Chapter 1018

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"Situ Xi, as long as there is a breath in my palace, I will definitely seek justice for Qiao Ben who died unjustly. He lost his life because of you, and you How do you deserve to live in this world? "

Beigong Xuan turns around slowly. She stares at the direction of Liuli palace with hatred.

She clenched her hands, nails deep into the skin, but she did not feel the pain.

Liuli palace.

Wearing a luxurious Queen's formal dress, situ Xi sat on the front seat of the main hall and accepted the congratulations and kowtow of the concubines without expression.

These concubines, all have a name, but have not been favored by long Chen.

Just because they had not been in the palace for many years and could not find a suitable reason to send them back, they lived in the palace all the time.

But these concubines are all human spirits. After so long, they naturally know that long Chen's mind is on situ Xi.

However, knowing is knowing, but they have lived in the deep palace for a long time. Some of them haven't even seen long Chen. Now that they come to worship situ Xi, they have a chance to see long Chen. Why don't they come?

What if the emperor takes a fancy to it? Now situ Xi is pregnant and can't sleep. Who will miss this opportunity?

Therefore, since the next Dynasty, there has been no break in the main hall of Liuli palace. Those who have worshipped and those who have come to worship have no intention of leaving.

As the imperial concubines gathered more and more, situ Xi's face became more and more ugly. She pursed her lips tightly and looked at the people who knelt wave after wave in silence.

"My concubine kowtow to the empress. She is thousands of years old." Another strange concubine, Yingying, kneels down. Her young face is shy and timid, and her beautiful facial features are made up with delicate makeup.

"Get up." Situ Xi can't remember how many times he repeated these three words.

"Thank you, empress." The imperial concubine stood up with a red face, put her present in her hands, and said, "the empress is so beautiful. No wonder the emperor is so pitiful. My concubine is a woman, and I can't help but be moved by her."

"What's your name?"

"My concubine Tian Chun."

"Ha ha, it's really a good name, pure and lovely appearance, sweet and soft voice, and skill compliment wrapped with honey. It's good."

Tianchun's face was stunned. She didn't expect that situ Xi would fall on her face. When she reacted, her face turned red.

"Poof, look at her. She's a slave. She's a wise lady. How can she sweet talk?"

The sound of mocking and laughing from the main hall made Tianchun feel more ashamed. She bowed her head nervously, and felt embarrassed.

Situ Xi coolly raised her eyes and glanced at the disdainful look of the imperial concubines. She could not help sneering in her heart. The imperial palace There's no shortage of people who have fallen into the well.

She just didn't like the compliment. She said a few words of Tianchun at will, and she got the echo of the whole hall.

Hypocrisy, hypocrisy to the bone.

Situ Xi is bored in every way. She fiddles with her nails. All the concubines want to chat with each other. She is not good at forcing people out.

I just hope that brother longchen's evil comes back early. These women are clearly congratulating themselves, but who doesn't know they are coming to longchen?

Situ Xi was thinking, and the voice of the eunuch came out of the door.

"Here comes the emperor!"

Just four words, it's like throwing a huge stone in the hearts of all the concubines. Their expressions change rapidly when they hear that the emperor is coming.

There are surprises, tension, expectations, and a lot of shyness and awe.

In short, in this moment, situ Xi became very transparent.

They completely ignore the "Queen" of the existence of this character, scarlet little face, a pair of bright eyes staring at the door, the foot also can't help pushing forward, for fear that he is not the woman longchen first saw.

In front of him, his brilliant back made him speechless and sad.

If she is not long Chen's pet, the end is the same as these women, right? She really can't imagine how many women will threaten her future if she doesn't go back to modern times.

How many women will covet her husband? Her future will be full of many worries and anxieties.

Situ Xi is thinking, in front of the back suddenly short down.

Then, a clear voice came with one voice: "my concubine, long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

What's going on?

Long Chen frowned, obviously He did not expect that there would be so many women in the hall.

He Leng for a while, the vision inquires of toward Si Tu Xi see past.

Situ Xi looked at him with a cold face. She didn't speak, but he still felt the anger and sadness from her.

Long Chen stepped over the imperial concubines who had knelt down. Without looking at them, he went straight to situ Xi and said, "what happened? Who are these women? "

The imperial concubines on the ground all showed their injured expressions.Situ Xi raised her eyes and looked at long Chen with no expression. Then she stood up slowly and glared at him deeply. She turned silently and walked to the crouching Pavilion.

"Hee hee Long Chen reaches for her arm.

But situ Xi swung his arm away from him. Without looking back, she almost ran away from the hall.

"Xixi..." Longchen didn't want to directly chase past, leaving those kneeling imperial concubines face to face, big eyes stare small eyes.

"Oh, you, you are all scattered." Li Gonggong shook his head and sighed, but he also ran after him.

At this moment, the hall of Nuo was very lonely, and the faces of the imperial concubines were dull.

They all saw long Chen. Today's emperor is so beautiful, but his eyes are on the empress from beginning to end.

There's no hope. There's no hope.

No one can enter the emperor's heart, once the rumors of the deep Palace are true, are true, when the emperor was the sixth prince, he sent himself to the imperial concubine.

This shocked the concubines in the harem. In addition to the disbelief, they were more lucky.

Those concubines who haven't seen longchen always fantasize about meeting longchen for the first time. If they have a chance to appear in front of him, they will make him amazing.

But now, they all appeared, but no one could win his sight.

The imperial concubines got up wobbly. They were so happy when they came, but they were very disappointed when they left.

Step by step, they went back the same way.

The palace is decorated with lanterns, snow covered with dead branches, and the festive day is coming. At first, I don't feel the cold north wind, but at this time, I feel the biting coolness. "Situ Xi, damn it, look at your feet, you stop for me." A fierce roar comes from the back of the body. With the angry voice of long Chen, it's his flash. , the fastest update of the webnovel!