Chapter 1128

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Situ Xuan's heart is surrounded by layers of fog. He has never chased a woman in his life. He suddenly feels that the man who can say "woman's heart, undersea needle" is really a God.

Leaning by the door of the car, situ Xuan finished smoking a few cigarettes, but still couldn't figure out a clue.

And just when he was depressed, a strange number called into his mobile phone.

Situ Xuan twisted his eyebrows, reached out and said, "hello?"

"Xuanxuan, it's me!" A woman's sweet voice rang out in the microphone, with a delicate tone and tenderness.

This kind of intonation situ Xuan is too familiar, is already left early autumn, ye qiuya!

Over the years, she contacted him from time to time, wisely kept the distance, and wisely refused to break the contact. It had to be said that the face of early autumn had been quite thick, completely ignoring his indifference.

Hearing this sound, situ Xuan became even more agitated.

He said, "Why are you? What's up? "

"Xuanxuan, I miss you!" The voice of early autumn is a little choked.

Situ Xuan sneered: "why do we have to be so intimate? It seems that we are not even ordinary friends?"

"You still hate me, don't you?" In the voice of early autumn's remorse, he cried: "I know that I left you heartlessly at the beginning, and it's right for you to hate me. But Xuanxuan I really love you. I've been working hard all these years. Fortunately, I've got a doctor's degree in medicine, so I'll give you an explanation! "

"That's it?" Situ Xuan asked coldly.

"Xuanxuan..." Early autumn this voice is really crying.

Situ Xuan sighed: "I think you misunderstood the relationship between us. I'm not who you are, and you're not who I am. Don't call me in the future."

"Xuanbao, please don't do this to me, OK? I know it's wrong. I really know it's wrong. I miss you so much Shall we meet? " Early autumn cried out, full of pleading tone.

"No need!" Situ Xuan said softly, then hung up the call and installed the mobile phone without nostalgia.

He looked up at the "Yade liquor group" which had just been on the sign for a few days, and stepped into the elevator.

Under the leadership of Zidian, the newly established Yade company has begun to take shape, the employees of various departments of the company have been basically in place, and the red wine industry chain is gradually forming.

Zidian's office is on the top floor of the commercial building.

When situ Xuan pushed the door in, he saw Qi Dean's slender fingers flying on the keyboard quickly, staring at the computer screen in front of him with solemn expression. His eyebrows were slightly wrinkled, and there were several wisps of worry in his eyes.

"What's the matter? Is the company in a bad state? "

Zidian looked at him, rubbed his eyebrows and said: "the vineyards in the suburbs have not been discussed, the raw materials of red wine can not be guaranteed, and the quality of wine is not easy to grasp."

"The cost of raw materials from France is too high?"

"Well!" Zidian whispered, his long fingers touching the sore temple.

Her pale face pricked situ Xuan's heart. He couldn't help walking over, took her hand and pressed it for her himself.

When his fingertips touched the skin on Zidian's temple, her body suddenly froze, but soon she relaxed again. Situ Xuan's finger pulp seemed to be carrying a current to accurately find the place of pain, and the strength was just right.

The little resistance in my heart soon disappeared in this comfort.

Zidian relaxed, closed his eyes, leaned back in his chair and pressed.

As a medical champion, situ Xuan knows the structure of the human body like the back of his hand.

He accurately found the source of the pain, stood behind Zidian, arms around the back of the chair, half holding her, the thick palms also wrapped her head in his hands.

"Well..." Zidian unconsciously let out a low hum, this strength is too perfect, she was a little sleepy.

And this low hum, just like a falling feather, brushed the tip of situ Xuan's heart.

He only felt that his ears were slightly crisp. The current flowed round and round from his ears. His heart began to stall and his ear tips were red.

He looked down at Zidian obsessively.

At the moment, she is quiet, her long and thick eyelashes are like a fan, her beautiful nose is straight, her lips are light pink, her lip shape is perfect, and her kiss will be very soft.

Thinking of this, situ Xuan's breathing began to get out of control. When he felt the shock of Zidian's body, he was surprised to feel that he had bent over, only a line away from her white face.

Zidian opened his eyes, his eyes covered with mist.

She didn't seem to know what was going to happen. She just looked at situ Xuan with a kind of confused eyes.

"I want to kiss you, OK?" Situ Xuan's voice was a little hoarse, and his voice was deliberately low, with a kind of alluring magic.

Zidian didn't seem to understand him. He still looked at him with his watery eyes.Situ Xuan's heart leaped wildly. He slowly gathered to her pink lips and gently A devout kiss.

The two lips are close to each other, and touch each other, but they are much softer than he imagined.

The current from the corner of his lips flew by and lifted the oxygen into his bones. Zidian brushed his lips with the tip of his tongue and swallowed twice.

Situ Xuan eyes a dark, staring at her mouth, fierce and kiss over.

This time, unlike just now, he was like a traveler walking in the desert, and finally saw the sweet spring like a crazy desire to absorb.

Zidian was forced to raise her head and bear his stormy kiss. Her silent acceptance made situ Xuan's heart tremble.

He held her face in his hands, and his eager kiss swam around her mouth and face. Then he came to her ear and whispered, "be my girlfriend, OK?"

Zidian froze.

"Be my girlfriend, and I'll be nice to you!" Si Tu Xuan feels her stiff Zheng, anxiously added a sentence, for fear that she refuses.

But Zidian refused.

She seems to be startled, hands against the chest of situ Xuan, desperately resist him.

"Come on Let go of me, situ Xuan Well... "

"No, I'll never let go of your hand." Situ Xuan chattered and opened her lips. His powerful arms pressed her shoulder, trying to get deeper into the kiss.

Zidian blushed like a drop of blood. She bit him subconsciously in a panic. He didn't let go until the smell of blood filled his mouth.

Situ Xuan snorted and stopped in pain. His mouth was covered with light blood and his eyes were burning at her.

Zidian gasped in a hurry, covered his heart with his hands, his face was white, his beautiful eyes were a little scared, his lips trembled for a long time, and he didn't say a word. Situ Xuan did not give up, forced to lift her chin and look at him, he did not repeat to ask, just looked at her, vowed to an answer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!