Chapter 510

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Long Chen may not want to hurt them, but in the end he hurt them. The process is not important, but what he did in the end is not worth being forgiven!

Think of Mommy lying on the bed, think of the last moment, Xibao or cut wrist blood, desperate to protect him.

Xuanxuan feels that no matter how careless longchen is, it's not enough for him to hurt his mother and sister.

Xuanxuan's beautiful face sank.

He held the call list tightly in his hand and said in a cold voice: "Dad, in addition to trying my best to cure Mommy, I'm also worried about Xibao. I'm afraid she won't forget longchen, you know She has a deep affection for long Chen. "

Situ Han was silent, which was really a difficult thing.

He thought for a while, then said in a cold voice: "Xibao is stubborn and willful. When she wakes up, she still doesn't know how to ask about longchen. Long Chen for her, after all, is the heart of the disaster

"Well What's daddy going to do? "

Situ Han sighed and said in a low voice, "the method that Joe said is feasible. Maybe only by hypnotizing her can she be really happy."

Xuanxuan was shocked and said in an urgent voice: "Dad, are you really going to hypnotize Xibao?"

"Do you have a better way?" Situ cold face lift eyes.

Xuanxuan said: "Xibao won't agree. She's in a bad mood now. I'm afraid that if she's forced too much, she won't be able to bear it."

"Why force her?" Situ said coldly: "there's no need for her to agree with this. I just want my Xibao to be happy. As for longchen It doesn't deserve to be in her memory. "


"No, but!"

Without waiting for Xuanxuan to finish, situ Han interrupted him directly, and said firmly: "I can't believe Qiaoben, master hypnotist. I'll contact her in person. You can enlighten her more in the next two days."

Xuanxuan stammered, what else did he want to say.

But looking at his father's cold face, thinking about longchen's harm to Xibao, he swallowed again.

Outside the conference room.

Xixi back against the cold wall, she squatted there, the whole person is a little shivering.

The conversation between situ Han and Xuan Xuan in the conference room, she heard everything without a word missing.

But she how also can't think of, long Chen elder brother unexpectedly can take own safety to Wei Xie Mammy, why? Why is that?

London, England, is full of their best and happiest memories. He dotes on himself, loves himself and kisses himself.

But when he did this, he was still secretly cooperating with Mommy, no Impossible, her long Chen elder brother, can't be so mean person absolutely.

Xixi is not willing to accept what she has heard. She staggers up and walks to the stairs step by step.

Tears, blurred the eyes of Xi Xi.

It took her almost half a century to return to ward 1012.

On the bed, Yang Shishi is still lying there.

Xixi moves over. She slowly kneels at the head of the bed and reaches for her hand Gently stroked mommy's pale face, all in her mind were Yang Shishi's bloody palms.

"Mommy, is that me? I'm the one who made you look like this I'm sorry, I'm sorry I don't know what it's going to be like, why How could things be like this? "

Xi Xi murmurs, the big tears rolling down his face.

She leaned in Yang Shishi's arms, holding her hand in both hands, apologizing again and again in her ear, saying sorry again and again.

I don't know how long after that, Xi Xi fainted weakly.


More than half an hour later.

When situ Han came back to the ward, he saw that Yang Shishi was still in a coma, while Xi Xi was lying on the head of the bed.

On Xixi's face, there are still wet tears.

Situ Han's eyes sank, and his heart cut through the sharp pain. He walked over, picked up Xi Xi and put her on the big bed.

Nuo big bed, Yang Shishi and Xi Xi are lying there, two people are the same pale face, the same scars.

Looking at the two people I love most in my life becoming like this, situ Han was deeply hurt. His eyes gazed back and forth on the two faces.

Before he knew it, his eyes turned red.

The air in the room seemed to feel his sadness, and the stagnant air was full of sadness and endless despair.

Situ Han was desperate because of the checklist in his hand, which was just the result of the examination.

He made a systematic examination of Yang's brain, and the results showed that the strong ionizing magnetic field caused irreversible damage to Yang's brain.

The function of her cerebral cortex was seriously damaged, and she fell into a deep coma and did not respond to all external stimuli.

In medicine, this condition is called "vegetative"Situ Han didn't dare to think. If Shi Shi would never wake up, what would he do in his life?

He is one of the top medical research talents in the world, but now he is surrounded by deep helplessness and fear.

He has been a doctor for such a long time, life and death is like a routine for him. As a qualified doctor, he will never have any emotional fluctuation because of his life and death.

Calmness is a necessary professional standard for doctors.

But it was not until this moment that he really understood.

He is not a God. He also has people who can't be cured. He will be afraid and vulnerable

Situ Han stood quietly by the bed, letting all kinds of strange fears drown him.

I don't know how long it took until Only when a worried voice came, did he regain his consciousness.

Haydn was talking to him. He held a stack of examination data in his hand and said carefully: "Chairman, I'll take my little grandmother to hyperbaric oxygen warehouse for treatment."

Situ Han raised his eyes and saw several medical staff standing behind Haydn.

All of them had dignified faces and did not dare to look at him.

Grief, once again spread from the chest.

Situ Han looks back. He takes a deep look at Yang Shishi. Then he bends over and leaves the ward with Yang Shishi in his arms.

Hyperbaric oxygen chamber is the most effective method to treat acute brain injury and brain edema.

Situ Han made a special treatment plan for Yang Shishi.

He knew very well that the earlier Yang Shishi woke up, the more chance he had to be cured. The longer he was in a coma, the less hope he would have.

So, for the first time in his life, he posted at the top of the international medical research forum, invited brain experts from the medical field to guide and exchange, and paid attention to the most authoritative experts in this field to assist Yang Shishi in the treatment.

Yang Shishi fell into a coma. It was like dropping a bomb in Suzhou. In a moment The major media and newspapers scrambled to report and speculated about what happened to little grandma situ. , the fastest update of the webnovel!