorry, aunt Yang. I didn't mean to hurt Xuanxuan. I I'm really sorry. I hope you can forgive me. "

Excuse me? Hurt Xuanxuan? Where and where is this?

Yang Shishi listened to the misty, she looked at the small face of early autumn, the brain seems to have something flashed, the heart suddenly cool.

Is Is it purposeful to approach Xuanxuan in early autumn?

As soon as this idea came out, Yang Shishi turned pale and said with a smile, "Xibao, go upstairs first. I have something to say with Chuqiu."

"Mommy, what can't I hear?"

"Dear, go Yang Shishi's face sank.

"Oh Xi Xi reluctantly nodded his head, stood up and went upstairs.

Yang Shishi turned to look at the spiral staircase, until she couldn't see Xi Xi's figure. Then she said, "early autumn, why do you want to get close to Xuan Xuan?"

Early autumn did not dare to look up at her face, she bit her lips sad.

Yang Shishi sat down, took her shoulder, forced her to look at her and said, "tell me."

"I'm sorry!" Early autumn red eyes way: "I don't want to, but the CEO let me do so, I dare not do, sorry..."

Early autumn tears rolled down, she choked with guilt, intermittently told the whole process.

After listening to Yang Shishi, he was stunned!

"I'm sorry, aunt Yang. It's me who's bad. I've let you down. You can call me names." Early autumn to see Yang Shishi sad look, she could not help crying and clenching her hand.

Only then did Yang Shishi gradually return to his mind and say, "early autumn You said you were a corpse "Medical people?""Yes Early autumn sobs.

"You said situ Han gave you blood samples to the supernatural center?"

"Yes Early autumn wiped tears nodded.

Yang Shishi closed her eyes. She didn't know what had happened? Situ Han didn't tell himself anything, even his son And keep her secret.

If it's not early autumn, when will they hide themselves?

Looking at Yang Shishi's expression in early autumn, she found that something was wrong. She said in doubt: "aunt Yang, you Didn't you know about it before? "

"Early autumn!" Yang Shishi grabbed her hand and said, "do you know what plan situ Han has?"

"This..." Early autumn hesitated. If aunt Yang didn't know the previous thing, Mr. situ would not tell her the following things.

"Early autumn, tell me!" Yang Shishi said in a soft voice, "don't worry, I won't tell you. I'm really worried about Xuanxuan and situ Han."

Early autumn still some hesitation, she is very tangled with silence.

Yang Shishi held her face anxiously and said, "early autumn, tell me!"

In early autumn, he raised his eyes and whispered: "aunt Yang, Mr. situ asked me to testify against the chief executive. He is going to Prepare... "

"What are you going to do?" Yang Shishi's whole heart hung up.

Early autumn took a deep breath and whispered, "Mr. situ is going to unite with my uncle to destroy the supernatural center."

"What..." Yang Shishi was so stiff that he just sat there. As for the supernatural center, when longchen held a blood drawing meeting, she learned a lot from many aspects.

The supernatural center is a huge organization, which not only has the financial support of rich businessmen from all walks of life, but also has the political support of the military.

Situ Han wants to destroy the supernatural center? Isn't it extremely dangerous to fight with one person's strength, and there is almost no chance of winning?

No, she can't risk him like that.

Yang Shishi stands up in a hurry

Early autumn also hurriedly stood up and said: "aunt Yang, where are you going?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!