Chapter 965

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
When she was shocked, she raised her eyes and looked at the queen.

The Queen's mouth is slightly curved and her eyes are overcast!

Without waiting for her to reply, she murmured, "I hate being betrayed most in my life, but if anyone is sorry for me, I will be sorry for her. I hope aunt Don't let this palace down. "

She was afraid and looked down.

She cleverly kept silent and did not answer. Although the Queen's tone was gentle, she still knew her very well after staying with her for so many years.

"Take care of Gao Huiyu's business, Xian." The queen glanced at her.

"Yes She hurried out of Yongqing palace.

It's night. It's quiet.

It was the third shift, and the whole palace was in deep silence.

"Brother longchen Brother longchen... "

Situ Xi gently pushed the sleeping man beside him. Seeing that he didn't respond, he quickly got up and changed into his own black elastic suit.

Tonight, she wants to break into the eighth emperor's palace at night, so she ordered the incense in advance, which is enough to make longchen sleep until tomorrow morning.

Now that he was sure that longchen was sleeping deeply, situ Xi walked out of the crouching Pavilion without any worry.

Inside the palace, there were guards patrolling back and forth.

Fortunately, situ Xi was very familiar with Liuli palace. She quickly escaped the guards and came to the rockery in the backyard.

If the eighth Prince is impermanent, then he can arrive here quietly from the cold palace, which means that there is definitely a channel to go out near here.

Where is it?

Half of the moon in the sky, situ Xi carefully looked at the rockery, she was sure that this is the place to hide the passage.

Otherwise, the eighth prince could not appear in the backyard twice. Once, the identity of the eighth Prince interrupted her playing, and once, the identity of impermanence!

But situ Xi searched for nearly half an hour, but he got nothing.

The secret road can't be found for the moment, and she can't waste time here. After a team of bodyguards patrolled, situ Xi quickly threw out the rope and climbed up the palace wall smoothly.

The palace of the eighth Prince is far away.

Not long after he came out of the cold palace, he lived in the palace temporarily according to the emperor's words before the palace was built.

Although they live together in the palace, the Qingxin garden of the eighth Prince is several miles away from the Changchun palace.

Fortunately, in addition to the Liuli palace, the palace road is not very strict.

She dodged all the way to qingxinyuan.

Over the palace wall, the courtyard was dark. There was no bodyguard on duty, and there was no palace maid eunuch on duty.

Yes, they are just lanterns dangling under the eaves. And the sound of the wind.

The winter wind is cold, the palace is cold!

Such an environment in the middle of the night, can not help but make people feel thrilled.

Situ Xi didn't want to stay for a long time. In order to find the clues of the situ family as soon as possible, she had to check the most hidden place in the palace.

She took out the map in her sleeve, which she had drawn quietly in the afternoon. She drew a light and looked at it carefully, then she flashed away.


Situ Xi pushed open the door of a room. As soon as she spilled the powder, it took off with a smell of choking nose.

She quickly lit the fire fold, glanced at the people living in the room, and after confirming that it was not the situ family, she went on to look for the next room.

Gaga There was a slight, almost inaudible sound. It was the sixth door she had opened.


A sudden cold voice, will situ Xi scared face a change, she flash just want to go out, in front of the shadow a flash, a person directly to her.

Situ Xi's body swivels to avoid, fleeing out of the room.

The shadow behind him followed closely. Situ Xi crushed the paralytic pill in his hand and turned around to throw it out.

"It's you?"

"It's you?"

Two people a shock, the same voice of low call.

Situ Xi blinked quickly, but under the dim moonlight, the figure of situ Yuanfeng became clearer and clearer.

"Come with me!" Situ Yuanfeng didn't give her a chance to react. He pulled her by the wrist and quickly took her into the room.

He looked around and closed the door with his backhand.

"Why are you here?"

"Why are you here?"

Two people once again with one voice, is a face of surprise.

Situ Yuanfeng picked up the oil lamp and said in a low voice: "impermanence said that it was to save our family, but it kept our family apart. Because of my good medical skills, impermanence banned me here to cure him."

"Is impermanence ill?" Situ Xi was stunned.

Situ Yuanfeng shook his head and said, "I don't know yet. He told me so, but I've lived here for several days and never seen him."

"What about your parents? And the servants Are they OK? "

"There should be no danger for the time being. Why are you here? It's too dangerous. " Situ Yuanfeng looked at her anxiously.Situ Xi sighed!

She said in a soft voice: "you are guilty because of me. How can I abandon you? You are OK in longchen's hands. I can still save you, but now..."

As soon as situ Xi's voice stopped, his eyes and eyebrows began to look worried.

She raised her head, looked at situ Yuanfeng for a moment and said, "follow me. If you are all locked up in this palace, let's go to find them separately, save your parents, and I will send someone to send you away from Yanlong."

"Oh, wait!" Situ Yuanfeng stopped her.

"What's the matter?" Situ Xi looked at him puzzled.

"I can't go!"

"Why?" Situ Xi frowned.

Situ Yuanfeng turned his back and stood behind him with both hands. He said in a low voice: "the empress's kindness has won Yuanfeng's heart."

"But Where can we leave here? Although the crown prince may be forgiven for our deception, it is still unknown, isn't it? "

"I'm pregnant." Situ Xi whispered.

Situ Yuanfeng was shocked, turned around and said in a startled voice, "what did you say?"

"I said I was pregnant with the prince's child!" Situ Xi sighed, and she said in a soft voice, "the prince also said that he would let you go if I gave birth to a baby for him in one year. His golden words will do what he says."

"This..." Situ Yuanfeng looked at her suspiciously. His face was a little hesitant, but at last he shook his head.

Situ Xi was worried. She went over and said, "what else do you worry about? If you can't trust the prince, I can find a way to send you wherever you want, but you can't stay here. "

"Impermanence saved us. Although he separated our family, he was my Savior."

"My God, you wooden head!" Situ Xi said hastily, "do you know who impermanence is? Do you know where you live? "

Situ Yuanfeng frowned.

He whispered: "I don't know, but I don't want to know. Impermanence said that he arranged us to stay in this palace for the time being, and then he would send us out of the palace." "I can also send you out of the palace. Do you believe me or him?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!