Chapter 615

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Yang Shishi also busily raised her eyes to look at the sky, and the sky cover of the nine square array of Xuantian turned into a crystal clear color.

But her heart was not as happy and relaxed as she had imagined.

She can see that she agrees to Xuanxuan's decision to break through, which dispels the haze in her son's heart, but her heart But covered with a thick layer of worry.

"The so-called children are all sins. The ancients did not deceive me!" Yang's poems are filled with resentment in his heart.

Late at night!

It's quiet and cool.

The sudden brightness of the sky mask makes everyone excited. After all Miss situ is safe. After all It's five years of their hard work.

In addition They each have hundreds of millions of bonuses.

Under the special permission of situ Han, the scientific research ladies of Xuantian nine square array have a collective holiday and revel all night.

This is the most relaxed day in five years, but in the rest suite of Yanshan castle, there is a roar from situ Han.

"What? Xuanbao wants to start from scratch? Going abroad? And you agreed? "

Facing situ's face, Yang Shishi shrunk her shoulders. She looked at him pitifully and said, "don't be so loud. It's not good for children to hear it."

"Hearing that, I can tell situ Xuan directly that he can't even think about it. I don't agree."


Yang Shishi glanced at him and sighed: "it's hard to say, but you weren't there at that time. If you were there..."

"I want to be here. It will never happen."

"You have to be present faster than I agreed. I said situ Han, who said that children are independent individuals, not our private goods, not even our parents' accessories? Do you want to control your son's thoughts?"

"I didn't say that!"

"But you agree, don't you?"

Situ Han glared at her fiercely. He felt that the anger in his chest almost drowned him.

He said: "Yang Shishi, the brain is a good thing. When you speak, you should use the brain instead of the mind, OK? Sensibility is not wrong, but sometimes a little more rational can help children

"Is it?" Yang Shishi shrugged her shoulders. She rubbed her sore temple and said feebly, "I want to do what you said, but I can't do it. In the face of my child's expectant eyes, I completely lost."

"Then you can't delay. Let's come back and discuss with our husband and wife..."

"I'm just discussing with you now."

The old blood in situ Han's heart was almost vomited. Is that consultation? It's clear that she has already promised. It's called cutting first and then playing, right?

Situ Han walked violently, pursed his lips tightly, and walked back and forth in front of Yang Shishi.

Yang Shishi sat upright and said, "husband, the palm and the back of the hand are all meat. You just sent Xibao away. Don't forget You all agree that Xibao is going to die. Can you refuse Xuanbao? "

"I just want to discuss..."

"I discussed with him and confirmed his idea over and over again."

"Then we should enlighten him and comfort him..."

"I did." Yang Shishi raised her eyes and said: "persuasion is ineffective. If my son doesn't shift his attention and go to the commercial territory to expand his territory, he will become like Xibao and get into the top of the ox horn."

Situ Han's face was stiff.

Depressed, he sat on the sofa, holding his hands gracefully, letting go, and holding them again Then let go

Then, with a deep sigh, he said, "is it really that serious?"

Yang Shishi sighed too. She didn't answer situ Han's words, but asked: "Xibao, like Xuanbao, looks proud and lofty in appearance, but in fact, she is soft and affectionate in heart. What do you think will be the final result of Xuanbao's depression? "

Situ Han was silent.

He put his hands to his mouth and looked very depressed.

A moment later, he stood up and said, "Damn, these days Why is it so difficult to raise a child? Do you still have the leisure to sit on the sofa? Don't hurry up and clean up the children. "

"Why?" Yang Shishi stares at him and says in disbelief, "do you agree?"

"What do you say?"

"Wow..." With a cheer, Yang Shishi jumped up and rushed into situ Han's arms.

Bash, bash!

She kisses situ Han several times, hugs him tightly and says, "husband, I think we are the most lovely parents in the world, don't you think?"

"What's your image?" Situ Han holds her body and looks at her like a koala hanging on her body.

"Hey, hey!" Yang Shishi flattered him and said, "if I lose it, why do I want my image? I have a husband. "

Situ Han's mouth twitched and his face couldn't hide the joy of flying. He said in a small voice: "I'm really defeated by you. You're sweet. You always attack me with sugar coated shells.""Do you like it or not?"

Situ Han took a look at her and let her hang on himself. He took her to the bedroom.

"Well, what's your question?" Yang Shishi pinched situ Han's chest muscle.

An electric current ran wild.

Situ Han couldn't help trembling. His voice was dumb and he said, "I like it."

"Does that feel sweet?" Yang Shishi bit his ear.

Situ Han's body was tight and his voice was hoarse with a trace of trembling. He said: "it's so sweet!"

"Ha ha ha ha..." Looking at his dark red face, Yang Shishi burst out laughing.

Situ Han could not help but raise the corner of his mouth and kick the door of his bedroom.

The clearness of the sky mask represents the departure of Xibao's happiness.

Xuanbao's life plan represents the necessary process for a man to grow up. Both children firmly choose the life they want.

Alas, children have their own happiness. They really incapable of action.

The younger ones are all trying their best to fight for the life they want. Do they have to live a better life in old age?

"Wife, this week we don't draw blood, OK?" Situ Han's mature and elegant face came up to Yang Shishi's neck and whispered, biting her button with her teeth.

Yang Shishi's face was pink and her breath completely lost its frequency. She dodged the invasion of situ Han and said, "how can I do that? I want to raise my children!"

"Do you just care about the children and leave me alone?" Situ Han bit her severely.

"Ah Su Ma's pain came, and Yang Shishi tightened her body.

"OK, no more blood..."

"Why?" Yang Shishi is breathing unsteadily and bows her back.

Situ Han didn't allow her to escape. He bullied her and held her down. Like raindrops, his kisses fell on her hair, forehead, face and mouth.

He expressed his hunger with eager action. Yang Shishi finally understood his meaning. His face turned red and his body trembled like water and fire.

Crescent shy into the clouds, Yang Shishi never had the enthusiasm to respond to situ Han.

When the two people become one, that kind of wild happiness is conveyed to her limbs.

Yang Shishi knew that all her extreme happiness was given by the man in front of her.

He with a pair of deep feeling clear black eyes, doting smile looking at her, taking care of her, accompany her!

And she knows that her children Her favorite Xibao and Xuanbao, the kind-hearted children, will find their own rainbow after experiencing the wind and rain.

Yes, without wind and rain, how can we see a rainbow?

Love with a story is called love. It will be long and profound.

Xibao, my child Mom and dad are waiting for you forever.

Xuanbao, little man You will also remember your promise to mom and dad. Let's exchange five years of wind and rain for a lifetime of rainbow!

In this world

There is always someone who loves you deeply.

Maybe, it's not necessarily shocking.

But it must be unique.


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