Chapter 969

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Looking at situ Xi's cool face, Chiyou felt a little flustered. She walked to the bed and said in a soft voice, "what's the matter, madam?"

"Tell the palace about Gao Huiyu's death."

"Ah?" Red worry Leng for a while.

Situ Xi raised his head and said in a soft voice, "it's very important for the palace to tell us all the details you know."

If Beigong Xuan really didn't take part in Gao Huiyu's murder, would the person who killed Gao Huiyu be the queen?

Situ Xi Ning's eyebrows were cold and heavy.

Red worry sees her this facial expression, the heart mouth suddenly sinks.

Her face uncomfortable way: "Niang Niang, Gao Huiyu died very strange, she died the night before yesterday, in the morning was found by the jailer."

"How did you die?" Situ Xi asked.

"This I don't know much about it Red worry drooping eyes, whispered a sentence, but eyes did not dare to look at situ Xi.

Red worry has always been true, she will never lie, but now her look I didn't tell the truth.

Situ Xi stares at her!

Red worry secretly looked at her one eye, the facial expression more flustered way: "Niang Niang, how do you How can you look at me like that? "

Situxi sat upright. She reached out to hold Chiyou's wrist and forced her to sit beside the bed.

"Chiyou, what are you hiding?" Situ Xi's eyes narrowed slightly, and she could not escape from looking into her eyes.

Red worry body a shock, the facial expression instantaneous white.

She stood up in a panic, and knelt down in front of the bed with a plop and said, "lady, maid Maidservant really can't say, Niang Niang you don't need to ask, you only want to have a good baby, no matter what happens outside, all have master

"Is it the prince who won't let you talk to the palace?" Situ Xi asked lightly, but his tone was very affirmative.

Red worry does not say a word, hang the head lower.

Situ Xi sighed. It seems that Gao Huiyu's death is not so simple, but Why does longchen want Chiyou to hide himself?


Situ Xi's heart suddenly burst, she quickly leaned forward, hands holding red worry face, forced her to look up at himself.

She stares at red worry and sees the uneasiness and anger in her eyes. She turns white and says in a soft voice: "red worry, is Gao Huiyu's death related to our palace?"

"Mother!" Red worry exclaimed, shocked looking at situ Xi, a pair of how do you know the expression.

Sure enough!

Sure enough, no matter what, someone will deliberately push her to the top of the storm. She is really curious about how Gao Huiyu's death has something to do with her.

"Say it!" Situ Xi let go of Chi you and said coldly: "our palace wants to know everything. Chi you, you know our palace. If you don't say it, our palace has other ways to know."

Red worry shocked for a while, stammered stammer mouth, hesitated to worry of looking at her.

Situ Xi didn't speak. She just bent her mouth and looked out of the window with a mocking smile.

Red worry know her temperament, are forced to ask so much, if she doesn't say, really don't know situ Xi will do anything.

She hesitated for a moment, then looked a Lin, low voice way: "maidservant hold in the heart is really uncomfortable, since the Niang Niang has guessed five points, that maidservant will give up."

"Niang Niang, Gao Huiyu died strangely!"

"Oh? What a strange way? "

Red worry thought for a while, then said: "the first time the doctor went to the prison to check Gao Huiyu's body, pulse also touched, also checked, but did not find any suspicious place, as if she died so quietly."

"Silent?" Situ Xi sneered, a healthy and young man, how could he die inexplicably?

Red worry see she don't believe, busy again way: "is true Niang Niang, Tai Yi first suspect is poisoned, but autopsy and no poisoning trace like! The doctor also suspected that it was a dark wound, but he checked several fatal parts and found no scars

Situ Xi's eyebrows were twisted, so It's really strange that he died.

But How could this be related to her?

"In that case, why is it related to this palace?"

"This..." Chiyou looked at her quietly and said in a low voice: "just because the doctor can't find out the cause of death, he thinks that Gao Huiyu may have been killed by anger. Before she died, she only saw Lady, you

"What?" Situ Xi was stunned for a moment.

She was surprised to open her eyes, she thought about a lot of framing, but did not think of such a funny one.

Can you lay the blame on yourself?

Oh, my God! Angry? How much ability does she have to make people angry?

Situ Xi was speechless. She felt If she stayed in the palace for another year, she would be angry to death.

"How are you, madam?" Red worry quite sympathetic looking at her.

It's just that her eyes make situ Xi sick.She can't help scratching her hair angrily. Does a woman like her who doesn't enter the harem backstage have to let others rub her flat and round?

Everything can pour dirty water on yourself, and it's so unreasonable, and I'm really drunk.

She said, the most suspect should not be the queen?

Since the aunts and nephews of the Beigong family are not involved in it, who is the only one who can make people die quietly in this iron walled prison?

The queen is really persistent to her. She can give her a knife anytime and anywhere. Although it is not fatal, it makes her angry.

"Red worry, brother longchen hasn't gone to the early court yet?"

"Er..." Red worry froze for a moment, and said in a low voice: "well, because Gao Huiyu has not yet been tried by the third division, she is still a concubine abandoned by her master. When something happens to her, the master has to go to see her, so So... "

"Brother longchen is in the worry forgetting palace?"

"Oh, yes!"

Situ Xi caresses her forehead. She can't help rubbing her sore eyebrows. No wonder brother longchen is very busy these two days. Is he busy dealing with Gao Huiyu's affairs?

He asked Chiyou to conceal Gao Huiyu's affairs for two reasons. One is that he was afraid that she would be angry, and the other is that he was afraid that he would suspect his mother, right?

Is Is she going to carry the pot quietly again?

"Red worry!"

"The maid is here!"

"My palace is boring again. Take your maidservant and catch some mice for my palace."

"Ah?" Red worry surprised looking at her, a time to her sudden change also some can't return to God.

Situ Xi glared at her and said, "don't you go soon?"

"Oh, yes!" Red worry helpless should a, turn round to walk out to lie Ge.

Situ Xi stares at the disappearance of Chiyou's figure, and then she lifts the quilt and gets out of bed.

Naturally, she was not bored to ask Chiyou to catch mice. After she came back from the West Palace of Beigong Wanjia, she kept thinking. Why is the secret road hidden in her palace and the other end in the West Palace? , the fastest update of the webnovel!