Chapter 861

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"Kiss you!" Long Chen murmurs, saying of course.

Kiss her? These two words did not bring any joy to situ Xi, but made her angry.

She began to struggle again, the anger in her heart made her unable to help any more.

She arched her knees and hit longchen's abdomen hard.

Long Chen doesn't check for a moment, and doesn't expect that she will attack him. When the sharp pain of the lower abdomen comes, he is also on fire immediately.

As soon as his big hand turned, he clasped situ Xi's two wrists in one hand, and pinched her chin in the other. He delicately found her lips, bent over without hesitation, and bit her hard.

"Ah Situ Xi's mouth was full of blood rust.

"You lunatic..." Situ Xizhen is angry. She turns her body over with a clever force, then withdraws and flees from the control of long Chen in the blink of an eye.

She is about to jump out of bed, but her ankle is caught by long chentu and pulled down Plop, she's on the bed again.

And at this time, long Chen again over, close to her ear lips, low through a trace of anger.

He said coldly: "situ Xi, long Youfan can hold you, Qiao Ben can also hold you. Why can't I? Don't forget, you're the king's wife. "

"I didn't say you can't, but you've got to let joben go!"

By this time, was she still thinking of Joe Ben? Is she worried about Joe Ben?

The huge jealousy attacks, long Chen tightly clasped her slender waist, gritted his teeth and said: "situ Xi, are you talking about the conditions for the king?"

"If I say yes, do you believe it?"


"Let's just say I'm talking about the conditions. As long as you let Joe go, I'll promise you anything. Brother longchen, stop making trouble, OK? Joe's going to die. "

Joben, joben, joben, every word, she couldn't do without the name.

Long Chen quietly took a deep breath, he suppressed the angry way: "if this king said, take your body to exchange Qiao Ben, would you like to?"

"What are you talking about?" Situ Xi was sweating, tired and anxious, and his brain was even more confused.

She's already his woman, and she still talks about her condition with her body? What does he mean? What does he think of her.

"You get up!" Situ Xi struggled twice, but her weight didn't move. She was worried and yelled: "Ya, just do it if you want. Can you let me turn over?"

"You're willing to trade your body for joben?" Longchen's eyes narrowed and his anger exploded directly in his chest.

He took her by the shoulder, jerked her, grabbed her by the neck with a big hand and said, "situ Xi, you let me down."

The air was blocked and suffocation made her head heavy.

Situ Xi really wants to curse, he Ya's this man is too difficult to handle, what is she willing to do? She would like to be forced to say it.

Her clothes are all gone when she thinks about it!

"Stop it Oh... "

Long Chen rudely broke off her leg, and the strength was as if Sheng was going to break her leg. She nearly breathed in the pain.

Situ Xi's eyes were red. She held the quilt tightly in her hands and said in a choked voice: "long Chen, I'm your wife, not your tool to vent your desire. If you dare to insult me like this, I'll hate you all my life."

"Is it?" Long Chen's eyes flashed a trace of pain, he whispered: "if you want to hate, then hate it..."

Finish saying, jealousy is like a sharp blade, ruthlessly cut off his reason, in front of the beautiful scenery and attractive beautiful, let him no longer control the sink.

"Ah Situ Xi felt torn.

Weak she can not bear the power of his madness, in his almost tormented courtship, she fell into endless abyss again and again!

The next day

In autumn, the sun was bright, and the sun shone on the bed through the window, as well as on situ Xi's green and purple skin.

Red worry secretly tears, holding ointment carefully for her, mouth can't help complaining: "the master is really, eight life never seen a woman, so rude, really irritating."

Situ Xi was lying on the bed, her eyes were red and swollen, and her eyes were far away.

Last night's long Chen, just like crazy, planted strawberry after strawberry on her body. It didn't hurt, but it was really shocking.

He seems to be intentional. The more he can expose himself to the outside of his clothes, the more he sucks out the red spots on his lips.

It's as if she had a seal on her body, and he used this childish way to declare his sovereignty.

Until this moment, situ Xi still can't believe that long Chen has a relationship with her against his will. What's the difference between this and Qiang Jian?

Two lines of tears fell over his face, and situ Xi quickly wiped them out.

"Lady, drink some water!" Red worry busy with sugar water handed to situ Xi in front of her, want to calm her mood."No!" Situ Xi said goodbye.

Red worry put down the sugar water, and quickly took an orange to her way: "Niang Niang, this can be sweet, is the master himself brought to you on the bedside, taste one?"

"No!" Situ Xi waved away, his angry little face not to one side.

Red worry squatted over, hesitated for a while, whispered: "that How about taking your mother to see Mr. Qiao secretly? "


Situ Xi's neck was like a pulley. Suddenly he turned around, and his eyes were bright: "really? Do you really want to take me to meet Joe Ben? "

"Of course, it's not difficult."

"But Isn't it easy to see Joe in prison? "

"Ah?" Red worry a Leng way: "what prison?"

"Isn't Joe in jail?" Situ Xi asked strangely.

Red worry also strangely scratched hair, she shook her head and said: "no, Joe is..."

"Here comes the emperor, here comes the queen!" Just then, a sharp and thin voice came from the courtyard. You don't need to look to know that the voice came from Ruan Gonggong.

"My God Red worry a arrow step rushed to the window side, looked out a few eyes, way: "Niang Niang, quickly get dressed to pick up..."

When she heard that the emperor and the queen were coming, situ Xi was also very excited. She sat up and dressed quickly, regardless of the pain on her body.

Hurriedly dressed, they left the crouching Pavilion in a hurry.

In the courtyard, long Chen has knelt down to meet him, and politely said: "father, mother, how did you come?"

The emperor bent over and helped him up in person. He said with a smile, "didn't you say that Princess Xi is ill? I can't rest assured. I'll come and have a look with your mother. Eh, where's Princess Xi? "

Situ Xi hurriedly trotted past. She knelt down beside long Chen and said in a sweet voice, "my son, long live my father, long live my father, long live my mother, long live my mother!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!