Chapter 1172

Name:Cold CEO Daddy Author:Qi Xi Wan Zi
Qidian has no response to Xiao Shurong's exploration. She looks at cangyu with a gloomy face there and knows that cangyu must have done something in the middle.

However, it also made him more determined. This shows that Xiao Shurong has a little reaction to her deliberate closeness, but it has achieved initial results.

In this case, the image of the good girl should be played hard.

With a little smile, Qidian took Xiao Shurong's arm and said, "Mom, just give us a good look. Everything depends on you. Can't you do it?"

Xiao Shurong was shocked by her sudden closeness. However, Qidian grasped her tightly. She earned two times but did not break away, so she simply let her grasp.

However, her tone is still not loose, light way: "if you had this sentence, why should I go to situ's home to talk about that time?"? It's not easy. "

Qi Dean just wanted to talk, but situ Xuan said: "Auntie, I will be a family in the future, and the family will not talk about two families. What do you want, just tell me, filial piety is what I should do."

Xiao Shurong was stunned for a moment. She moved her lips, but she couldn't make a sound.

She took a complicated look at Qidian and then at situ Xuan. After a long time, she said, "OK, let's eat."

Everyone is seated one by one.

Cang Yu's face was very ugly, especially when she looked at Zidian with obvious anger.

Qidian pretended not to see it. She looked at the dish and fixed her eyes on the crisp pumpkin with coconut. It was a dessert. She remembered that every time she came, cangyu would specially order the kitchen to prepare this dish.

"Mom, this is your favorite. Try it." Zidian put a piece in front of her.

Xiao Shurong was stunned again and looked up at cangyu.

Cang Yu didn't speak, but Qingzhan chuckled on the side.

The restaurant is very quiet. Qingzhan's smile is very abrupt. Everyone's eyes look at her. She's a little embarrassed.

"If you don't go down, it will disturb the host's eating. Let's see how I can deal with you!" The rain is full of fire, is worried that there is no place to vent, Qingzhan came to the door.

Zidian was about to speak when his thigh was held down by a thick palm.

Situ Xuan pressed her leg and winked at her quietly.

Zidian had to sit back.

I was told that Qingzhan didn't say a word at ordinary times. Today, I don't know what happened, but I was wronged and explained: "sorry, steward Cang, I saw that the young lady finally dared to give the pumpkin to her wife. I was so excited that I couldn't help it."

"Not yet!" Cang Yu's hoarse voice gave a low roar.

Qingzhan is more worried.

She said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, before the young lady just holding the basin in a daze, want to send to his wife and afraid, once did not send out..."

"You said it

"Grey rain!" Xiao Shurong suddenly said: "we are not dignitaries in our family to care about with a girl, and the diners are not outsiders. We just smile and don't need to scold her."

Cang Yu's face changed slightly. He glared at Qingzhan and said, "yes, madam!"

"Eat Xiao Shurong's voice was softer, and she lowered her head to eat the pumpkin that Zidian had given her.

The restaurant was quiet again, only occasionally came the sound of chopsticks crashing.

After eating, Qingzhan brewed tea quickly.

Xiao Shurong brought it to smell.

Qingzhan said quickly, "this is from master situ. It has the effect of digesting food and moistening intestines. Madam, try it."

Xiao Shurong took a sip, put down her cup and said, "Mingren doesn't talk in secret, master situ. I can see that you like Dean very much, but I'm such a daughter. I won't let her marry someone without strength."

"Don't worry, auntie. I'll be Dean's life support."

"All my life?" Xiao Shurong said with a sneer: "when a woman looks for a man, she can figure out his money, his power and his color. What she can't figure out most is his love and his kindness!"

Xiao Shurong turned her head and said with a complicated look: "Dean, if Tu situ Xuan is good to you, then one day if he is bad to you, what else do you have?"

Zidian stammered and whispered, "Mom, I believe him!" "Ha Xiao Shurong seems to have heard a joke and said faintly: "when we are in love, who doesn't believe in each other? As you know, your father and I had the same relationship. I loved him and I believed in him. But in the middle, we have been separated for a long time. Without you, we may not be able to get together. "

"So love is the most empty thing in the world. Don't blame mom for the reality. Only by grasping what's useful can you become useful. "

Qi Dean felt that Xiao Shurong was different today, so he took a deep look at her. Xiao Shurong turned her head, raised her brightest smile and said, "master situ, if you want to marry my daughter, it's not impossible. I want you to transfer all your property to my daughter's name, including your shares in situ's family。”

Once this is said, the room is quiet.

"Ma!" Zidian first came back to her senses. She could not help clenching both sides and said in a trembling voice: "you are clearly I don't want us together. "

Xiao Shurong smile unchanged, as if did not hear Qi Dean's words, that pair of smart eyes, quietly staring at situ Xuan's face.

Situ Xuan was stunned when he heard this, and soon he calmed down.

He asked, "Auntie, if I really give Dean everything, do you promise that she will marry me?"

Xiao Shurong picks her eyebrows and makes no comment.

"Good!" "I will discuss this with my family and give you a reply as soon as possible, but I hope to register with Dean to get married when the stock exchange is going on," he said

Xiao Shurong is still smiling, and her smile is even deeper.

When situ Xuan finished, she gave a smile and said after a few seconds, "when you transfer your shares, you can tell me about the registration."

"Xuan..." "Nothing!" Situ Xuan rubbed Qi Dean's long hair and said in a soft voice: "since we decided to be together, mine is yours. It doesn't matter in either of our names. Even in the name of auntie, it doesn't matter. They are all family. There's no difference between them."

Zidian's heart is very complex, with intense uneasiness, with a violent move.

She knows who Xiao Shurong is too well. She shows her kindness. She thinks she is soft hearted, but in the end, she is just scheming.

She intended to protect situ Xuan, want to be with him, want to give Xiao Shurong a little sweet, pull her to a boat, never want to hurt situ Xuan. But in fact, Xiao Shurong just changed a pattern to suck blood from situ Xuan. , the fastest update of the webnovel!