Chapter 549

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Yang Shishi didn't quite understand what situ Han was saying. She poked her head and stretched her neck to look into the room.

At this time Situ Han's voice sounded again.

He said: "Xibao, I know you must blame me in your heart, but Dad can't help it. You and Xuanxuan should have a more perfect future and should not be ruined by longchen."

"He's back to his time, and you should go back to your reality. For Jackie Chan, you and your Mommy have suffered a lot."

"Now your mommy has lost her memory completely. She doesn't remember us or her real age. Xibao Dad really doesn't want any of you to be hurt at all. Can you understand dad? "

Si Tu Han finished, his sad eyes fixed on Xi Xi's face.

Xixi was still asleep, as if he had not heard him.

A few minutes later, situ Han sighed. He turned to the window, reached for the phone and said, "Lu Da, come here immediately tomorrow. Xibao needs follow-up treatment. Yes I'll wait for you. "

Hang up the phone, situ Han walked back to Xi Xi's side, he bent over her bed, big hands do not give up stroking her thin face.

He stroked and touched, with all kinds of love and not give up.

Xi Xi exhorted, vaguely lifted his eyelids, turned inside and avoided situ Han's touch without any trace.


Situ Han sighed in his heart. He hesitated for a moment, stood up, took his coat and went to the door.

Yang Shishi with soup, quickly dodged to one side, situ Han didn't see her, head also don't return of fast step downstairs.


Xixi is awake. She can hear situ Han's words clearly. She is weak and has a splitting headache. She is just resting with her eyes closed, but she didn't expect to hear such a dialogue.

Hypnosis Dad's going to hypnotize her again?

A trace of sadness passed through Xixi's heart. The more she wanted to protect it, the more her father hated it.

Longchen brother left, she knew all the truth, but heart like ashes, feel life can't love.

Before long Chen disappeared, Xi Xi often thought When she grows up, maybe she will see brother longchen on a street corner in a city.

But now All hope turned into despair, and suddenly the whole heart was empty.

She slowly opened her eyes, looking at the drop by drop of water in the bottle, even Yang Shishi brought her soup, she didn't feel it.

"Xixi, have a drink!" Yang Shishi handed the soup to her in a tender and loving tone.

Xi Xi Piao her one eye, another eye does not send of stare at hang bottle silence.

Yang Shishi froze, waiting for a long time without response, she had to take a spoon to stir the soup and said: "you are not feeling well, let me feed you?"

Xi Xi Leng Leng raises Mou, deeply saw her one eye, firm shake head.

"Be obedient, good..." Yang Shi sent Tang to Xi Xi's mouth.

Xixi is hard to refuse, so he has to open his mouth and swallow. See she is willing to eat, Yang Shishi is very happy to feed her one after another.

After a while, the soup bowl came to the bottom.

Yang Shishi tidied up and said: "Xixi should be good, listen to my father's words and have a good rest. Will my sister come to accompany you next time?"

"Good!" Xixi's voice is hoarse.

Yang Shishi bent her mouth and rubbed her hair. Then she took the soup bowl and left the room.

Xixi lies back on the bed, and her mind is full of the appearance of longchen.

His smile, his indifference, his happiness, his anger, all kinds of expressions, all kinds of thoughts, Qingxi occupied all the heart of Xixi.

The more I miss you, the more I miss you.

The more I miss you, the crazier I am!

Xixi can't lie down. She sits up, turns off the pulley of infusion, reaches out and pulls off the needle on the back of her hand.

She staggered up, high fever makes her dizzy, but did not stop her pace, she just want to go back to her room, back to the place with the smell of longchen brother.

She remembers Once long Chen came to her bed and told her the story of Prince and princess.

She remembers Once long Chen lay beside her bed, he hugged himself and coaxed her to sleep like a child.

Countless memories like yesterday, but today when she heard the truth of Joe Ben, she did not even dare to recall.

Not easy, Xi Xi's steps back to the room.

She sat at her desk with no expression on her face and reached out to open the locked diary.

She looked through her diary and looked at the mood she had recorded. In a few months, she spent most of the book.

Although she doesn't have a diary to write every day, she still secretly writes down her missing for longchen.

At this moment, when she saw what she had written, she still couldn't help crying.She turned and looked, page after page, until She turned to the last page and was stunned.

"The most painful thing in life is not life and death, but I know I love you, but I can't love you! "

Brother longchen This is brother longchen's handwriting.

On the last page, it was long Chen's handwriting. She saw it at a glance. Now she pastes it every day. It's so easy for her to recognize his handwriting.

Brother longchen When did he write this in his diary? He loves himself. Does he love himself?

Xixi excited tears, she can not believe the eyes, trembling fingertips, again and again touching the familiar handwriting.

Bean big tears, strings of falling.

Fall on the dry handwriting, and gradually paste the word into a ball, Xixi quickly wipe away tears, but tears are more and more flow.

Brother longchen loves her, and brother longchen loves her, too.

Xi Xi's heart, has been turning this idea, she cried But she wanted to laugh very much. She couldn't breathe, but she wanted to die happily.

No She loves elder brother ailongchen very much, she can't forget her, she can't forget her.

Xi Xi's brain, suddenly think of situ Han ready to hypnotize her things, suddenly become panic.

The last hypnosis did not succeed. This time, Luda and her father will use a more violent way. What if she can't resist it?

What if she really forgot brother longchen?

"I don't want to forget, I can't forget I can't... " Xi Xi shakes his head, chatters incessantly, and his feverish brain is dizzy.

She did not know what to do to look out of the window, looking tearfully at the falling snow.

All of a sudden!

Xixi seems to think of something again. Her face is stiff, her hands quickly wipe away tears, quickly go to the wardrobe, take a thick cotton padded clothes, carefully avoid the servants, and leave the Gold Coast villa. , the fastest update of the webnovel!