Chapter 556

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"No, it's not that exaggerated, is it?" McGregor's face turned white. He has been an archaeologist for half his life. What kind of evil things have he never seen?

But I can't tell why, in this castle, he always has a kind of creepy feeling.

"Master Xuan, why don't we study the Jasper beads? Since I came across the sky cover opened by the bead, maybe I have to use the bead to close the sky cover, don't you think? "

McLaren expressed what he thought.

His statement soon got everyone's affirmation, and everyone looked at each other face to face, all retreated to the hall in silence.

Because the glare of the sky made people feel hot and scorched. When they all retreated to the hall, the cool feeling of winter came back.

Led by Xuanxuan, we went back to the bedroom where longchen was. Together with just now, this bedroom is still antique nostalgic style.

However, people who come back here are full of awe and vigilance for every object.

At the head of the bed, the jade beads are shining faintly.

"You see, this is the bead. I just touched it with my hand Well, what are you pulling me for? " Before he had finished, Bennis pulled him aside.

Hearing his question, Bennis glared at him and said, "this is longchen's castle. Do you think it's the tombs of the dead? He is proficient in Yin Yang and five elements. Anything here is likely to be the switch of an array. If you want to live a few more days, stop your curiosity. "

"Can archaeologists be regarded as archaeologists without curiosity?" McLaren muttered in a small voice.

Xuanxuan glances at them. He goes straight and reaches for his hand

"Master Xuan!" Mcjellen grabbed him by the wrist and said, "be careful with the mechanism. Just now I was attracted because of curiosity."

Xuan Xuan brow tiny coagulation, he is very listen to advise of took back the hand.

However, his eyes are still fixed on the Jasper beads, he looked at the beads scattered faint light, I do not know how, his mind suddenly thought of Xi Xi's words.

"Xuanbao There is an underground base in Yanshan castle, where there is brother longchen's research, which may be useful to you! "

Underground base, underground base

Xuanxuan was afraid, and he suddenly remembered that the strong earthquake must have been caused by the small earthquake when the sky cover came out of the ground.

"Mike, how did you just pick up the beads?" Xuan Xuan asks urgently.

Mcjellen was stunned for a moment. He reached out and imitated: "that's how I take it. Look..."

As soon as he raised his hand, he touched the bead with his five fingers, and then pinched it.

Xuanxuan's eyes narrowed and picked up The canopy rises. What if you press it?

Had this idea in the brain, Xuan Xuan stretched out his hand to the Jasper bead to fiercely press.


Not too obvious sound, but heavy hit on all the people, people instantly silent, waiting for unknown things to happen.

One second passed, two seconds, three seconds, five seconds

Three minutes later, nothing strange happened. Everyone was secretly relieved, but Xuanxuan reached out his hand again.


This time, the sound is very clear, and the whole Jasper beads are inlaid into the round barrel column.


The sound of shaking heart came, but this time there was no earth movement, no mountain shaking, there was only the sound of moving objects.

"Bed Bed... " Mcjellen's words were incoherent. He reached out and pointed to the moving wooden bed. His eyes were wide open and numb.

The oversized bed moves slowly to the left. At the bottom of the bed, there is a step leading to the underground. It is dark, quiet and strange, and there is no sound at all.

"Master Xuan, do you want to go down?" Joe was a little worried.

Xuan Xuan thought for a while, he didn't say anything, directly raised his feet to go down.

"Master!" Shadow guard lion busy hand stopped in front of him, don't worry way: "let me go down to have a look first."

Xuan Xuan looks at the entrance of black lacquer, look a little hesitant.

The lion said quickly: "don't worry, I'll shout if there's any abnormal situation. I've trained for several years. It's rare for me to show it on the spot today. I hope the host can give me this opportunity."

Xuanxuan knows that this is the lion taking risks for himself.

He was moved in his heart, but on the surface he was still calm. He nodded calmly and said, "OK, you go."

"Thank you, master!" The lion bowed and jumped down the steps.

"Be careful, little one." McGregor was not at ease.

The lion ignored him and went underground in the blink of an eye!

"Master, master Come down quickly. " As soon as the lion got underground, he lost his sense of calling.

Xuanxuan's face changed, and he rushed to the front."Young master!" Zhuo fan was startled and immediately followed him.

McLaren reached out to push Joe Ben's wheelchair and followed carefully. Everyone reacted and almost walked into the underground entrance.

Underground, seemingly dark, in fact, as bright as day.

Xuanxuan can't believe looking at everything in front of him. If he didn't walk down from the top, he wouldn't realize that he was underground.

Because, from his point of view, he had a panoramic view of the past. He could see everything outside, including the bedroom and the hall. You can even see the courtyard.

"Master Xuan, master Xuan, come quickly..." Exclaimed mcjellen.

Xuanxuan was stunned for a moment, and quickly walked over.

"Look McGregor pointed.

Xuanxuan looked up and found that the helicopter they had just stopped outside the castle was nearby.

What's going on? What's going on?

Xuanxuan reaches for her hand and waves it gently, groping for the transparent air in front of her eyes But he felt, soft, QQ, is a transparent to invisible special glass.

They're underground, right It's in a glass basement.

They can see everything outside clearly. If they move one step, they can see the distance outside.

Xuanxuan doesn't know what kind of glass it is. It's like one-sided glass. People inside can see everything outside, but people outside can't see clearly inside.

It's terrible. The old dragon Chen Can't be hiding in such a room every day to peep at his men?

"Master Xuan, there is another room here." There was a cry from joburn.

Xuanxuan turns back in a hurry, only to see that Qiao Ben leans out half of his body and waves to him, while the other half of his body is hidden behind a transparent wall.

In the glass room And the darkroom?

Xuanxuan goes directly to Qiaoben. The moment he turns around, everything in front of him becomes bright and dark.

This is a room, a super luxury high-tech operating room. , the fastest update of the webnovel!