Chapter 1151

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Li Yuzhong's photo is inlaid on the tombstone. In the photo, he is wearing a Zhongshan suit with a serious face. He remembers that it was taken when they left the mountain village. This Zhongshan suit is also the only one of his clothes on the table.

Zidian reached out, his fingers trembling.

She shivered and touched the stone tablet. The cold touch added a little sadness. She used her finger to describe her face in the dream again and again, and also murmured guilt and apology again and again.

"I'm sorry, Dad, I'm sorry It's me, it's me I'm Huanhuan. I came to see you. Sorry I didn't do what I promised. I said I would accompany you and pick up bones for you. "

"But I'm really useless, I can't do anything, I can't do anything, Dad Dad Sobbing If you don't have me, you won't die at all. If you don't meet her, will you have your own home and children... "

"Dad Dad... " Qi Dian has a lot to say to Li Yuzhong, but she has a thousand words, but in the end, it only condensed into two words dad!

She thought of her father's death in the array, just to give her a chance of survival. She thought of her father's loss of all the five internal organs after she tasted the poison. She thought of his reassuring look when he died. She thought of his bones melting and rotting little by little in the array, and finally there was only a pile of white bones.

He paid for himself all his life, and finally lost his life, no regrets!

But she can't be filial to her children, and she will be killed miserably. The woman in his life bows her head to surrender. She hates, she hates!

Five fingers cling to the stone tablet, nail fracture, leaving a few bloodstains.

There was a strong hatred in Zidian's eyes and a great anger in her heart. She felt a huge pain whirling in her abdomen and rushing to the viscera.

She knew that she was poisoned again. In order to prevent this sudden outbreak of toxin, she carried a micro needle, but she didn't want to stop the pain, the pain of killing the heaven, and let him have a kind of self abuse relief.

Only when the pain reached such a level could she have the face to kneel here and call her father!

"Poof..." Qidian could not bear the pain. Her blood sprayed on the stone tablet and dyed Li Yuzhong's face red.

"Dad Dad She weak low shout, in front of more and more fuzzy, stone also began to shake not oneself.

"Miss Qi, Miss Qi, are you ok?"

Zidian shook her head as hard as she could. She heard voices calling from behind her and footsteps approaching her.

"Don't come here!" Zidian let out a roar.

As expected, the footsteps stopped behind him. Zidian's shaking hand pinched his leg, and then quickly put the medicine into the blood vessel.

It hurts. It hurts to the bone.

The late medicine didn't relieve much, but the servant's voice surprised her. She was in Huayu City, beside Xuanbao.

She can't let Xuanxuan find her abnormality, she can't let anyone know that she was poisoned.

Grabbing the sleeve, she blocked the bloodstain with her body. She almost made the last effort of her body: "I want to be alone. Go away and don't disturb me."

"This All right, then The person behind answered, but instead of turning away, she raised her hand, and a coin sized object flew to the direction of Zidian.

Just when the object was only one meter away from Zidian, it suddenly exploded in the air silently, the mist dispersed in the air, and the colorless and tasteless gas gradually disappeared.

Zidian felt a little relieved when the pain eased, but she didn't expect that her eyelids would become more and more heavy.

What's going on?

She was afraid of going to sleep. She was afraid that she would never wake up if she fainted here. But in the end, she couldn't resist the effect of the medicine and fell to the ground.


At the moment when Qi Di'an fell to the ground, situ Xuan's figure came quickly from the corner. Just now, the servant immediately showed a respectful look.

Situ Xuan didn't answer.

He directly opened the medicine box in his hand, quickly took the needle, carefully took a tube of blood from the hidden place on Zidian's body, and then extracted the residual amount of the medicine from the needle where Zidian injected the medicine.

"Aries, take care of her here. When she's about to wake up, get out of the way. Don't let her notice."

Aries immediately said: "well, master, don't worry, I know how to do."

"Well!" Situ Xuan got up with the medicine box and opened the communicator. As he went to the laboratory, he ordered related matters.

Ten minutes later Huayucheng underground laboratory!

Several internationally renowned experts gathered together, with a cutting-edge instrument in hand. They looked at the slowly changing data values on the screen without blinking, and exchanged opinions in a low voice from time to time.

Situ Xuan did not participate in the analysis. He was wearing a pure white sterile suit and sat on the sofa in the corner of the laboratory.

His eyes have been staring at the catheter with the blood removed. He is quiet as if he does not exist. No one knows what he is thinking. Only Zhuo fan knows that situ Xuan is afraid.Looking at his hands clasped together, sometimes relaxed, sometimes nervous! His breathing is heavy and his body is as tight as a sculpture.

Zhuo fan couldn't bear it. He watched the young master grow up. When did he see him so frightened?

"Little master, have some tea!" Zhuo fan pushed the tea to him and sighed softly: "you don't have to worry. No matter what poison Miss Wei Yin has, she has an antidote herself. Even if she can't completely remove the poison, she knows the ingredients and can develop an antidote."

Situ Xuan held the tea and said coldly, "how long will it take for the result to come out?"

"Soon!" Zhuo fan looked at situ Xuan. He wanted to say something, but he opened his mouth and just sighed.

How much longer? This is the only repetition of the little master. He is the most powerful pharmacologist in the world. He is more familiar with this process than anyone else, but he lost his judgment.

"How's Huanhuan?" Situ Xuan asked again.

Zhuo Fan said: "I haven't woken up yet. Baiyang is guarding her. There won't be any problem."

Situ Xuan sighed. He didn't speak. He rubbed his eyebrows with his fingers. He was in a violent stage.

He couldn't calm down at the thought that she would suffer such a torment when she was poisoned.

"Master, the result has come out."

"Bring it here."

Several medical staff came over with a list, and they silently put these in front of situ Xuan.

Situ Xuan took it and looked at it. More and more His face grew colder.

"Asshole!" At the end, situ Xuanmeng roared and slapped the paper on the tea table. The pain of Mu Mu came from his palm, and the pain of his heart made him unable to breathe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!