Chapter 834

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
The bonfire reflected on long Chen's face, and his handsome features had an irresistible charm.

His eyes were a little careless, and his slender fingers gently rubbed the edge of the cup. Situ Xi felt numb all over. Just looking at him like this, she imagined that she could become the cup in his hand and be cherished by him.

Especially when he drank wine, there was a trace of water stains on his lips, which made her heart beat like thunder.

She couldn't lose the man. At this moment, situ Xi knew his feelings more strongly.

If a lie can keep him by her side, she is willing to tell a lie without hurting him.

"Go, silly boy." Fake mother smile arrived to arrive her, in the eye is all support.

"Thank you Situ Xi smiles at her and walks No more hesitation to longchen.

Long Chen hears the sound of footsteps, turns his eyes and looks back.

Situ Xi looked into his eyes and walked towards him step by step. When she came to him, she bent over and sat on his side.

Long Chen looked at the fake mother not far away, then looked back at situ Xi, and said in a low voice: "is the conversation over?"

"Well!" Situ Xi put his hand around his arm and gently put his head on his shoulder.

She looked at the bonfire and watched the men and women dancing as if She wants to infect herself with other people's happiness.

"What's the matter?" Long Chen feels her strange, caring low ask.

"Brother longchen, are you tired?" Situ Xi raised his eyes to see him. His eyes were soft and affectionate.

The Dragon Chen evil spirit of bend up the corner of mouth, the forehead and she mutually arrive.

Breath intertwined, his big hand directly over her waist, whispered: "the king is not tired, if Xixi need, the king still has enough physical strength to meet you."

"You..." Situ Xi blushed and said, "I just want to walk everywhere."

"Well, I will accompany you!" Long Chen drags her to get up and leaves the bonfire banquet with her.

The sky is getting deeper and the night is still!

The crescent moon is hanging in the sky, shining shyly like water.

Situ Xi and long Chen walk hand in hand on the path between the flowers on the other side of the river. The fragrance of the flowers is in the air, and the sound of insects is low.

The moon will pull their figure long and long, the breeze blowing, with silk cool and comfortable, they hold hands, silent and happy.

Two people look into the distance together. The flowers on the other side of the mountain stretch for several kilometers, but they can't see the edge at a glance.

"It's strange to have flowers but no leaves!" Long Chen sighs.

"Brother longchen, have you heard the story of the other shore flower?"

"Oh?" Long Chen curiously picks eyebrow, smile to look at her way: "does this flower still have what story?"

"Yes, there is a story. It's just a very sad story."

"Tell me!" Long Chen finds a bluestone and sits down gracefully.

Situxi squatted in the flowers, she stretched out her hand, stroked the flaming red flower, and whispered: "the other side flower, it is the most infatuated waiting, the most persistent waiting."

"It is red like blood, seemingly enchanting, but I feel that it is not open flowers, but heartache of despair, the color is not red, but drops of hard work, it is stubborn cruel, persistent beautiful."

"A thousand years bloom, a thousand years fall, flowers and leaves never meet, love is not cause and effect, fate is doomed to life and death. But it Still working hard, waiting and striving for... "

Situ Xi's voice became lower and lower. Finally It's like whispering to yourself.

Longchen didn't know if the flower was sad, but now situ Xi was deeply sad.

He had never seen her like this, the situ Xi in his memory, the eternal sunshine, naughty, cheerful and optimistic.

At this moment, longchen feels that what he hears is not that she is talking about flowers on the other side, but that he seems to hear is her!

Situ Xi sighed, his voice slightly raised, and said: "it is said that before, there was a couple of men and women named Bi and an. They were all gods in the sky. As soon as they saw the end of love, they were in love with each other, regardless of the rules of heaven. They had a good relationship for a hundred years and decided to stay together forever."

"But just because they violated the rule of heaven, this relationship was finally ruthlessly strangled. The court of heaven punished them and gave them a vicious curse, which made them become flowers and leaves of a flower, and put a curse on them. There are flowers but no leaves, leaves but no flowers, flowers and leaves are wrong, so they are doomed not to meet in this life."

"Flowers bloom for a thousand years. Before the green leaves come out, the leaves grow for a thousand years, and no flowers bloom. Life after life, merciless reincarnation, long waiting, persistent Acacia... "

Situ Xi's voice trembled so much that his eyes began to blur.

Long Chen didn't know when he came to her and hugged her silently. He opened his mouth and stammered, but he didn't say anything.

I can't say why, though the story of situ Xi is just a story, it shakes his soul.

He didn't know why he had heartache, but the pain tightened his throat and made him suffocate.It's like He had gone through such pain and gave up such feeling.

He held situ Xi's face, looked into her eyes, felt her trembling, and felt her strong heartache.

"Xixi, that's just a story!" He comforted her as if he were comforting himself.

Situ Xi choked and murmured, "brother longchen, you said Two people's love, if one forgets, even if the other remembers, what's the difference with really forgetting? "

Longchen's black eyes are like water. The eyes are full of heartache and guilt for her.

He hands a force, fiercely will she hard rub into his arms.

He whispered again and again: "I'm sorry, I'm not good, I shouldn't forget you, I shouldn't forget you."

"Come home with me, brother longchen, come home with me..." Or the moon is too beautiful, or the story is too sad.

Situ Xi's mood is a little broken, and her hands tightly grasp long Chen's skirt.

Long Chen along her back, see she didn't get better at all, then bend over, lightly kiss her lips.

He tasted the salty taste of tears, and the kiss became more tender.

Her soft lips melted situ Xi's fragile heart. She couldn't hold on any more. She really couldn't hold on any more.

"Brother longchen, I want to tell you something..." Situ Xi took his kiss and whispered softly.

"Shh..." Long Chen put his finger on her lips and said in a dumb voice: "I don't want to hear it. Your story is all tragedy. I feel sad after hearing it."

"I want to talk about our story, I want to talk about our hometown..."

"Our story can only be comedy forever. Our hometown will be wherever you want to go, where you are, where we are. We will be together all our lives, we will have children, we will be together forever." , the fastest update of the webnovel!