Chapter 1048

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"Brother longchen, you Finally came to see me... " Situ Xi murmured, the fuzzy world in front of him, and the fuzzy face turned into the way he thought about day and night.

Long Jinyu's eyes are a little distressed. He looks at her with a complicated look. He looks at her pale face. For some reason, his heart aches.

He didn't even refute the fact that he was not longchen.

He just leaned slightly, wrapped the corner of her body with his own hands, and said in a low voice, "isn't it hard? Hold on for a while and we'll be there soon. "

It's not brother longchen's voice

Situ Xi opened her eyes with difficulty, and the figure in front of her became clear gradually. When she saw that the person in front of her was long Jinyu, she couldn't help but want to support herself.

"Wake up?" Long Jinyu's voice is extremely gentle.

Situ Xi looked around at her situation, and then she realized that the shaking was in a carriage. The car was very bumpy and she had a dull pain in her abdomen.

"Where are you taking me?" Situ Xi's voice is dumb. She looks at him defensively.

Long Jinyu looked at her. The expression on her face hurt him a little. It was really hard for him to draw a line with him immediately after waking up.

"Xixi, do you hate me so much?"

Low voice, a trace of helpless sadness.

Situ Xi forced herself up. She pulled the quilt and put it in her arms. She was calm and didn't pay attention to long Jinyu's words.

However, her behavior exposed her rejection.

Long Jinyu sighed deeply and nodded: "I know that you only have long Chen in your heart, but do you know? You shouldn't belong to him at all. You belong to me. If their mother hadn't done her best, you and Yanlong's country would belong to me. "

Situ Xi twisted his eyebrows and looked at him with disgust.

It's really invincible for a person to take it as a matter of course that he can talk about disasters and disturbances.

Situ Xi coldly raised the corner of his mouth, turned his head and said: "I don't care how deep your obsession is, whether you want to revenge on long Chen or you want to revenge on the royal family, but I have no grudge against you, and I don't want to be involved in it, so I hope you let me go."

"Let you go?" Long Jinyu said with a low smile, "didn't you hear what I said just now? I said The land of Yanlong and you belong to me, long Jinyu! "

"What do you mean?" Situ Xi frowned.

"Don't you understand?" Long Jinyu's sharp eyes sank and said in a low voice: "because I am the real emperor, and I am the master of Yanlong River and mountain. Long Chen is just a bastard who steals my River and mountain. He and her mother killed my mother with the most despicable means. I will not let him go."

At the end, long Jinyu's voice was full of hatred.

Situ Xi was confused, but long Jinyu's deep hatred frightened her.

She secretly glanced at long Jinyu and said faintly: "the whole Yanlong people know that longchen has been emperor since he was born. He is Yanlong's future, and he is the real emperor. Other people who want to seize the land are thieves."

"What's more, the princess Dongping brought troubles to the imperial court and caused the war of Yanlong, which not only led the royal family to extinction, but also led the common people to the Jedi. For a time, the blood flowed and the people were in dire straits."

"You hate longchen for killing your mother, so why don't you hate your mother? She started all this, and she is the culprit, isn't she?"

Situ Xi's hoarse voice was low and deep. She said it calmly, which not only did not calm long Jinyu's anger, but also made his whole body freeze.

His eyes narrowed slowly, and then Little by little he approached situ Xi.

The pressure from him was so strong that situ Xi felt cold and regretted saying what he had just said.

She is now controlled by long Jinyu. It's no fun to annoy him.

As long Jinyu got closer and closer to him, situ Xi put his hands to his chest.

But the next second, her wrist was firmly grasped.

Long Jinyu's blood red eyes fixed on her tightly and said, "situ Xi, do you know what you just said is all lies, big lies, not a word is true."

"And the truth is that the person with the imperial spirit is not long Chen, but I, long Jinyu, it's me!"

The roar of his ears made his scalp numb.

She was shocked and looked at long Jinyu.

Her unbelievable appearance completely angered long Jinyu. He yanked situ Xi over and grabbed her shoulder with both hands.

He forced her to look at her and said in a deep voice: "look at me, you can see clearly. I am the one who is surrounded by purple Qi. Although the existence of xiaolingnu weakens your ability, I don't believe that you who bear the spiritual power of your ancestors can't feel this kind of Imperial Qi. Look at me, you look at me!"

Long Jinyu is desperate to roar. He shakes her desperately. Situ Xi is dizzy and his abdominal pain is more obvious.

"Let go!" Situ Xi refused him.But long Jinyu's strength was so strong that no matter how he struggled, he could not be shaken.

Several times, a layer of sweat came out of situ Xi's forehead.

She began to force herself to calm down and lift her eyes. She stared at long Jinyu carefully. Long Jinyu's eyes were deep, but she didn't seem to hurt her.

This made situ Xi feel a little relieved.

She said in a hoarse voice: "I really can sense something, but I don't know how to control it. Especially recently, I can't feel anything. The eighth Prince thinks too much of me. If I'm so powerful, how can you catch me?"

Long Jinyu still stared at her, but her eyes softened a lot.

Situ Xi struggled again and said, "you really hurt me."

At this time, long Jinyu finally let go of her, he sat back to the position just now, his mood calmed down a lot, and he didn't seem to force her any more.

Situ Xi secretly looked at him several times. His side face looked like longchen. His lips showed his deep pain.

"That..." Situ Xi cleared his throat and said, "you just said that brother longchen and his mother took your throne by means. What's the matter?"

Long Jinyu glanced at her, then drew back her eyes.

He stretched out his hand to lift the curtain of the carriage and looked out of the window without focus. The carriage shook, and his body also shook gently.

Long Jinyu's appearance gradually sank into the past memories. His eyes became more and more painful, and his whole body was immersed in endless sadness.

After a long time, when situ Xi thought he could not speak, he suddenly opened his mouth.

He said, "my mother, like you, is also a woman bearing the spiritual power of the ancestors of the Wu clan." "What?" As soon as situ Xi was shocked, she didn't expect that long Jinyu's first sentence completely exceeded her expectation. , the fastest update of the webnovel!