Chapter 1081

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
"Er..." Facing his series of questions, Lu Da said with an embarrassed smile: "sorry, Mr. long, I understand that you are worried about your lover's anxiety, but May I see Miss situ first? "

"Oh Long Chen busy side body: "sorry."

"It's OK, ha ha..." Lu Da stepped forward. He took a look at situ Xi's pupil. Then he took out an unknown hand scanner and scanned situ Xi left and right.

After a long time, Lu Da finally got up straight.

"That..." Lu Da hesitated to look at situ Xuan and long Chen, hesitated and said: "Miss situ is really in a sleepy state, not a coma state. It's a good thing, but it's also a difficult thing. " "Because when people are in a coma, it's different from coma. Coma has no resistance, but there is coma. I used to hypnotize Miss situ a few years ago, but at that time she could avoid my hypnosis at a young age. This time, I didn't have absolute confidence to successfully implant memory into her

"What's the success rate?"

"This About 20 percent. "

"Twenty?" Long Chen and Si Tu Xuan are surprised to ask at the same time, the facial expression instantly changes of abnormality ugliness.

Lu Da explained: "you two don't have to be nervous. This is not absolute. It depends on whether the implanted memory Miss situ is willing to accept it. If she doesn't reject it, maybe we are the 20% of the success?"

After his words, long Chen and situ Xuan look at each other.

"How long does it take to implant memory?" Long Chen low asks a voice.

Lu Da turned his mouth and said, "it depends on how long your story is."

"When can it start?"


"Now." Situ Xuan winked, and the medical staff immediately retreated.

Suddenly, there were only three of them and situ Xi in the closed treatment room.

Lu Da takes out the auxiliary tools in his bag and looks at situ Xuan and says, "Xuan Shao, what kind of memory do I need to implant?"

Xuan Xuan frowns, he raises Mou to see to long Chen!

Long Chen understand his meaning, he nodded, beautiful face gradually diffuse a layer of sadness, the scene of that day reappear in my mind, he slowly way!

About ten minutes, long Chen finished what happened that day.

From the time situ Xi's daughter was trapped, to the time when she went to the mansion to rescue her, to the time when she passed through situ Yuanfeng, she replaced Xiao Xing, and finally to her own resurrection and coming with her.

His voice was low and deep, with irresistible magnetism reverberating in the silent room.

Situ Xuan listened in silence.

Lu Da is shocked to listen! He looked at long Chen blankly, until he finished, he politely reminded: "sorry, Mr. long, I have just said that Miss situ is in a state of lethargy, we need the real memory she wants to implant, you It's a bit like the imperial coup, isn't it

"It's a real memory!"

"Ah?" Lyda is a little bit confused. "Cough!" Situ Xuan made a sound at the right time. He reached out and patted Lu Da on the shoulder. Wen Sheng said: "Dr. Lu, where's my sister There has always been a dream of a princess. You know what a girl thinks in her heart is not very practical, but I can guarantee that this memory is absolutely useful to her


"Are you sure you want to use this memory?" Lu Da confirmed again and again.

Situ Xuan nodded slightly and said, "sure!"

Long Chen also serious nod a way: "confirm!"

Lu Da was stunned. He wiped his face slowly and said, "well, that's it!"

He took out an instrument and said in a low voice, "see, this is a micro wave transmitter in my hand. Because miss situ is asleep, I want to stimulate her cerebral cortex and activate her consciousness with micro current. In the process, I will implant memory into her, but... " Lu Da's voice pauses slightly. He looks up at long Chen and says: "there are two fatal risks in the process of implantation. One is her rejection. If she is extremely rejected, please help me turn off the micro current. The second is that she may accept the memory, but still can't get rid of the cage of darkness. In this case, it depends on her will to slowly pull out of the darkness at an appropriate opportunity in the future. "

"Future opportunities? What do you mean The long Chen facial expression ugliness of low ask.

"This..." Lu Da hesitated for a moment and said, "Mr. long, if you want to be quick, you can't reach it. It's the limit for her to accept memory. If you break through the darkness, I'm afraid she can't bear it. If you can't bear the excessive stimulation, you will fall into a deeper coma, and it's even harder to wake up."

After hearing this, long Chen turned pale.

His body shakes, falls to sit at the head of the bed and looks at situ Xi in pain.

Situ Xuan looked at him sympathetically, patted him on the shoulder and said, "Dr. Lu is an expert. It must be right to listen to him. She has been waiting so long. As long as she can wake up, it doesn't matter how long, does it?""Yes, I'll wait for her for as long as I can. I've been waiting for her all the time..." Long Chen murmured, red eyes.

Lu Da was not used to the sad atmosphere. He pulled the soft chair, sat down in front of the bed and said, "well, I'm ready. Can we start?"

Situ Xuan looks at longchen!

Long Chen took a deep look at situ Xi. Then he stepped back and said, "let's go."

"Good!" Lu Da put the conductive clip on situ Xi's fingertip, put the other end on his hand, then pushed the switch and closed his eyes slightly.

In the quiet room!

Lu Da's voice was low and soft, and it was quite soothing. It flowed slowly like a stream. He told the story he had just heard from long Chen without missing a word. It was very emotional. He repeated it over and over again!

More than ten minutes later, Lu Da finished his speech, but situ Xi didn't respond at all.

Long Chen's heart, can't help but mention the throat.

Lu Da didn't open his eyes. He closed his eyes and took more than ten minutes to tell the story again.

This time, situ Xi still didn't respond. Long Chen began to sit still. He could not help but clench his fists on his side. He didn't dare to look away from Xibao's face.

Then, Lu Da began to tell the story for the third time!

This time, Lu Da just said that the little star has been replaced and the child is still alive

All of a sudden, situ Xi, who was sleeping in bed, began to twitch without any sign. Her limbs trembled, and the more she trembled, the more her lips opened and closed, her face watered with tears.

"There's a response, there's a response!" Situ Xuan rushes up excitedly and grabs long Chen's arm. Long Chen is also excited. He feels that his heart is going to jump out of his chest. He bends over and stares at situ Xi, and then his eyes are red! , the fastest update of the webnovel!