Chapter 504

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
But Where does Xi Xi still have his own safety at the moment?

Mummy's danger, longchen's indifference, Qiaoben's refusal Everything turned out to be her loss.

She is very collapse, in Apollo and Zhuo fan suppressed to force back, an unprecedented panic occupied her little heart.

As if, she turns around at the moment, never see Mommy, never see longchen again.

This kind of fear, eventually let her start regardless of all the shouting up.

"Brother longchen Brother longchen, open your eyes and look at me. Look at me Let go I'm going to save Mommy. I'm going to find brother longchen... "

Long Chen still can't be cruel, he opens his eyes, through the array of barriers, see Xi Xi almost crazy appearance.

Her small body was controlled by Apollo and Zhuo fan. Her slender arm was desperate. He could not help worrying that she would hurt himself.

"Xibao!" Longchen's heart is aching, and his mood is gradually out of control.

His mood fluctuations directly affect the Xuantian nine square array.

"Lord, take heart!" Jin HUFA roared. His face was painful. Some of his kung fu skills were shallow, and blood was oozing from the corners of his mouth.

Longchen is afraid, he tries to take his eyes back from Xixi.

At this time, Xixi has been hugged by Zhuo fan. Her struggling strength is getting smaller and smaller, and her cry is desperate, especially her eyes

When she looks at longchen, she has lost her usual innocence and yearning It's just all thoughts are blasted.

Yes, I'm disappointed. I'm not in line with her age!

"Xibao!" Longchen heart pain of close eyes, he dare not in see down, he is afraid that he will be desperate to terminate all this.

"Poof!" The Dharma protector of the five elements department is a little old. Because of the interference of longchen's emotion, he can't hold on to a mouthful of blood.

Qingtao was injured by situ Han before, and was falling on the edge of the array protection layer. She was closest to the five elements department, which was also her father.

She hastily covered her heart and crawled over, yelling: "father, hold on. If it goes on like this, it will kill the Lord."

"Lord, he His mood is unstable, which leads to the loss of yin and Yang, the rise of yin and the decline of Yang. If it goes on like this, without the support of dragon Qi, we will all be hurt by the Yin Qi of Phoenix blood. "

Qingtao is shocked. She looks at longchen and finds that he looks pale and miserable.

Is It's because Miss?

Qingtao turns her eyes and looks at Zhuo fan coming towards her with Xixi in his arms. After passing her, she leaves the Xuantian nine square array and reaches the safe position where the array can't affect.

The eye ground of green peach, Yin is ruthless a flash.

No one can stop the Lord. He is the God in her heart, her master and everything.

For those who stand in the way of the Lord, there is only one end, that is Die!

"Mr. Zhuo!"

When Zhuo fan takes Xi Xi Xi to Qingtao's side, Qingtao struggles to stand up, covers her heart weakly, and looks at him pale.

Zhuo fan's body froze and stopped.

"I'm sorry, when I was in situ's house, you always took care of me. I know what you think of me, but I'm in charge of my own affairs. I have too many problems. I hope you don't blame me."

Zhuo fan looks complex to see her one eye, silent nod, step forward again.

"Wait a minute." Qingtao is busy and asks him.

Zhuo fan stops and turns around, looking at her.

Qingtao took out a small pendant from his pocket and said, "you and I are deeply in love, but why are we shallow? I want to give this to you and leave a memory for each other."

"No need." Zhuo fan cold voice way: "the way is different, do not conspire with each other, the ends of the world, each well."

"Wait, I want to kiss you." Green peach said, the whole person come together.

Zhuo fan was stunned for a moment. He was dazzled. Qingtao had already leaned in front of him.

Zhuo fan blushed and stepped back. He just wanted to get away, but who knows Green peach hand a Yang, originally is to caress his face of action, but suddenly turned into an attack.

The bracelet on her wrist opened instantly, and the steel needles pointed directly at Xi Xi in his arms.

All these changes are too fast. When Zhuo fan detects something strange, it's too late to defend!

He had to subconsciously rotate his body to block the needle, but the sharp stab still scratched Xi Xi's arm.


The blood splashed, dyed Zhuo fan's clothes red, and also dropped on the protective layer of the array.

Xixi felt the pain later. Before she knew what had happened, her body suddenly soared up.

A powerful force sucks her into the array.

Her petite body in mid air, like a leaf floating in the wind, wobbling, completely out of their own control."Little miss!" Zhuo fan's heart roared, but he couldn't get close to her.

In the array, the chip flashed a strong and dazzling light!

The blood from Xixi's arm wound originally dripped to the ground, but under the strong light, the blood formed a blood line and was sucked by the chip.

In just one second, blood was sucked into the chip.

In an instant, two pieces of broken chips merge into one, while lightning and thunder.

The wind and sand blowing people couldn't open their eyes. All the people were shocked by everything in front of them, including Joe Ben, who was guarding the array outside the protective layer.


The Si Tu Han that reaction comes over and Xuan Xuan exclaim at the same time, and forcibly rush to want to save her.

The killers selected by Apollo were faster. They rushed to save Xi Xi, but the first few people were exposed to the strong light and immediately turned into bodies like coke.

It's not light. It's a powerful ionizing magnetic field.

The strong light of the chip goes straight into the sky, forming a strong light column. Under the guidance of the light column, the nine planets that were supposed to reach a straight line in three days actually began to accelerate at the same time.

Long Chen feels strange also opened his eyes, he just saw Xi Xi was forced into the array, also saw the injury on her arm.

His face changed a lot!

He looked up at the stars and looked at the pillar of light. Little by little, Xixi's body was moving towards Yang Shishi's side, and her consciousness began to lax!

Long Chen secretly clenches his teeth. When Xi Xi's body moves to his side, he suddenly rises in the air, quickly claps his palm, and slaps her in the heart.

In the array, he is the master of the array, and his strength reaches the peak. This shot Xixi was thrown out of the array like a rag doll.

"Xibao!" Xuanxuan rushes to catch her, but is robbed first by a person.

It's Qiaoben. Qiaoben hugs Xixi to avoid her falling to the ground and getting hurt twice, but he still can't stop longchen from hurting her.

A wisp of blood spills over the corner of the mouth, and the fishy sweetness is tossed in the throat. She is forced to swallow by Xixi. She covers her heart and looks at longchen with her eyes raised. , the fastest update of the webnovel!