Chapter 384

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"But if you just walk away and leave a knot here, you will be like strangers in the future? Just think of it as hard work. If you make up, you can also contact him on wechat phone when you arrive in the United States. "

"Sister Xi, thank you for your kindness!" Early autumn curved corners of the mouth smile, but the eyes did not go to apologize.

Xixi frowned and said, "sister qiuya, do you really decide not to see Xuanxuan?"

"Well!" Early autumn nodded and said, "although I'm sorry for him, I have a clear conscience. All this is not what I want."

"So it is Xixi sighed a pity.

Chuqiu smiles, clenches her hand and says, "sister Xi, can I trouble you with something?"

"Yes! Don't be so polite. If you need any help from me, just ask Xixi said.

The eyes of early autumn are full of uneasiness.

She bowed her head and thought for a moment. Then she said, "sister Xi, although I found my uncle, my heart is not stable. I always have a bad feeling that no one in the Ye family will welcome me except my uncle."


"It's true. I called my aunt. She was very cold. And my uncle. Although he loves me very much, I always feel It always feels strange. "

"What's so strange?" Xi Xi doesn't understand of looking at her.

Early autumn raised her eyes and hesitated. After a while, she deliberately lowered her voice and said, "sister Xi, if it's you Do you have Xuan Xuan's name tattooed on your heart

"Ah?" Xi Xi Leng for a while, busy cover heart nest way: "of course not, I want to Wen also have Wen longchen elder brother's name, Wen Xuan Xuan's why, good disgust."

"But my uncle's heart is tattooed with my mother's name."

"Well?" Xixi was stunned.

"It's true that I never felt strange when I listened to my mother's recording before, but after I saw my uncle, I felt more and more strange."

"Then why don't you ask your uncle?"

"I I don't know how to speak. " In early autumn, he bowed his head in embarrassment.

Xixi touched his chin and frowned: "it's really unreasonable. You are related. My father will not make a mistake. I don't think he will Are you my uncle's daughter

"No way. I'm a French Chinese. My mother is Chinese and my uncle is Chinese. If I were his daughter, how could I be French? "

"Well Isn't it your uncle who likes your mother? " Xi Xi's eyes widened.

Early autumn sigh uneasily, tangled way: "I also think so, but if really like what I think, my days in the Ye family in the future, must be difficult."

"No, your uncle will protect you." Xixi comforted her.

Early autumn is still very uneasy, she raised her eyes and said: "sister Xi, if I can't live in the Ye family, can you help me talk to your parents and take me back?"

"Is that what you asked me to do?" Xixi said with a smile: "no problem, don't worry! When you get to the United States, you can contact me at any time. If you don't live well, I'll let dad pick you up. "

"Really?" In early autumn, I cried with joy.

Xixi hugged her and patted her: "of course it's true. Don't cry, don't cry!"

"Sister Xi, it's really nice to meet you. We'll be sisters all our lives, right?" Early autumn eyes with tears, fixed looking at her.

Xixi nodded with a smile and held her hand tightly.

Two people stare, one is distressed, one is grateful!


Just then, there was a knock outside the door, and Qingtao's voice said, "is Miss Chuqiu here? Mr. Ye is looking for you

Early autumn immediately stood up, quickly wipe off the corner of the tears channel: "sister Xi, I go first."

"OK, I'll take you out." Xixi and she go to the door together.

In the corridor, ye Xuelin is waiting there!

See two people come out, ye Xuelin smile to welcome, said: "Miss Xi Xi, uncle disturb your sister chat, really sorry, early autumn visa out of a little problem, need remote video solution."

"Uncle Ye, you're welcome!" Xi Xi politely said, looking back at Chu Qiu and said, "sister Qiu ya, go quickly. I'll get up early tomorrow to see you off."

"Well!" Early autumn nods and walks to Ye Xuelin.

Ye Xuelin holds Chu Qiu's shoulder and takes her to the guest room upstairs.

Xixi watched the two leave, turned to Xuanxuan's room.

The door was unlocked, and no one answered when Xixi knocked. She pushed it open and went in.

On the sofa, Xuanxuan is lying there with earphones in his ears, listening to English words.

Xi Xi curled his mouth, went to pull his leg to one side, sat down, reached out and pulled off his earphone.

"What for?" Xuan Xuan frowned at him.Xi Xi took an orange from the tea table, peeled it off, threw an orange petal in his mouth, chewed and said: "Hey, there's a good news and a bad news, which one do you want to listen to?"

Xuanxuan glanced at her, put the earphone back into his ear and closed his eyes.

"Hello?" Xixi grabbed the earphone and said, "I'm asking you something."

"No interest, love to say not to say!"

"You..." Xixi glared at him and said: "look at you. It's like twenty-five or eighty thousand. No wonder sister qiuya doesn't dare to come and say goodbye to you."

Xuanxuan looks slightly stiff, but it's just a little stiff. Soon he returns to normal. He reaches for the English books and looks at them.

Hee hee speechless, arrived at him and said, "isn't it so calm? Sister qiuya is leaving. Tomorrow morning's flight. "

Xuan Xuan swept her one eye, the tone is calm without wave way: "so what? Do you have anything to do with me? "

Xi Xi blinked, stunned.

After a long time, she came back and said, "I'll go. Are you too ruthless? Anyway, we've been together for several months, haven't you ever thought of seeing her off? "

Xuanxuan put down the book, but sighed a way: "Xibao, please make it clear, is she close to me, and then hide the truth to deceive me, in the end who is merciless?"

"She didn't want to do that. She gave fake blood to the supernatural center, which saved you..."

"She saved herself." Xuanxuan directly interrupted her and said: "she did a favor, but you actually took hundreds of CC's blood to detoxify her, the biggest profit is her, not me!"

"Thick!" Xi Xi picks an eyebrow to look at him way: "Si Tu Xuan you enough ha, you this words also too have no conscience, autumn elegant elder sister returns to the United States to have to testify to the chief executive, is not for you?"

Xuanxuan sneers. He raises his hand to pick up the book and knocks Xixi's head and says: "wrong, it seems that the chief executive is for me. In fact, isn't it the only chance for her to completely get rid of the medical people?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!